Harlen Crow Owns House Negro Clarence Thomas and family

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In the latest scandal to rock the United States Supreme Court, reports have emerged that Harlan Crow, the Republican megadonor, offered to pay to send Ginni Thomas to law school for a second time.


Billionaire benefactor Harlan Crow paid private school tuition for Clarence Thomas’s grandnephew

Harlan Crow paid for Thomas’s Mother’s house and land also pays her rent.


Laurence Trib @tribelaw
Congress has ample power to enact ethical standards to govern the non-judicial conduct of SCOTUS Justices, derived from the Necessary & Proper Cl of Art I, Sec 8, coupled with Art III, Sec 1’s vesting of the judicial power in one Supreme Court. Such a code would enhance, not erode, the currently endangered independent judiciary.

[ECP] NetHappeinings 3/12/19 #K12 #CPO

#NetHappenings @Nethappenings

3/12/19 #Web30 The World Wide Web turns 30 today!

Do you remember what life was like 30 years ago, pre-www,  when cyber-utopians heralded the new era of human collaboration and communication to  the underworld of social media posts called  ‘e-bile’?

Who Invented the Internet?
Who Controls The Internet?
Seven people control the system at the heart of the web: the domain name system, or DNS.

NetHappenings Where Internet Pioneer Gleason Sackmann got things started.

► @NetHappenings 

► K12PlayGround TM 
1st and oldest online K12 School directory in the World ©1993 History:
Be a part of Internet History!
Find, Edit, and Submit your K12 school information.
Join a #STEAM Project link to video project  find with #hashtags

EduTech of ND @EduTechND History: Where Internet Pioneer Gleason Sackmann got things started.
EduTech provides information technology services and education technology professional development to K-12 educators in ND.


Girls Go CyberStart. The 2019 Girls Go CyberStart program is a series of online challenges that allow students to act as cyber protection agents to solve cybersecurity-related puzzles and explore related topics such as cryptography and digital forensics.

NetBSD is a free, fast, secure, and highly portable Unix-like Open Source operating system. It is available for a wide range of platforms, from large-scale servers and powerful desktop systems to handheld and embedded devices.

Marcus J. Ranum, #Computer and #NetworkSecurity Researcher is now discussing our assumptions about #ComputerSecurity at #govsatcom 2019 #CyberSecurity #Luxembourg

2011 “The Internet will remain as insecure as it is possible to be and still function. ” -Marcus Ranum

► Amnesty Demands Israel Revoke NSO’s License After Haaretz Report on Firm’s Negotiations With Saudis Israeli Firm’s Spyware Was Used to Track Khashoggi

► Coinbase’s Newest Team Members Helped Authoritarians Worldwide Monitor Journalists and Dissidents H — king team

Never underestimate power, never underestimate fame. And our nation is run on loyalty, whether it be in Congress or your own little home, we’re positively tribal. Being rich and famous does not entitle you to break society’s rules. From time immemorial the wealthy have paid for silence, look at banks and offshore tax accounts.


How much less California spends on each public school student than other states.
$25.4k per student in NYC, $16.7k in PA and $10.4k here in California.
How do young families keep moving  to CA?

Rankings of the States 2017 and Estimates of School Statistics 2018

California is 41st in the nation in per pupil K-12 spending

California is “No. 1 in per prisoner” spending.

Mostly True: You are shocked because the stats are bunk. Look at how much California teachers make (2nd highest in US) and then ask how overall spending could rank 41st? Answer: the 41st stat, like the $10.4k per student stat, has been helpfully “adjusted” to eliminate salary differences.

FALL ENROLLMENT 49,800,148 children
Average Daily Attendance 46,457,525 children

2017 High School Graduates 3,238,440 page 18


How Much Federal Money follows the child out of the public school system into for profit charter follows no rules companies.


The exceptions start on page 83
example: Enrollment figures only include students attending public schools and do not include those students attending private schools at public expense.


Is The Lottery Shortchanging Schools?

