On Estonia’s Isle of Women a Colorful Folkloric Way of Life Survives

On Estonia’s Isle of Women a Colorful Folkloric Way of Life Survives

Welcome to Estonia’s Isle of Women
What would life be like without men? On this tiny Baltic island, it’s business as usual. But its colorful, folkloric way of life is threatened by a dwindling population.


‘Sound Portraits From Bulgaria: A Journey To A Vanished World’

Martin Koenig: “Sound Portraits from Bulgaria and the Balkans: Photographs and Recordings”

Princeton Library
Wednesday, October 23, 6:30 pm
8:30 pm
65 Witherspoon Street
Princeton, NJ 08542 United States

Smithsonian Folkways Presents  ‘Sound Portraits From Bulgaria: A Journey To A Vanished World’ (Out Nov. 1)

Martin Koenig arrived in Bulgaria in 1966 at age 27 with letters of recommendation from fellow recordist Alan Lomax and anthropologist Margaret Mead, an educator and cultural documentarian determined to study the folk dances of rural communities throughout the country. As he travelled, absorbing the culture and speaking with the people he encountered, Koenig became captivated by the earthy and ancient, yet very much alive, music he heard all around him. He recorded the music he was exposed to, and took photographs of not only dancers, but the village singers and musicians as well as those going about their daily lives around these hotbeds of creative expression. Enraptured with the people of Bulgaria, their way of life and the art they made, he returned several times between 1966 and ‘79, documenting everything he could.
Press Release

Sound Portraits from Bulgaria: A Journey to a Vanished World
Thursday, October 17, 2019, 6 p.m.

Program Locations:
New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center, Bruno Walter Auditorium

Fully accessible to wheelchairs
Free – Online Reservation required

For over two decades, starting in the mid-1960s, ethnographer and Balkan dance specialist, Martin Koenig researched and documented traditional Bulgarian music and dance forms in their original settings. To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Center for Traditional Music and Dance, Koenig comes to the Library to reveal a forgotten and vanishing culture with archival photographs and audio.

Reserve your general admission seat HERE starting  September 17th, 2019.

Free General Admission Ticket
FM assistive listening devices available upon request with one week minimum advance notice.
Call 212-340-0918 or 212-340-0951 to request these devices.
ASL interpretation and real-time (CART) captioning available upon request. Please submit your request at least two weeks in advance by emailing



more on Traditional Dance

Roots of Folkdance
Hoedowns are the roots of southern square dancing. Jamison

Roots of Folkdance
other world cultures. ROOTS OF MODERN DANCE Performing Arts Dance

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Toronto starting in 1970. Dance creates and develops rhythmical

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in the marching band and dance band music of the day, which was

#Educational CyberPlayGround #NetHappenings Singing Revolution

This is the power of music & voice raised in song. When spoken word fails, the singing voice can succeed. Do you know Estonia’s history of choral groups & its “Singing Revolution?” They sang the Soviet Union out of the Baltics. Music is power. Watch.

Central Banks Are in Panic Mode — for Good Reason

On July 30, 2019, the day before the U.S. central bank, the Federal Reserve, cut interest rates by one-quarter of one percent, the yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury note closed the day at 2.06 percent.

Peter Thiel says FBI, CIA should probe Google – Axios

Alphabet Playing Both Sides
There’s no denying Alphabet is engaged in the seemingly treasonous decision to work with the Chinese military and not with the U.S. military, but it’s well known BigTech on both sides of the world work with their governments actively as well. Google is a divided international tech nation, both politically and ethically on these battle lines.


Jeffrey E. Epstein

In 1973, Barr’s father Donald, the headmaster at Manhattan’s Dalton School, hired Epstein as a calculus and physics teacher. Epstein’s mathematical skills caught the eye of Bear Stearns’ chairman, Alan “Ace” Greenberg, whose son attended the Dalton School. Greenberg hired Epstein as an options trader and the former teacher was able to amass a fortune.

Described by prosecutors this week as a “man of nearly infinite means,” a 2011 SEC filing has provided a window into the registered sex offender’s elite Wall Street links, according to the Financial Times.

