K12Playground.com- GOVERNANCE

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► “When they substitute their knowledge for ours, we grow angry because they have robbed us of our agency.”

@weeklystandard @smarick Trends in governing have eroded the beliefs, norms and processes by which we learn to be accommodating citizens in a pluralistic, deliberative democracy. By manufacturing rights that limit democratic decision-making, centralizing power in Washington far from citizens’…

►  January 2019 “Within period of 72 hours, Nixon was inaugurated for second term, LBJ died, Roe v. Wade was decided, Vietnam War settlement was announced–all 46 years ago this month. ~ @BeschlossDC

Ajit Pai Refuses to Brief Congress About Why Bounty Hunters Can Buy Cell Phone Location Data

Ex-RNC Chair Puts Trump-Supporting Senators On Notice: ‘It’s All Collusion’

► Former Trump Tax Attorney Ed Burke’s Office Raided by Feds
It was reported in 2016 that Ald. Ed Burke’s firm helped Donald Trump trim $11.7M off his property taxes

Here’s What I’m Telling US Congress about Data Breaches

► “Your regular reminder that Equifax still exists. Everyone who was running the company when 148 million Americans’ data was stolen is still rich, and now their former lawyer is running the office at the Federal Trade Commission that’s supposed to investigate them.”

►  Montgomery County PA Announces Purchase of New Voting Machines

Songwriters Score Win Over Streaming Services With Pay Hike

National Music Publishers’ Association
The Copyright Royalty Board ruled that songwriters will get at least a 15.1% share of streaming revenues over the next five years, from a previous 10.5%. The CRB’s decision will require streaming services to pay 15.1 percent of revenue to songwriters and publishers, up from 10.5 percent. The court also issued a ruling regarding a late fee, which will force digital music services to pay songwriters faster, or be subject to a significant penalty.
Amazon, Apple, Google, Pandora and Spotify compelled to pay more for the use of music.
Pryor Cashman who represented NMPA and NSAI in the litigation that resulted in the Copyright Royalty Board (CRB) being ruled to increase royalty payments to songwriters and music publishers from music streaming companies.
This was a hearing pitting songwriters and music publishers against five technology companies, including three of the largest companies in the world (Apple, Amazon and Google), which sought to reduce the already low rate of royalties that they pay to songwriters for the use of their music on their streaming services.

Federal Judge Asks Spotify: ‘How Many Songs Have You Infringed, Anyway?’

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