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The Trails leading down the rabbit hole.
ALL the talent belongs to @BoringSleuth with thousands dollars, hours of time to build amazing databases and research all these connections, and John E Deaton. Much Power!

This post gives the reader an opportunity to go deep into the corrupt relationships of insiders.
The SEC, Think Tanks, Academia, Venture Capital, and China that will never get investigated by the “news” because there is so much money involved, they do not want to known.


This 🧵will be all-inclusive. I will demonstrate how blockchain data (public ledger) can be used to validate/ 🙂 🙁 invalidate information released off-chain into the public domain, like PR’s. This is critical as it holds companies and their employees accountable to telling the truth.

This Protocol Labs & Filecoin 🧵 goes Deep.
It may end up being the deepest, most intimate look into how the Wanxiang, Ethereum Foundation, Consensys has ran their ecosystem to date: One token sale at a time capitalized on marketed lies, storytelling, Ponzinomics, & KPI farming.
The MIT & Wanxiang relationship goes back to at least 2012


Jeffrey Epstein & Bill Gates funded MIT’s Media Lab developing CBDC “Project Hamilton”.
SEC Chair Gensler was the Labs senior advisor & taught economics with Glenn Ellison, the father of SBF’s girlfriend and co-CEO of Alameda Caroline Ellison. Plus THIEL taught by SBF’s Dad.

The second known Musk-Epstein dinner:
“Hoffman had invited Epstein, along with former MIT Media Lab director Joi Ito, to an August 2015 dinner in Palo Alto, CA, where Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Peter Thiel were also in attendance, Axios reported.”

Many people don’t know the impact Thiel Fellows have made in Crypto over the last 9 years. This years class of Thiel Fellows, on paper, is the least involved in Blockchain since the Fellowships inception. Below is a 🧵 the Most Notable Fellow and their impact in Blockchain today:

Paxos was also a part of the Silvergate Exchange Network, from underwater Silvergate Bank. Paxos’ largest VC investor, Peter Thiel, has been dubbed as the one who started the bankrun on Silicon Valley, which led to its collapse. Silicon Valley is..was..a member of the Silvergate Exchange Network.

Paxos’ directors were previously linked to and sued for their connections to fraud, including LEHMAN BROS (Madoff) Fortis Prime Fund Solutions – Cayman Bank (Madoff) and a $1.4B Ponzi – Platinum Partners. I included in the image below the members of the Board, the Directors of the company that own Paxos, and the early funders of PAXOS.

Also, for some strange reason, Microsoft is also part of bankchain… a private blockchain, for Banks of course.

[ECP NetHappenings Comment:
This is probably how Microsoft was involved.

Cryptographer Wei Dai worked for Microsoft who was thinking about this topic at the same time Satoshi Nakamoto was going to release his white paper in 2008.
In 1998, Dai helped to spark interest in cryptocurrencies with the publication of “b-money, an anonymous, distributed electronic cash system”. In the paper, Dai outlines the basic properties of all modern day cryptocurrency systems: “…a scheme for a group of untraceable digital pseudonyms to pay each other with money and to enforce contracts amongst themselves without outside help”.

Influence on the development of Bitcoin
Described as “money which is impossible to regulate”, Dai’s b-money described the core concepts later implemented in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies:

Requires a specified amount of computational work (aka Proof of work).
The work done is verified by the community who update a collective ledger book.
The worker is awarded funds for their effort.
Exchange of funds is accomplished by collective bookkeeping and authenticated with cryptographic hashes.
Contracts are enforced through the broadcast and signing of transactions with digital signatures (i.e., public key cryptography).

Relationship with Satoshi Nakamoto
Wei Dai and Adam Back were the first two people contacted by Satoshi Nakamoto as he was developing Bitcoin in 2008 and the b-money paper was referenced in the subsequent Bitcoin whitepaper.

In a May 2011 article, noted cryptographer Nick Szabo states:

Myself, Wei Dai, and Hal Finney were the only people I know of who liked the idea (or in Dai’s case his related idea) enough to pursue it to any significant extent until Nakamoto (assuming Nakamoto is not really Finney or Dai).

“Efficient cooperation requires a medium of exchange (money) and a way to enforce contracts,” Dai explained when he introduced b-money in November of 1998.