JPMorgan Kept Jeffrey Epstein as a Client Despite Internal Warnings

Lawsuits – Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey E. Epstein Sex Slaves Lawsuits

Katie Johnson vs. Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey E. Epstein

So, Acosta, according to himself, backed off on prosecuting Epstein back in 2007, despite the possession of ample evidence proving his guilt, because he “belonged to intelligence.” Whose intelligence, exactly? is the first of many questions that arise here.


L Brands’ Lawyers Have a Lot More to Worry about than just Jeffrey Epstein By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: August 8, 2019

Leslie Wexner, Chairman and CEO of L Brands
The Chairman and CEO of L Brands, Leslie (Les) Wexner, came out yesterday with a statement accusing Jeffrey Epstein of swindling “vast sums of money” from Wexner and his family.

Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey E. Epstein Sex Slaves Lawsuits

Get Rid of Epstein lover Manhattan DA Cy Vance

How Jeffrey Epstein Lost $80 Million in a Hedge-Fund Bet Gone Bad

Jeffrey Epstein Borrowed ‘Tainted Money’ From Deutsche Bank, Says Former Mentor

‘It’s our dark corner’: Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Pedophile Island’ no secret on St. Thomas https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/jul/10/jeffrey-epstein-pedophile-island-no-secret-st-thom/

Leon Black kept Jeffrey Epstein as charity director after plea deal https://nypost.com/2019/07/09/leon-black-kept-jeffrey-epstein-as-charity-director-after-plea-deal/

Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of disgraced British publishing mogul Robert Maxwell and Epstein’s girlfriend for a brief period in the ’90s. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1365733/How-Prince-Andrew-shared-room-Epsteins-Caribbean-hideaway-busty-blonde-claimed-brain-surgeon.html

Robert Maxwell, born Ján Ludvík Hyman Binyamin Hoch. He was a Flamboyant, larger than life character in Britain’s publishing world, as owner of the Daily Mirror.

Educational CyberPlayGround, Inc. NetHappenings and K12Newsletters 6.2.19

Educational CyberPlayGround, Inc. NetHappenings and K12Newsletters 6.2.19


  • Find a School – Discover the right school for your child.

  • The history of sign language

  • The contemporary Icelandic belief in elves explained

  • Anatomy of a Perfect Album: On Joni Mitchell’s Blue

  • Joel Bernstein lifetime achievement award for photography

  • Virality Is Dead

  • David Epstein on the Genius of the Self-Taught Musician

  • Personas of a Rock ‘N’ Roll Icon

  • 737 MAX Disaster fatal consequences

  • US Customs Facial Recognition Photos Data Breach

  • Why airport face scans are a privacy trap

  • GPS Degraded Across Much of US

  • Online Spreadsheet Discloses Museum Workers’ Salaries

Find a School – Discover the right school for your child.
Find and compare K12 Schools and School Districts in the USA and Territories.  https://k12playground.com/


The history of sign language

Anatomy of a Perfect Album: On Joni Mitchell’s Blue
Mitchell starts the record right off with wanderlust, her first words: I am on a lonely road and I am traveling, traveling, traveling, traveling, amplifying the feeling later: I am on a lonely road and I am traveling / Looking for the key to set me free. By boat, plane, foot, and ice skate, her whims and fancies take her to a Greek island, Paris (she doesn’t like it there), Spain, Las Vegas, maybe Amsterdam and Rome, and return home to her Ithaca, which is California. You hear Mitchell’s original Canadian-ness when she lands on the word “sorrow” as “soe-row” on “Little Green,” a poignant 1967 song, revived for this recording, from the perspective of a young single mother, also in the reverent way she intones the Canadian national anthem, “O Canada,” in the middle of “A Case of You.”

