Idaho and Oregon redrawing their borders

Keri Kukral @kerikukral Must read thread

Do you know who writes about Idaho and Oregon redrawing their borders, a plan that is really about precious metals and ocean access? USA Today.

Who owns USA Today?
SoftBank and Fortress Investment Group, $100M investor in Theranos and almost bailed out Harvey Weinstein.

Ironically, Fortress is in bed with Wachovia which laundered tens of billions of drug cartel money (my aunt coincidentally is a Whachovia whistleblower).

Who Owns the Gannett Company?

USA Today is a veritable disaster in their state breakup coverage, and it’s no wonder. Those aligned with Tim Draper fund it.

Rural Oregon’s movement to join Idaho has momentum but little hope of success.

Sounds patriotic, though, doesn’t it? But in reality not at all: “It’s the people saying how they want to be governed, and that was one of the founding principles of the American Revolution: that we wanted a choice to say how our government represents us.”

They are giving lots of airtime to this initiative, much of it uncritically. This is likely because the funders of the newspaper are aligned with Theranos and Harvey Weinstein which means Tim Draper and Trump.

Secession in the Pacific Northwest? Some Oregon residents petition to join Idaho

Elon Musk + Tim Draper + CA State Breakup
This is a network map to help visualize some of the connections between Elon Musk, his early backer Tim Draper (and the firm DFJ he co-founded with Steve Jurveston which closed after I spoke out about them), and some of the initiatives related to breaking up US state borders. These activities would weaken the US. Some such state secession plans are backed by Russian sources. There is also an interesting crossover between Russian/Israeli mafia (casinos and gambling) as well as the Epstein-Maxwell network.

There is a complex web of deep, long-held connections. This should be studied, especially after Elon Musk amplified ex-Russian President Medvedev’s Twitter thread suggesting that there could be a US Civil War in 2023 after which Elon Musk would become US President.

This would be potentially less interesting if Musk’s early backer Tim Draper hadn’t in fact funded and led campaigns to breakup US state borders such as California.

Recently, he suggested breaking up California and Nevada borders to align Silicon Valley with Las Vegas casino money in the spirit of Sheldon Adelson, Trump’s biggest donor.

End thread

Note: the network map is detailed and best viewed on a computer outside of Twitter which does not have high resolution.