So, how much risk is there in the banking system?
How could we possibly know with the Privatized Bankchain, directly linked/ran by ex-Madoff participants?

Wanxing – Prometheum

Wanxiang has a history with the Biden’s and others:

SEC Chair Gary Gensler
Gary Gensler is testifying in front of the @GOPoversight+. Let’s hope Prometheum and Wanxiang are two of the main points of questioning.
In Prometheum’s filings to the SEC, they state:

“The company (Prometheum) uses Wanxiang (CCP) as their SOLE project developer and relies on Wanxiang’s ability to create and maintain a successful platform.”

“The loss of the services of Wanxiang could have a material adverse effect on the ability of the Company to Develop, Operate, or maintain the Prometheum Network”

“If the Company were to lose the services of Wanxiang, it could be difficult or impossible to replace them”

tldr: Prometheum is shell of Wanxiang used to get approval and access to US markets and US consumers most private and sensitive information.

This opens up Prometheum, Wanxiang, and the CCP have legal, direct access to Americans Social Security numbers, drivers licenses, passport numbers, and Banking information.


gave the lone special dealer broker license to a company that is”

1. Heavily backed financially by deeply connected w/CCP Wanxiang
2. 100%, entirely dependent upon CCP Wanxiang creating, managing, and running the product for Prometheum.
3. controlled by Wanxiang who is involved in Billions of dollars of fraud and theft.
4. Who owns the domain KillTrump.eth and KillTrump.crypto, where today, you could send money to, and Prometheum would receive it.

Yet, we sit here today, and still, squadoosh has changed outside of Meetings being held and games being played.

While Gary Gensler was under oath yesterday, not one person from the
@committeeonccp was in attendance to drill him. While @JDVance1 did a great job, he should have been 1 of 50 pressing Gary Gensler, bit by bit. Instead, the @committeeonccp held their own meeting, and bit by bit learned about how to handle the CCP’s invasive nature by fielding responses from Jay Clayton.

What is Regulatory Capture

John E Deaton deserves all the credit for his outstanding research.

WHAT IS REGULATORY CAPTURE: regulatory capture, a form of government failure in which a regulatory agency, which is supposed to represent the needs of the greater public, advances the commercial concerns of a special interest group w/in the sector the agency is supposed to be regulating.”

Wojtas gives more details on that secret meeting with the SEC

Clayton told @a16z to put together a small group and then tell Hinman what they wanted. March 26, 2018, a16z’s lawyer, Lowell Ness, sent Hinman the and Safe Harbor. Two days later they met with Hinman. ETH was the only token referenced in the Safe Harbor. Hinman’s law firm was a member of the EEA and Hinman was not retired, but instead, was a profit sharing partner with his law firm, when he declared ETH a non-security 10 weeks later.

Clayton’s law firm represented ETH’s co-founder @ethereumJoseph & @Consensys, the single largest holder and promoter of ETH and Clayton’s firm also brokered the merger between Quorum and Consensys using the JPMCoin, a direct competitor to @Ripple and XRP.

Joe Grundfest was part of this working group as you can hear below. Btw, Grundfest had spoken to @StevenNerayoff  back in 2014/2015 when Nerayoff was working with Joe Lubin & @VitalikButerin (despite what they have said publicly). In sum, Grundfest helped the ETH founders and the small working group.

Clayton, despite his law firm representing Consensys and ETH’s co-founder, arguably Ripple’s biggest competitor, voted to bring a lawsuit against Ripple – as he was walking out  of th@SECGov. He then immediately went to One River which made a $1 Billion bet on Bitcoin & ETH (beneficiaries of the Hinman Speech), 2 Months before the Ripple lawsuit was filed.

Yet, the guy that was part of the small group and helped ETH – Joe Grundfest – PLEADED WITH CLAYTON – not to bring the suit. He said XRP should not be treated any differently than ETH. Grundfest pointed out that the mass exodus of Clayton, Hinman, Berger etc was suspicious. He said there was no reason to bring the suit considering XRP had traded publicly for SEVEN YEARS and that innocent people with no connection to Ripple would suffer the most. It all fell on deaf ears.

Hinman retuned to his EEA law firm $15 Million richer after less than 3 years at the SEC and then later BECAME PARTNERS at A16Z WITH THE SAME PEOPLE WHO HELPED PUT THAT TOGETHER ASKING FOR THE SAFE HARBOR FOR ETH.

