Trump is owned by Koch Libertarian Party Money

Trump does whatever Charles Koch tells him to.



It starts with the John Birch Society

and this becomes the racist 1980 Libertarian Party platform



What Do the Koch Brothers Want?


As a result of the disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision, billionaires and large corporations can now spend an unlimited amount of money to influence the political process.

Perhaps, the biggest winners of Citizens United are Charles and David Koch, owners of the second-largest privately run business in America Koch Industries.

Among other things, the Koch brothers own oil refineries in Texas, Alaska, and Minnesota and control some 4,000 miles of pipeline.

According to Forbes Magazine, the Koch brothers are now worth $80 billion, and have increased their wealth by $12 billion since last year alone.

For the Koch brothers, $80 billion in wealth, apparently, is not good enough. Owning the second largest private company in America is, apparently, not good enough.  It doesn’t appear that they will be satisfied until they are able to control the entire political process.

It is well known that the Koch brothers have provided the major source of funding to the Tea Party and want to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

David KochWhat else do the Koch brothers want?

In 1980, David Koch ran as the Libertarian Party’s vice-presidential candidate in 1980.

Let’s take a look at the 1980 Libertarian Party platform.

Here are just a few excerpts of the Libertarian Party platform that David Koch ran on in 1980:

  • “We urge the repeal of federal campaign finance laws, and the immediate abolition of the despotic Federal Election Commission.”
  • “We favor the abolition of Medicare and Medicaid programs.”
  • “We oppose any compulsory insurance or tax-supported plan to provide health services, including those which finance abortion services.”
  • “We also favor the deregulation of the medical insurance industry.”
  • “We favor the repeal of the fraudulent, virtually bankrupt, and increasingly oppressive Social Security system. Pending that repeal, participation in Social Security should be made voluntary.”
  • “We propose the abolition of the governmental Postal Service. The present system, in addition to being inefficient, encourages governmental surveillance of private correspondence.  Pending abolition, we call for an end to the monopoly system and for allowing free competition in all aspects of postal service.”
  • “We oppose all personal and corporate income taxation, including capital gains taxes.”
  • “We support the eventual repeal of all taxation.”
  • “As an interim measure, all criminal and civil sanctions against tax evasion should be terminated immediately.”
  • “We support repeal of all law which impede the ability of any person to find employment, such as minimum wage laws.”
  • “We advocate the complete separation of education and State.  Government schools lead to the indoctrination of children and interfere with the free choice of individuals. Government ownership, operation, regulation, and subsidy of schools and colleges should be ended.”
  • “We condemn compulsory education laws … and we call for the immediate repeal of such laws.”
  • “We support the repeal of all taxes on the income or property of private schools, whether profit or non-profit.”
  • “We support the abolition of the Environmental Protection Agency.”
  • “We support abolition of the Department of Energy.”
  • “We call for the dissolution of all government agencies concerned with transportation, including the Department of Transportation.”
  • “We demand the return of America’s railroad system to private ownership. We call for the privatization of the public roads and national highway system.”
  • “We specifically oppose laws requiring an individual to buy or use so-called “self-protection” equipment such as safety belts, air bags, or crash helmets.”
  • “We advocate the abolition of the Federal Aviation Administration.”
  • “We advocate the abolition of the Food and Drug Administration.”
  • “We support an end to all subsidies for child-bearing built into our present laws, including all welfare plans and the provision of tax-supported services for children.”
  • “We oppose all government welfare, relief projects, and ‘aid to the poor’ programs. All these government programs are privacy-invading, paternalistic, demeaning, and inefficient. The proper source of help for such persons is the voluntary efforts of private groups and individuals.”
  • “We call for the privatization of the inland waterways, and of the distribution system that brings water to industry, agriculture and households.”
  • “We call for the repeal of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.”
  • “We call for the abolition of the Consumer Product Safety Commission.”
  • “We support the repeal of all state usury laws.”

In other words, the agenda of the Koch brothers is not only to defund Obamacare.  The agenda of the Koch brothers is to repeal every major piece of legislation that has been signed into law over the past 80 years that has protected the middle class, the elderly, the children, the sick, and the most vulnerable in this country.

It is clear that the Koch brothers and other right wing billionaires are calling the shots and are pulling the strings of the Republican Party.

And because of the disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision, they now have the power to spend an unlimited amount of money to buy the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the next President of the United States.

If they are allowed to hijack the American political process to defund Obamacare they will be back for more.

Tomorrow it will be Social Security, ending Medicare as we know it, repealing the minimum wage.  It seems to me that the Koch brothers will not be content until they get everything they believe they are entitled to.

Our great nation can no longer be hijacked by right-wing billionaires like the Koch brothers.

For the sake of our children and our grandchildren, for the sake of our economy, we have got to let democracy prevail.

The reopen rallies are anti-vaxx.

John Birch Society

1) Anti Vaccine protestors are not residents at these rallies.
2) Their services are bought by the GOP
3) They get paid to go and the Media circus gets paid for eyeballs so they give them a lot of Big Pictures in newspapers, Big Video time on TV channels.
4) Your attention is the product the media sells to make their money.
5) Don’t watch, Don’t read it – pay attention to other things that are good for you – not endlessly annoying which is actually psychological warfare against you.
6) The GOP – Anti Vaxxers, militia, tea-party types, infowars army, white power extremists have a very long history.

used to be called The HOUSE FREEDOM PARTY

used to be called  The American League
used to be called THE BIRCH SOCIETY

@BrandyZadrozny Reporter @NBCNews— Internet, Platforms, Politics. I used to be a librarian.

“Women detained at today’s CA reopen rally were the same who last year accosted moms with infants outside a NY pediatrician’s office about the “dangers” of vaccines. The reopen rallies ARE anti-vaxx. To report on protests without that fact is malpractice.

