#TrumpsProject2025 vs. Biden 2nd term Agenda

Biden-Harris HQ @BidenHQ
President Biden lays out his
second term agenda:

—Restore Roe v. Wade
—Sign John Lewis Voting Rights Act
—Expand Social Security and Medicare
—End all medical debt
—Raise the minimum wage
—Pass the PRO Act for workers
—Ban assault weapons
—Lead the world on clean energy
—Permanent child tax credit
—$35 insulin cap for all
—Build more housing
—Invest in child care and elder care

DEMOCRATS if we lose, we lose the Constitution. If you think that these guys give a rat’s ass about freedom of speech, freedom of anything, you’re just not living in the world.

Rethuglicans “So you basically want to legalize a dictatorship and take away the ability of the working class to protest and fight for their rights, giving total power to the ones who have more money?” #TrumpsProject2025

We want to know about Project 2025 and the Epstein files. That is way more important. #TrumpIsARapist #TrumpPedoFiles #TrumpsProject2025

Meta Removes All Restrictions on Trump’s Account After Former President Threatens Zuckerberg with Prison

Trump child molester, cognitively declining convicted felon racist rapist Hitler fully endorses the Nazi playbook, which is why it’s known as #TrumpsProject2025.
There’ve been 300k+ child marriages in the US since 2000.
Some as young as 10-years-old.
86% are adult men marrying girls under 18.
GOP Christians fight to keep child marriages legal in 43 states.
Republicans are masters at projection.

#TrumpsProject2025 antithetical to Democracy and is cloaked in white supremacy!

Trump admits it’s his plan.
Evangelicals don’t care that he lies-trump is just their means to an extreme, radical, Christo-facist end, as well as the perfect distraction for their covert evil agenda. That’s why they’re pissed that #TrumpsProject2025 leaked. Still supposed to be hush-hush

#TrumpsProject2025 will consolidate Trump’s power and take away your essential freedoms, paving the way for dictatorship.

#TrumpsProject2025 #Project2025. I live in tornado alley, my family and I can’t survive without NOAA. #TrumpsProject2025 Republicans plan to eliminate it.

There is A LOT more going on here than just bad optics and reporting for Biden.
Trump, Thomas, Alito, the Heritage Foundation, The Federalist Society, Harlan Crowe, et al.
The lot of them are traitorous Russian operatives working directly to destroy America and democracy.
I can’t even begin to describe how angry it makes me that nothing is being done to stop them. Where’s the FBI, NSA, CIA, DOJ?

They are fact checking and blocking any mention of Project 2025 on Facebook and Twitter

Elon Musk Reportedly Donates ‘Sizable Amount’ to Pro-Trump Super PAC

Deon Joseph @ofcrdeonjoseph
Project 2025 is brought to you by the same people who brought these gems. Don’t be a fool.
These people are getting desperate because they are losing control over you.
— Russian collusion
— Trump called neo—nazis “fine
— Jussie Smollett
— Bubba Wallace garage putt
— Covington kids
— Governor Witmer kidnapping plot
— Kavanaugh rape
— Trump pee tape
— COVID lab leak was a conspiracy theory
— &’rder agents whipped migrants
— Trump saved nuclear secrets at
— Steele Dossier
— Russian bounties on US soldiers in Afghanistan
— T nnp said drinking bleach would fight COVID
— Muslim travel ban
— Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation
— Cuomo best COVID leadership
— Trump built cages for migrant kids
— Austere religious scholar
— Trump overfed Koi fish in
— Build Back pay for itself
— Trump tax Cuts benefited only the rich
— Cloth masks prevent COVID
— If you get vaccinated you won’t catch COVID
— SUV kitted parade marchers
— Trump used teargas to clear a crowd for a bible photo
— Don’t Say Gay was in a bill
— Putin price hike
— Ivermectin is a horse dewormer and not for human
— Mostly protests
— Trump overpowered secret service for wheel of “The Beast”
— Officer Sicknick was murdered by protesters
— January 6th was an insurrection

“…AG Ferguson is not entitled to enforce a subpoena seeking decades of records from the Seattle Archdiocese, despite his assertion the records are needed to learn (if) the Catholic church used charitable trust funds to cover up sexual abuse by priests.”

Floridians’ recent HIV diagnoses, hepatitis test results are among thousands of hacked records released on the dark web last week.
Many records include patients’ full names, DOBs, addresses, Social Security numbers and insurance information. And now the Dept of Health database containing everyone’s private medical information has been leaked to the internet. DeSantis chose Grant, a guy with little cybersecurity exp., for FL CIO job w/o conducting a search for candidates. Grant re-wrote FL law prior to be chosen, to reduce the experience requirement from 10 yrs “executive-level” to 5 yr in “technology policy” which made him eligible.