Btw, Hinman was sternly directed – in writing – to STOP meeting his EEA partners at Simpson Thacher because every single time he had contact with them he violated 18 USC 208. His own SEC emails PROVE Hinman IGNORED that instruction and violated 18 USC 208 THREE MORE times by meeting them, including meeting his partner from the Chinese Office regarding the Canaan IPO. What do they make you ask? BTC & ETH mining equipment!!

Yep, nothing for the IG to investigate here. Oh, to have subpoena power!

@SECGov regulatory capture caught on tape back in 2015.
This is the culture.
Former #SEC Director of Office of Compliance – Andrew Bowden.
This is what you get with the revolving door

This is what you get with the revolving door If anyone wants to see the actual memo
TO: William Hinman
Director, Division of Corporation Finance
Amy Starr, Chief Office of Capital Markets Trends
Valerie Szczepanik, Assistant Director
Head of the SEC Distributed Ledger Technology Working Group
FROM: Perkins Coie LLP
RE: Investment Contract Analysis of Utility Tokens
This memorandum discusses whether and under what circumstances so-called “utility tokens” would be securities as defined under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”).1

The CCP is involved in everything to do with Ethereum

@BoringSleuth is the Best!

“One of my most interesting finds this week, was how connected Wanxiang, Cumberland (publicly traded Market Maker), and Shapeshift Dev was On-Chain.

There connection was all the way back at the Genesis block.

This is a look at the wallet that setup Shapeshift. Their original wallet, from the Genesis, only interacted with Shapeshift and Cumberland’s Dev.

When we look at one of Cumberland’s Genesis wallets, we can see that they interact with more address’, as you would expect a MM to do. What suprised me was that Wanxiang was connected to them from the very first day. I’ve shown you before that Wanxiang setup the ETH Foundation, and Vitaliks wallets. I haven’t shown you that they were connected to one of the largest Market Makers, Cumberland, who happens to be based out of Chicago just like Wanxiang.

What do we take from this? Major proof that the CCP is involved in everything to do with Ethereum. When I say they have a 66.6% share of ETH’s Supply, I mean it.

Always stay curious my friends.”

Wanxiang America Corp
Wanxiang America Corporation / Contact Info:
Pin Ni, President
Gary E. Wetzel, COO/CFO

88 Airport Road
Elgin, IL 60123
Phone: 847-622-8838
Fax: 847-931-4838


(Pin Ni)


(Gary E. Wetzel)

Two exchanges have gone thru a rush of promotions lately by Influencers on X. Both offer insane leverage, and have their own exchange token. Rollbit $RLB Bybit I decided to look into Rollbit’s Dev’s On-Chain history to get an idea of what groups are connected to it. See for yourself  I shared who was behind Bybit a week ago….

Stay curious my friends.

ECP NetHappenings Newsletter Headlines contain Crypto, Banksters, K12Education


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#NetHappenings Newsletter Headlines contain #Crypto, #Banksters, #K12Education


From fiat to crypto explained.

The major difference between an ETN and an ETF is that the ETF shareholder owns a portion of the fund’s underlying assets, while ETN investors own debt security. ETFs, unlike ETNs, cannot be leveraged or use derivatives, which could otherwise lead to market manipulation risks. The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has rejected all spot Bitcoin ETFs to date. However, in 2023 alone, nearly half a dozen institutional giants, including the likes of BlackRock and Fidelity, have filed fresh spot Bitcoin ETF applications in hopes of becoming the first U.S approved spot BTC ETF.

Fidelity’s Spot bitcoin ETF FBTC is trading in Canada, while its US fund is still waiting for the SEC’s green light.

The SEC officially acknowledges Bitwise’s spot #Bitcoin ETF application.