Friend  JOEL BERNSTEIN Musician / Photographer / Writer / Archivist  Compilation of Photographs – all the album covers you know
2018 IPHF FEATURES PROFILE ON JOEL FOR HIS LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD [ friend during junior high / high school times ]

Images of rock legends from Laurel Canyon

Virality Is Dead
I’m an independent concert promoter going on 40 years now. My clients are now only a few, and I work them nationwide. Without question, Facebook “boosted posts” are quietly putting radio and print out of business in terms of how to get the word out on a cost-effective basis. And you don’t really need virality anymore in order to promote an artist or event.
I’m not talking Facebook “ads,” but “boosted posts.” Users see these posts from the artist’s page in their newsfeeds and can share them organically, unlike “ads,” which cannot be shared. I used to spend thousands of dollars breaking a show with print ads and radio. I won’t mention the act or the market, but recently I spent $1000 on a print ad in a major metropolitan market and… in a literal example of the old saying… “Did 10 tickets.” That’s right. I sold exactly 10 tickets, not even covering the cost of the ad. I spent a fraction of that amount on boosted Facebook posts and did 500 tickets. And you wonder how the Russians spent only $100k on Facebook and turned an entire election in 2016? ~ Brian Martin”

David Epstein on the Genius of the Self-Taught Musician

What David Bowie Borrowed From William Burroughs On the Shifting Personas of a Rock ‘N’ Roll Icon

Online Spreadsheet Discloses Museum Workers’ Salaries
In another sign of increasing demand for transparency at art institutions across the world, museum workers have begun making public their salary rates via a Google Spreadsheet document that began circulating on Friday morning. Titled Art/Museum Salary Transparency 2019, the document allows users to add information about the terms of their employment and their rates of pay at some of the biggest museums in the world.

Folklore: The contemporary Icelandic belief in elves explained

Overview of the ArtPlace/DAISA initiative (download a copy of the report) here: https://www.artplaceamerica.org/agriculture-food
The report argues that “integrating artistic and cultural practices with food and agriculture enables a creative and inclusive process and ensures community members see their identities, histories, and interests reflected in the work.” ~ Clifford Murphy – Folk & Traditional Arts Director | Multidisciplinary Arts National Endowment for the Arts


Don’t smile for surveillance: Why airport face scans are a privacy trap

How Boeing’s Bean-Counters Courted the 737 MAX Disaster Just when the smallest jet should have been replaced with a new model, the company fell into tight-fisted hands—with fatal consequences. https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-boeing-bean-counters-courted-the-737-max-disaster

US Customs And Border Protection’s Database Of Traveler Facial Recognition Photos Was Stolen In A Data Breach
“CBP learned that a subcontractor … transferred copies of license plate images and traveler images collected by CBP to the subcontractor’s company network. The subcontractor’s network was subsequently compromised by a malicious cyber-attack.” https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/daveyalba/the-us-governments-database-of-traveler-photos-has-been

GPS Degraded Across Much of US
Blog Editor’s Note: Even as a Presidential Advisory Board was discussing GPS as “the Gold Standard” for satellite-based navigation last week, the system may have been operating in a degraded mode.
On Sunday the Federal Aviation Administration held a teleconference to discuss the issue that seems to have persisted for several days.  While not “failing,” GPS signal quality seems to have degraded and this is impacting some equipment and services. Specifically, the aviation safety Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast system has been impacted across much of the United States. FAA has posted the following map depicting the areas impacted:
These problems have delayed and cancelled flights, possibly by the thousands. The FAA seems to have addressed some of this problem by issuing waivers for some aircraft to fly without operable ADS-B safety systems, as long as they stay on pre-planned routes and below 28,000 ft altitude.
Speculation on some on-line forums point to specific manufactures’ equipment and aircraft that are primarily effected. Previous degradation in GPS signal quality, such as the SVN-23 caused problem in January 2016, have shown that equipment from different vendors react differently to the problem. Some are unaffected, some go offline, and some just perform poorly.
The January 2016 SVN-23 degradation caused much of the nation’s ADS-B system to be unavailable for much of the day. Other receivers and systems were impacted also. Cellular networks, first responder systems, digital broadcast, and numerous other systems were impacted.
Watchstanders at the US Coast Guard Navigation Center seemed unaware of the problem early Monday morning, but promised to investigate and respond.