Powerball Windfall? Schools Don’t Always Benefit From Lottery Sales

“Revenues generated from lottery have very little or no impact on overall education spending,” said Lucy Dadayan, a senior policy analyst at the Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government, an Albany, New York, think tank. The reason: State legislatures often use the millions of dollars that come in from the lottery as an opportunity to reallocate other funds intended for schools from the state’s general revenue, making the overall education budget barely higher than it was before lottery money was added. “The state legislators added the funding in to the budget, and then they take it out,” said John O’Neil, communications director for the Virginia Education Association, an organization of more than 50,000 teachers and school professionals.

►Public school districts large systems that serve close to or more than 100,000 students have No Chief Privacy Officers.

Who is senior-level official who is responsible for the organization’s privacy policies and data governance in your school district?

Big Education Ape: Oakland, CA: Billionaires Will Convene to Discuss New Plans for Privatizing Public Schools | Diane Ravitch’s blog

Stats already show that Charter Schools do not graduate their students from high school.

Billionaires want all the K12 Department of Education money meant for the common good, the commons, our common wealth for their own pocket. These billionaires want the tax payers money for their own private  gain just to enrich themselves.

This has NOTHING to do with the quality of K12 Education.

The big business of selling student information and they do not protect their rights to privacy.

This is the art of the Steal.


Buying and selling the Data!

Anonymous at the top of the list
Chan Zuckerberg Foundation
Charles & Helen Schwab Foundation
The Walton Family Foundation
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Perkins Hunter Foundation (Perkins family wealth started by opium drug running pirates)
The College Board
Michael & Susan Dell Foundation
John & Ann Doerr
Omidyar Network


Children’s Rights K12 School Rights vs. Students Online privacy rights.


#ChiefPrivacyOfficer #CPO #K12CPO


DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR STATE IS COLLECTING ABOUT YOUR CHILD?There isn’t a single school district with a K-12 CPO. In fact, it is still extremely rare for districts to hire even one full-time employee dedicated to privacy.

Student Privacy Bill Protection : No Parental Consent Needed for Data Mining

Anyone who tells you they don’t need privacy because they “have nothing to hide” is a sheep that will enable a total surveillance state. Just don’t do it. Privacies protect our basic human rights.

► This story on IBM hoovering up millions of Flickr photos to power its facial recognition machine learning is fascinating and a nightmare

Facebook Is Giving Advertisers Access to Your Shadow Contact Information

: “Screen-grabbed from Facebook: a teacher had her students turn their phone volume up and create a collective record

Alex Stamos on Twitter: “This explains how Facebook plans to monetize a unified, 2 billion user end-to-end encrypted messaging service. I can’t think of a tech project with a more important privacy/safety balancing act than this one. I hope my friends working on it start public discussions on that.

Bob Lefsetz Zuckerberg’s Blog Post
A Privacy-Focused Vision for Social Networking
This isn’t about privacy, this is about MONOPOLY!




A few months ago I was interviewing a college admissions coach who told me the following about how big of a donation it takes to get a child into an Ivy no questions asked: “There’s a certain magic number. It’s way higher than people think: $10 million.”

“what it takes to break into the 1% in various countries

$25 million nationwide college admissions cheating scam

“This case is about the widening corruption of elite college admissions through the steady application of wealth combined with fraud,” Andrew Lelling, the U.S. attorney for the District of Massachusetts, said at a news conference. According to Lelling, the ringleader of the scam is William Singer, owner of a college counseling service called Key Worldwide Foundation, who accepted bribes totaling $25 million from parents between 2011 and 2018 “to guarantee their children’s admission to elite schools.”
“The parents are a catalog of wealth and privilege,” Lelling said. “They include, for example, the CEOs of private and public companies, successful securities and real estate investors, two well-known actresses, a famous fashion designer and the co-chairman of a global law firm.”
Also named as defendants in the indictment are Robert Zangrillo, founder and CEO of the private investment firm Dragon Global; Bill Glashan, a businessman and international private equity investor; and Gordon Caplan, a New York attorney.

► Former PIMCO CEO Doug Hodge Named In Fraud Complaint Alongside Aunt Becky From “Full House”
Imagine surviving years of working with Bill Gross only to be taken down by bribing your kid into college. Um, Doug? You do have to talk in code. You’re doing a fraud.
JFC, you’d think a guy who spent that much time with Bill Gross would know how to bullshit properly.