After Gary was confirmed to his post as Chairman of the SEC, Gensler testified to Congress, on May 6, 2021, that: THE SEC DOES NOT HAVE AUTHORITY FROM CONGRESS TO REGULATE CRYPTO EXCHANGES.
He will lose his case against Coinbase.
The problem for the SEC is, of course, that Gensler’s testimony was entirely correct.
Which agency may be given authority to regulate crypto exchanges is a Major Question that can only be answered by Congress–the SEC can’t simply wish its own legal authority into existence. If the SEC follows through on its threat to sue Coinbase, the Coinbase legal team will surely zero in on the communications within the SEC leading up to Gensler’s May 6, 2021 testimony.
All testimony of an SEC Chairman is thoroughly vetted internally before they testify.
So there will be emails, meeting notes, memos, text messages, chats and deposition testimony showing that: There was a consensus within the SEC that it lacked legal authority from Congress to regulate crypto exchanges.
How do I know this? Because no Chairman in their right mind would testify before Congress that the SEC does NOT have authority to do something unless they were absolutely sure that there was no legal basis at all to claim that authority. If they sue Coinbase, the SEC’s lawyers will have the unenviable task of trying to explain away their own Chairman’s testimony to Congress and all the documents and discussion that preceded it internally within the SEC. It’s a highly embarrassing prospect for the SEC. Even more damaging will be all the discovery Coinbase will conduct around Gensler’s decision to pull a 180 degree reversal and suddenly claim that the SEC DOES have the authority to regulate crypto exchanges in the absence of any Congressional authorization. Imagine the emails, meeting notes, texts and testimony from SEC staff saying essentially–
What is he talking about? We suddenly claim this authority that we told Congress and the American public we Do Not Have? Where did he get his law license? (Gensler is not a lawyer)
His unequivocal testimony before Congress and his bizarre 180 degree reversal make Gary Gensler himself the star witness at trial–for Coinbase. I can only imagine this is why @brian_armstrong & @iampaulgrewalhave been so clear publicly that they will fight, if necessary.

Telegram Lets Users Pay Merchants in Bitcoin – Here’s How it Works
TON, which stands for The Open Network, is a layer-1 blockchain network based on the proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, originally developed by the Telegram team. Toncoin (TON) is the native gas-paying token of The Open Network.
Merchants must apply Wallet Pay Website Users need to add @wallet on Telegram as a new contact and create a new crypto wallet instantly linked to their Telegram account. There’s no need for saving seed phrases or private keys. This can be created using a regular phone number, or an anonymous tokenized phone number built by Telegram on the TON blockchain
A new third-party chatbot powered by the TON blockchain allows instant Bitcoin, USDT, and TON payments via Telegram. Users can now directly pay merchants in crypto on Telegram via an independent chatbot called Wallet. Built on TON blockchain and Telegram, the Wallet chatbot provides a way to store, trade, and transfer three cryptocurrencies: Toncoin (TON), Tether’s USDT on Tron, and Bitcoin (BTC).

According to Kaiko, currently, 74% of cryptocurrency trades on CEXs involve stablecoins. Tether/USDT holds a market share as high as 70%, while TUSD, supported by Binance, has seen its market share rise from below 1% to 19% in just three months. BUSD, on the other hand, has faced regulatory challenges and dropped from its peak of 30% to the current 6%.

Its critical that you understand two points:
1. CCP is $ETH’s biggest whale, masked behind Wanxiang and others.
Is ETH a Security or Not

2. Wanxiang was perfectly positioned to wear the Mask.
I just want you to know, that you idolize and adopt the men who developed the Social Credit System built for China (first) & the rest of the Globe. Are you too late? Do your bags even matter then? They don’t. The CCP will take what they want, like they do with DEX/CEX‘s

Ex-Celsius CEO Mashinsky Arrested
This crypto bro CEO, Alexander Mashinsky, just got arrested by the Feds.
These people were warned and given options. They chose prison.
Mashinsky who has been out walking around free as a bird for the past year! defrauded hundreds of thousands of investors out of billions of dollars at the now-bankrupt Celsius cryptocurrency exchange.
New York AG accuses Celsius ex-CEO Alex Mashinsky of defrauding hundreds of thousands of crypto investors in $20 billion collapse. The suit was brought under the Martin Act, which gives state prosecutors widespread authority to investigate securities fraud and potentially build a criminal case. @TheJusticeDept charged @Mashinsky and others on seven counts including securities fraud, commodities fraud, wire fraud and conspiracy to manipulate the price of $CEL.

Binance has appointed Eleanor Hughes as its new general counsel. She joined Binance’s legal team in November 2021 and will lead Binance’s legal affairs with a team of 85 lawyers. Former general counsel Han Ng has recently departed, along with a number of other senior executives. TheBlock reported.
85 lawyers. Eighty Five. CZ of Binance requires a lot of protection.

