ECP NetHappenings The Gish Gallop Grab Him By The Felonies

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ECP NetHappenings The Gish Gallop and Grab Him By The Felonies


Biden’s family privately criticizes top advisers and pushes for their ouster at Camp David meeting
They also urged the president to stay in the race. The blame was cast widely on staffers, including: Anita Dunn, the senior adviser who frequently has the president’s ear; her husband, Bob Bauer, the president’s attorney who played Trump in rehearsals at Camp David; and Ron Klain, the former chief of staff who ran point on the debate prep and previous cycles’ sessions.

Donald Trump is a convicted felon, serial liar, adjudicated rapist, and tried to overthrow the United States Government. Share this blog if you think the media needs to stop treating Trump like a normal candidate! There’s no message you’re going to get from the media that’s useful to Democracy.

‘Big decision’: Trump again begs for immunity hours before Supreme Court’s answer rolls in.
I don’t expect these justices to do the right thing tomorrow.

Should the Trump/McConnell SCOTUS rule that Trump is immune from prosecution doesn’t that mean Joe Biden is too?
Wouldn’t that mean Biden could end this madness by bringing in Seal Team 6 to clear the beach head?

54% of registered voters say Donald Trump should not be running for president, according to a new CBS-YouGov poll.

Unemployment Rates
June 2020: 11%
June 2024: 4%

Allan Lichtman, who has correctly predicted every election, gives the strongest reasons why Democrats must stand with Biden. Lichtman also demolished Donald Trump for lying on every question in the debate.

Brilliant audio debate essay by American historian Heather Cox Richardson

The Gish Gallop
Heather Richardson (@HC_Richardson).
This is so perfectly laid out.

“This was not a debate.
It was Trump using a technique that actually has a formal name, the Gish gallop, although I suspect he comes by it naturally. It’s a rhetorical technique in which someone throws out a fast string of lies, non-sequiturs, and specious arguments, so many that it is impossible to fact-check or rebut them in the amount of time it took to say them. Trying to figure out how to respond makes the opponent look confused, because they don’t know where to start grappling with the flood that has just hit them.
It is a form of gaslighting, and it is especially effective on someone with a stutter, as Biden has. It is similar to what Trump did to Biden during a debate in 2020. In that case, though, the lack of muting on the mics left Biden simply saying: “Will you shut up, man?” a comment that resonated with the audience. Giving Biden the enforced space to answer by killing the mic of the person not speaking tonight actually made the technique more effective.”
—Heather Cox Richardson

The New York Times wants Biden gone — but they seem OK with a convicted felon
Lies, confusion and garbage – the presidential debate was everything we feared.

– What kind of a shithole party runs a traitor, rapist and convicted felon for President?

The media, particularly CBS sank LBJ in 1968.
The media did it again in 1980 to Jimmy Carter
The media sank Hillary Clinton in 2016.
They are at it again in 2024 with President Biden.
(BTW, the first three screw jobs produced three of the worst Presidents in US History).

chris evans @notcapnamerica
CBS News Post Debate Reactions from Black voters:

1. Debate Performance – Who Won:
– Biden: 39%
– Trump: 25%

2. Better Debate Performance – Told the Truth:
– Biden: 63%
– Neither: 19%
– Trump: 10%
– Both: 8%

3. U.S. Democracy and Rule of Law:
– Only if Joe Biden wins: 60%
– Only if Donald Trump wins: 12%
– It will be safe if either wins: 13%
– It will not be safe either way: 14%

4. Better Debate Performance – Addressed Important Issues:
– Biden: 42%
– Both: 21%
– Neither: 21%
– Trump: 15%

5. Mental and Cognitive Health:
– Only Joe Biden: 38%
– Neither: 31%
– Both: 15%
– Only Donald Trump: 16%

6. Biden Should Run for President:
– Biden should be running: 55%
– Biden should not be running: 45%

7. Trump Should Run for President:
– Trump should not be running: 74%
– Trump should be running: 26%

8. Better Debate Performance – Appeared Presidential:
– Biden: 42%
– Neither: 27%
– Both: 12%
– Trump: 19%

9. Financial Condition if Biden Wins:
– Stay about the same: 54%
– Financially better off: 28%
– Financially worse off: 18%

10. Better Debate Performance – Explained Plans and Policies:
– Biden: 38%
– Both: 23%
– Neither: 25%
– Trump: 14%

11. Better Debate Performance – Inspired Confidence:
– Neither: 42%
– Biden: 28%
– Trump: 17%
– Both: 13%

12. Better Debate Performance – Presented Ideas Clearly:
– Both: 21%
– Neither: 30%
– Biden: 27%
– Trump: 22%

13. Financial Condition if Trump Wins:
– Financially worse off: 56%
– Stay about the same: 21%
– Financially better off: 22%

The Supreme Court yesterday:
If you think the Supreme Court is out of control now, imagine if Trump appoints two, three, or four more justices.
By overturning Chevron deference, the justices have taken power away from agencies regulating everything from health care to pollution.

