K12 Department of Education Sequester

The Department of Education’s share of the sequester is $2.5 billion.

K12 Department of Education Sequester

President Obama recently signed into law a Continuing Resolution (CR) agreement, extending funding for education programs and other parts of the federal budget at Fiscal Year 2013 levels — minus $85 billion in automatic, across-the-board budget cuts, also known as the sequester — through September 30, 2013.  The Department of Education’s share of the sequester is $2.5 billion.  The CR also included an additional across-the-board budget cut of 0.2%, which works out to about $136 million of the agency’s $68 billion in discretionary funding.  The CR requires all agencies to submit an operating plan to Congress showing the amounts for programs, projects, and activities by April 25.  Meanwhile, the President will release his FY 2014 budget proposal on April 10.