Michael Flynn and Roger Stone’s Dangerous Crusade Continues

So it appears Judge Aileen Cannon is a classified-documents denier.

Someone should ask her who won the 2020 presidential election.

BUCKS COUNTY BEACON Opinion, Top 5 by Jennifer Cohn
September 15, 2022

Michael Flynn and Roger Stone’s Dangerous Crusade Continues
The militant “Black Robe Regiment” is set to recruit pastors with Flynn in Pennsylvania. A Christian leader tied to the Regiment will rally for Mastriano Friday.
President Joe Biden was wrong. The MAGA movement isn’t semi-fascist. It is actually 100% christo-fascist
Under the stewardship of Michael Flynn and Roger Stone (former President Trump’s longtime advisor), the movement has evolved into a hellish coalition of Christian dominionists and violent extremist groups. Its goal is to replace our democracy with a militant theocracy. While right-wing propagandists have feigned outrage over Biden’s “semi-fascism” remarks, this dangerous coalition has continued its swift advance across America.
A few specific developments should alarm everyone who values American democracy. First, during the July 2022 stop of Flynn’s (multi-state) ReAwaken America Tour (RAT) in Virginia, Flynn and a militant group called the “Black Robe Regiment” recruited 150 pastors into the organization’s ranks. Jim Garlow, an apostle with the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) religious movement, participated in the commissioning, according to a report that the Regiment posted on Rumble after the event. <SNIP>

This DeSantis human trafficking story isn’t ever going away. You cannot just steal 50 people.
“Our clients’ civil rights were violated. They were fraudulently induced to get on a plane with false representations, false promises made, flown across state lines under false pretenses. And we know that that is a violation of their civil rights.”
MINDF K @gal_suburban
Jay Odom Individual Political Donations from 2018 – 2022
Business partner of the Florida guy that got the migrant aviation contract


No one in Biden’s Cabinet is older than Biden

Reagan was an unmitigated disaster for the US, a b list actor hired by Wall Street to deregulate everything, steal from SS, dismantle the pension system and set us back 100 on renewable energy…

My dad was a member of PATCO, the air traffic controller’s union. They weren’t on strike for more money, benefits, NONE of that They were on strike against unsafe work practices, outdated radar, no Doppler, KOREAN WAR era equipment! He was fired 6 months before a 20 year pension.”

“Lives were destroyed forever as a result of Reagan firing air traffic controllers, including my uncle, the sweetest person ever, who absolutely LOVED his job & could never be rehired. It through his family into an economic crisis from which they never recovered. He died @ age 51.”


 A tale of two presidents: when confronted with a potentially crippling strike by air traffic controllers, Reagan fired the controllers & broke the union. Confronted with a looming strike by railroad workers & owner lockdown, Biden negotiated & workers are better off. Reagan used the strike to set path on union busting. Unions were already in decline, & Reagan gave them a shove over the cliff. he GOP and their industrial patrons knew then and know now that unions help protect the middle class, democracy, wages, healthcare. Biden understands that too and is working to bring union jobs back to the US through new manufacturing initiatives for a green future. And by negotiating so the workers & businesses don’t get screwed. Workers had wages frozen for two years. Two years of negotiation led to an impasse. Biden got Labor Secretary Walsh on it June & with the shutdown looking intensified negotiations adding Secs Buttigieg & Vilsack.
“Biden personally called [Labor Sec] Walsh and negotiators on Wednesday evening to prod them toward a deal, telling them “once again to recognize the harm” that a shutdown would have on families, farmers and businesses,” The unions still have to vote, and a strike several weeks down the line is possible, but a certain lockdown & strike on Friday are averted. With a GOP POTUS like Reagan, the outcome would have been bad. 
Biden’s remarkable Ieadership instincts & experience have paid off again.

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