How Bad a fraud is Web3

How bad a fraud is “web3”? Nicholas Weaver
Ethereum is 1/5000 of a Raspberry Pi 4 but costs roughly $250 a second to use as a “World computer”. And also costs that to store just 3kB of data.
So in the end web3 is a con job, a technological edifice that is beyond useless as anyone who attempts to deploy a real application will quickly discover. It is, however, an amazingly effective form of Nerd Sniping.

The best 4 paragraphs ever written about web3.

Intel thinks the metaverse will need a thousand-fold increase in computing capability – The Verge
Intel made its first statement on the metaverse on Tuesday — its first public acknowledgement of that sometimes-nebulous future of computing which promises an always connected virtual world that exists in parallel with our physical one. But while the chip company is bullish on the possibilities of the metaverse in abstract, Intel raises a key issue with realizing any #metaverse ambitions: there’s not nearly enough processing power to go around.
“The metaverse may be the next major platform in computing after the world wide web and mobile,” an editorial begins from Raja Koduri, a senior vice president and head of Intel’s Accelerated Computing Systems and Graphics Group. But Koduri quickly pours cold water on the idea that the metaverse is right around the corner: “our computing, storage and networking infrastructure today is simply not enough to enable this vision,” he writes. Crucially, Koduri doesn’t even think we’re close. He says that a 1,000x increase in power is needed over our current collective computing capacity.

metaverse barbados Why Barbados’ Metaverse Embassy Matters

ECP NetHappenings Newsletter 9-22-2021

Science, Surveillance, Metaverse and more

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A giant space rock demolished an ancient Middle Eastern city and everyone in it – possibly inspiring the Biblical story of Sodom

China brings Covid19 amd Evergrande to the world.
Covid-19 origins: Chinese defector claims Wuhan Military Games was first superspreader event

Peter Kropotkin was a Russian aristocrat who renounced his titles, became a scientist and anarchist, and wrote many significant works, but none so important as MUTUAL AID, his 1902 treatise on the role of cooperation in evolutionary biology. Painstaking researched and beautifully argued, MUTUAL AID reveals the scientific fraud of “social Darwinism,” and its claims that hierarchy and exploitation are evolutionary inevitabilities baked into our very nature.


Researcher discloses iPhone lock screen bypass on iOS 15 launch day

Phones sold in Europe by China’s Xiaomi Corp have a built-in ability to detect and censor terms such as “Free Tibet”, “Long live Taiwan independence” or “democracy movement”, Lithuanian government has discovered

K12 Student’s Privacy Rights: Eye-opening reporting from @mkeierleber and @The74 on some of the technology that schools are using to keep tabs on kids, scanning their online messages, documents, and browsing history.
Where Gaggle tracks student’s online behavior

Apple Wallet is getting verifiable COVID-19 vaccination cards


It was called the “party line” in the 40’s when we used the telephone.

“The metaverse is the next generation of the internet…let’s unpack the things people have in mind.” Watch with your audio on for a 2-minute whirlwind explainer that gets into details. Two minute tour of the Metaverse: unpacking (most) of the stuff people are thinking about when they talk about it. #metaverse #games #blockchain #cloud #gamedev

HBO show won’t be filmed in Texas over abortion law, creator says

A strange moment in jazz history I’d never heard of before—when the great jazz trombonist Jack Teagarden was saved from legal prosecution because a Texas flood interrupted his 1921 court hearing. It’s like a scene in a Coen brothers movie.

David Simon, the creator of “The Wire,” said he will not allow filming for his upcoming HBO show to take place in Texas due to the state’s new abortion law.


MSNBC – 9/22/2021 – #MorningJoe asking why did democrats put out a bill that did absolutely nothing to tax big corporations? “Because that’s the habit the Dems got into over the last 40 years and have only in the last few years … remembered, oh yea we were the party of labor”

Sarah Kendzior @sarahkendzior
“The way the Dems try to dodge accountability is through this veneer of respectability: ‘We can’t rock the boat.’ Well, the boat is sinking. And we’re on the boat. And when you act, you won’t be rocking the boat — you’ll be steadying it.” — @gaslitnation
Vice President Kamala Harris could simply overrule the Parliamentarian, or the Senate could fire the Parliamentarian…but since the Parliamentarian creates such an amazing excuse for Democratic inertia, they aren’t!


As appears to be tradition, smaller #Bitcoin HODLers can often be found stacking $BTC after significant corrections.The minnows @woonomic refers to, with < 10 $BTC, have accelerated their accumulation since the sell-off in mid-May. They now hold a collective 13.9% of supply.

Stablecoins are used to move money from one exchange to another, whereas poker chips are casino-specific. Gensler referring to US Dollar backed digital stable coins as “poker chips” shows he is not operating in good faith as a regulator. That’s not mistaken word choice, it’s intentional defamation hoping his audience doesn’t know better. Technically poker chips are not regulated by the SEC. Trump’s father bailed the donald out using casino chips. HSBC is calling for crypto regulation particularly on stablecoins, and also expressed enthusiasm for CBDCs. The ironyyyyy *cough* $881M laundered for drug cartels. If regulators really want to protect investors, they should look at insider trading / front-running activities by employees of exchanges. Not fucking stablecoins. Or users’ private data. Or boxing retail out of early-stage investment opportunities.

Republican = Evangelical

Huge hack reveals embarrassing details of who’s behind Proud Boys and other far-right websites
Emma Best, co-founder of Distributed Denial of Secrets, a nonprofit whistleblower group, said some researchers call the Epik hack “the Panama Papers of hate groups,” a comparison to the leak of more than 11 million documents that exposed a rogue offshore finance industry. And, like the Panama Papers, scouring the files is labor intensive, with payoffs that could be months away.

I worry how numb we have become to our near brush with authoritarianism – when it is revealed that there was a memo with a 6 step plan for a coup, and it doesn’t even get top of the hour news coverage – let alone consequences for all involved. We are in danger of a repeat folks!

AT&T abandons pledge, makes contributions supporting Republican objectors