According to Kaiko, currently, 74% of cryptocurrency trades on CEXs involve stablecoins. Tether/USDT holds a market share as high as 70%, while TUSD, supported by Binance, has seen its market share rise from below 1% to 19% in just three months. BUSD, on the other hand, has faced regulatory challenges and dropped from its peak of 30% to the current 6%.

The SEC sued Alex AFTER investors were defrauded and lost money. The SEC sued FTX AFTER investors were defrauded and lost money. The SEC can’t catch every thing, I understand that. But the point here is look at the level of resources, energy and time spent focusing and suing good actors who may or may not have violated Section 5 – in essence, failure to make disclosures. The SEC has spent all this time and energy on @Ripple
@coinbase @dragonchain and the list goes on. All non-fraud cases.

Where are the meeting notes, emails and correspondence between Gensler/SEC and SBFraud/FTX? Was there a deal being cut as the rumors suggest?


Confidence in U.S. Banks Stood at 60 Percent in 1979. Today, It
Stands at 26 Percent. The polling organization, Gallup, conducted a survey between June 1-22 to update its annual poll that measures the confidence that Americans have in key U.S. institutions. Banks, as might be expected, continued their downward trend, registering an abysmal 26 percent of Americans who have “a great deal”…..

Lawsuit Bombshell: Sex Trafficker Jeffrey Epstein Was “a Business Partner”
with Members of JPMorgan’s Board of Directors
Jamie Dimon Being Sworn In at House Financial Services Committee Hearing, May 27, 2021 For months now, the largest federally-insured bank in the United States, JPMorgan Chase, represented by WilmerHale, a law firm with more than 1,000 attorneys, has been attempting to bamboozle the American people with the …..

Large Banks Have Bled $921 Billion in Deposits Since April 2022 — the Fastest Pace in 40 Years — and a Much Larger Decline than Small Banks
You may recall reading a burst of headlines during the banking crisis in March of this year about depositors fleeing small banks for the perceived comfort of the largest banks. Unfortunately, those headlines were never put in context or updated to reflect a broader picture. In fact, using ….

These Charts Show Why the Fed Is Terrified to Stop Raising Interest Rates and Why Nasdaq Is Ripping Higher
The top chart above shows one of the most erratic eras in Federal Reserve
policy-making history. In the 70s and early 80s, the Fed would slam on the
brakes to bring down inflation by raising its benchmark rate (known as the Fed Funds rate), then slam its ….

Apple Hits $3 Trillion Market Cap After Spending More than Half a Trillion
Dollars on Stock Buybacks Since 2013
According to S&P Dow Jones Indices, component companies of the Standard & Poor’s 500 spent $922.7 billion in 2022 buying back their own stock. That
was $41 billion more than the S&P 500 companies spent in 2021, which came in at a lofty $881.7 billion. One of the …..

By opening fake accounts and overcharging junk fees, Bank of America broke the law. Vital action by Rohit Chopra @chopracfpb to start holding this Wall Street bank accountable and put money back in Americans’ pockets. We need to end these abuses in the banking system.
Official account of @CFPB Director Rohit Chopra. Member of @FDICgov Board. Former @FTC Commissioner.
@chopracfpb @CFPB @FDICgov fuck you! Bank of America broke the law. Nobody charged, arrested or jailed. We need to end these abuses in the banking system. What the hell are you doing about it? Bank of America to pay over $250 million over junk fees, other issues.
 @CFPB is ordering @BankofAmerica to pay more than $100 million to harmed customers and $90 million in penalties for wrongfully withholding credit card rewards, double-dipping on fees, and opening accounts without consent. $BAC 


“Chainlink could accelerate the adoption of next-generation blockchain use across finance, insurance, supply chain, gaming and gambling, Bank of America said in a research report

Bank of America says Coinbase’s stock is due for a 40% drop even if bitcoin ETFs are approved, Bank of America says. The decentralized oracle network has secured more than $60 billion deposited into smart contracts.


Cyril Mychalejko @cmychalejko
Right-wing political operative Jordan Adams used Moms for Liberty conference not only to instruct the audience on how to sow chaos in their school districts, but undoubtedly to sell his “consulting” company Vermilion Education to potential clients @rweingarten @DianeRavitch @PSEA