The president “didn’t hear” the man shout “White Power.”

#QAnon The president “didn’t hear” the man shout “White Power.” The president “didn’t see” the brief about Russia.
The president “didn’t know” about Juneteenth.
Not knowing isn’t an excuse, it’s an indictment.

Hong Kong, with 7.5 mil­lion res­i­dents, is one of the most densely pop­u­lated places on earth, but recorded only six deaths from Covid-19 de­spite hav­ing no lock­down….The mask com­pliance rate dur­ing morn­ing rush hour is 97%.

The Democratic Party is a majority party. Concentrate on voter turnout, fighting voter suppression, overturning Citizens United, Supreme Court seats, and the like. Not changing conservative minds.

I tested negatively positive this morning.