How a Bicoin Evangelist Made Himself Vanish, in 15 (Not So Easy) Steps
#10 Buy a decoy house to fool the D.M.V.
Dozens of companies leaked sensitive data thanks to misconfigured Box accounts
Hospitals have ‘holy grail of personal data, ‘ yet their spending lags on 
digital security
Car alarms with security flaws put 3 million vehicles at risk of hijack
Drop Huawei or See Intelligence Sharing Pared Back, U.S. Tells Germany
Defense tech founded by Trump’s most prominent Silicon Valley supporters wins secretive military AI contract
Dreamers and Dropouts: Stories From Stanford, Cradle of Unicorns: The Good and the Bad of Stanford’s Massively Successful Startup Scene
Yes: a flying, jet-powered motorcycle As spec’ed out, the commercial speeder will weigh 231 lbs and be powered by four jet engines fueled with kerosene, diesel or Jet-A fuel. An ultralight version of the speeder will fly 60mph and won’t require a pilot’s license; alternatively, an experimental version of the craft will be able to fly over 150mph, but will require a formal license to fly. That aircraft should also have 30 minutes of flight time with 1200lbs of max thrust and a flight ceiling of 15,000 feet, though JetPack fully admits that most of its customers won’t need that…
Cyberization means it’s not your daddy’s war anymore: Kurdish rebels are exploiting an app to befriend and get information from Turkish soldiers. Reminiscent of the dating apps used by Hamas recently to spy on Israeli soldiers.

 NYC Media Lab newletter – https://nycmedialab.org/data/
How AI Will Rewire Us
Nicholas A. Christakis, Sterling Professor of Social and Natural Science at Yale and author of Blueprint: The Evolutionary Origins of a Good Society, believes AI is the only general purpose technology (GPT) that will fundamentally change our relations towards each other. If you look at any other GPT – the steam engine, electricity, the internet – these have changed everything around us except our “love, friendship, cooperation, and teaching” – what Christakis calls our evolutionary social suite. In this Atlantic piece, he explores how AI will be the first GPT to affect our social suite. Christakis noticed some peculiar things at his Yale lab. For one, when you include a cheerful bot who admits to occasional mistakes in a group assignment, the humans in the group work better together, vs. groups with bland robots. This holds true in larger experiments, with thousands of participants: “groups with mistake-prone bots consistently outperformed groups containing bots that did not make mistakes”. ~ Joly MacFie

John Gilmore  **Copyright seizure approaching** SpaCCS 2019 CFP (10+SIs): The 12th International Conference on Security, Privacy and Anonymity in Computation, Communication and Storage

Don’t submit your paper to this conference!  When researchers refuse to
supply their papers to the publishers who extort monopoly fees from
academic librarians, they have found the easiest way to tear down these

If you submit any paper to this conference, you will be forced
to assign your entire copyright in the paper to “Springer Nature
Switzerland AG”, now and forever, for their profit and your loss
and the public’s loss (see below).

Jun Feng is a program chair.  He should know to warn authors that
the whole conference is a scam on academic authors, which steals their
copyrights in order to extract large fees from academic libraries.  But
perhaps he did not mention this because he’s helping to run the scam.

I recommend publishing your work in Open Access conferences and journals in which (1) you are free to retain your copyright and control your
rights, and (2) the public is free to read your paper without paying
exhorbitant fees to a walled-garden publisher that prevents public
access to your scholarship.  See

For example, the USENIX
Association runs many respected conferences and does Open Access
publication of their proceedings (https://www.usenix.org/).  The Public
Library of Science journals are also Open Access
(https://www.plos.org/).  Open access publishing increases your impact,
because all potential readers can actually read your paper.  Many
funders and academic institutions *require* that your work be published
with open access, because they have seen how the academic publishing
monopoly has damaged academic libraries (and science in general).

For general info about the highly profitable scams around academic
publishing, see:

Jun Feng <


> wrote:

Papers must be clearly presented in English, must not exceed 14 pages (or
up to 20 pages with the pages over length charge) in Springer LNCS format (