To be clear the reopen movement isn’t ONLY anti-vaxx, as I’ve reported extensively. It’s a rat king of anti-vaxx, militia, tea-party types, infowars army, white power extremists and sure, a few folks who want to go back to work. But anti-vaxxers are an oversized piece.


The Right’s Gun Routine Falls Flat During the Pandemic
Michigan’s governor has a killer virus to be scared of, not a bunch of clowns terrorizing lawmakers with firearms. That’s why she held firm on her stay-at-home orders

Paid protesters? Professional protestors, you say? from out of State! #TeaParty intentionally sewing division to aid Trump while we Shelter. Easy to get picked up during the Pandemic. Antivaxers are great believers in culling the herd, so they oppose quarantine orders. Generally they don’t believe in the Germ Theory of Disease, but a Personal Purity theory, and we should be watching in awe as their yoga-strengthened bodies brush off COVID, polio, measles, etc.

Heidi Munoz Gleisner and Tara Thornton They always cause drama and collect donations under a 508(c)(1)(a)

Yes, the protesters are anti-vaxxers and pro conspiracies. #OrangeCounty #HuntingtonBeach #antivaxxers #shameonthem
“I’m a Leninist” — Mr. Bannon
“Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal, too”
“I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.”


Tea Party: used to be called HOUSE FREEDOM PARTY:
HOUSE FREEDOM PARTY: used to be called  American League


The Tea Party Used To Be called The American League
Franklin Deleno Roosevelt Was All For Workers Rights and Unions and Fought The American League and Won!

Steve Bannon’s data firm in talks for lucrative White House contracts Cambridge Analytica is backed by Robert Mercer, whose daughter is on the Trump transition team, while Trump’s soon-to-be chief strategist, Steve Bannon, is on the board. The London-based firm said it has marketing and psychological data on around 230 million Americans, which could help Mr Trump to increase his real estate business, or scope out the policy landscape for his government. Bloomberg described how campaign CEO Bannon directed Cambridge Analytics to test-market Brexit-like messages to white voters in Rust Belt states, Bannon had chilling words for anyone who believes in progressive federal government.
Follow the data: does a legal document link Brexit campaigns to US billionaire?
House Freedom Party used to be called Skull and Bones

FACTS : “Behind every great fortune there is a great crime” Koch Brothers the largest donor that pays to deny climate change fake science.
The Heritage Foundation was founded with Koch Brothers money.
“I know that men are won over less by the written word than the spoken word, that every great movement on this earth owes its growth to great orators . . . and not to writers.” — Adolph Hitler

The American Liberty League was the First Tea Party and it started in 1934. The same people behind The American League used their playbook and renamed it the Tea Party which started the same nonsense all over again.

KOCH Brothers secretly founded CATO think tank anti-civil rights group.

Dark Money,” by Jane Mayer, traces the rise of the modern conservative movement through the activism and money of a handful of rich donors: among them Richard Mellon Scaife, an heir to the Mellon banking fortune, and Harry and Lynde Bradley, brothers who became wealthy in part from military contracts but poured millions into anti-government philanthropy. But the book is largely focused on the

Koch family, stretching back to its involvement in the far-right John Birch Society and the political and business activities of the father, Fred C. Koch, who found some of his earliest business success overseas in the years leading up to World War II.

One venture was a partnership with the American Nazi sympathizer William Rhodes Davis, who, according to Ms. Mayer, hired Mr. Koch to help build the third-largest oil refinery in the Third Reich, a critical industrial cog in Hitler’s war machine.


The Koch Brothers’ Dad Built an Oil Refinery for the Nazis and Deposition—Koch Bros blackmailed gay eldest brother into surrendering claims to family biz by threatening to out him.
Ms. Mayer, a staff writer at The New Yorker, presents the Kochs and other families as the hidden and self-interested hands behind the rise and growth of the modern conservative movement. Philanthropists and political donors who poured hundreds of millions of dollars into think tanks, political organizations and scholarships, they helped win acceptance for anti-government and anti-tax policies that would protect their businesses and personal fortunes, she writes, all under the guise of promoting the public interest.

The Kochs, the Scaifes, the Bradleys and the DeVos family of Michigan “were among a small, rarefied group of hugely wealthy, archconservative families that for decades poured money, often with little public disclosure, into influencing how the Americans thought and voted,” the book says.

FDR’s belief in the use of government as an instrument to help restore the economy and provide the American people with a basic measure of social and economic security was the New Deal.

FDR  Extract from famous 1936 speech in Madison square garden.
“For nearly four years you have had an Administration which instead of twirling its thumbs has rolled up its sleeves. We will keep our sleeves rolled up.
We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace — business and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering.
They had begun to consider the Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own affairs. We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob.
Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me—and I welcome their hatred.
I should like to have it said of my first Administration that in it the forces of selfishness and of lust for power met their match. I should like to have it said of my second Administration that in it these forces met their master.”

How did ‘less than stellar’ high school student Jared Kushner get into Harvard? Donald Trump’s son-in-law was accepted into the Ivy League university in the wake of a $2.5m pledge made by his parents. “His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it” The rich buy their underachieving children’s way into elite universities with massive, tax-deductible donations. It reported that New Jersey real estate developer Charles Kushner had pledged $2.5m to Harvard University not long before his son Jared was admitted to the prestigious Ivy League school, which at the time accepted about one of every nine applicants.

Watch the movie Get Me Roger Stone that chronicles the history of the Republican Party party up to the Trump Election where you will understand the history of Trump’s grandfather and Roy Cohn.
The Secrecy World of Billionaires Avoiding Taxes using Shell Companies