The rise of Christian Nationalism threatens our rights and our lives.


Going off the gold standard in 1914 stopped a centuries-long increase in affordability of homes by degrading the value of money, forcing people to use their homes as saving accounts, raising house prices beyond the rise in income.

NY invests $8M in maternal health, covers doula services via Medicaid.
Black women in NYC 9x more likely to die in childbirth v. white women
14 states now cover doulas through Medicaid
Doulas improve birth outcomes esp. for Black mothers

– Homelessness is a crime
Person: I can’t afford a house America: You are under arrest
– Bribery is okie dokie
– Companies can pollute all they want and the government is powerless to stop them
The guy who started this: Ronald Reagan

Steve Bannon tells @VaughnHillyard that former President Trump is a moderate in the MAGA movement, which is moving “farther right.”

‘Unprecedented’ and ‘Very Dangerous,’ Hurricane Beryl Explodes Into Category 4 Storm

Hungary’s Orbán takes over the helm of the EU on July 1 for six months
“The EU presidency rotates among its member countries, and while the post holds little real power, it does allow countries to put their priorities high on Europe’s agenda.“

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò on Friday said he will not participate in a Vatican summons to face charges of schism, reiterating his claims that Pope Francis is not the legitimate pope of the Catholic Church.” and

Sony Group, one of Japan’s largest companies, has acquired Amber Japan, officially entering the crypto exchange field. Sony’s businesses include games, music, cameras, etc., with a market value of more than $100 billion. Singapore market maker Amber Group acquired Japan’s regulated cryptocurrency trading platform DeCurret in early 2022 and changed its name to Amber Japan. Later, due to the collapse of FTX, Amber Group fell into trouble and was suspected of a complete debt-to-equity transaction with Fenbushj. Amber Group investors include Temasek, Sequoia China, Pantera, Tiger, Coinbase, etc.

ECP NetHappenings Do We Need to Know What Is Artificial

Orly Lobel: “Do We Need to Know What Is Artificial? Unpacking Disclosure & Generating Trust in an Era of Algorithmic Action”

The Network Law Review is pleased to present a symposium entitled “Dynamics of Generative AI,” where lawyers, economists, computer scientists, and social scientists gather their knowledge around a central question: what will define the future of AI ecosystems? To bring all this expertise together, a conference co-hosted by the Weizenbaum Institute and the Amsterdam Law & Technology Institute will be held on March 22, 2024. Be sure to register in order to receive the recording.

This contribution is signed by Orly Lobel, the Warren Distinguished Professor of Law, and the founding director of the Center for Employment and Labor Policy (CELP) at University of San Diego. The entire symposium is edited by Thibault Schrepel (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) and Volker Stocker (Weizenbaum Institute).


Should users have the right to know when they are chatting with a bot? Should companies providing generative AI applications be obliged to mark the generated products as AI-generated or alert users of generative chats that the responder is “merely an LLM (or a Large Language Model)”?

Should citizens or consumers—patients, job applicants, tenants, students—have the right to know when a decision affecting them was made by an automated system?

Should art lovers, or online browsers, have the right to know that they are viewing an AI-generated image?

John Danaher @JohnDanaher

Hah! So this is a first for me. This article attributes the following (entirely spurious) claims to me from an article I never published. Do I get the citation credits?

Footnote 29 also seems to be fake. That article was never published in the journal mentioned:

Happy Summer Dan Tyminski Hey Brother

Happy Summer Everyone

Dan Tyminski Hey Brother

Hey brother
There’s an endless road to rediscover
Hey sister
Know that water’s sweet, but blood is thicker
Oh, if the sky comes falling down
For you
There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do
Hey brother
Do you still believe in one another?
Hey sister
Do you still believe in love? I wonder
Oh, if the sky comes falling down
For you
There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do
What if I’m far from home?
Oh brother, I will hear you call
What if I lose it all?
Oh sister, I will help you out
Oh, if the sky comes falling down
For you
There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do
Hey brother
There’s an endless road to rediscover
Hey sister
Do you still believe in love? I wonder
Oh, if the sky comes falling down
For you
There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do
What if I’m far from home?
Oh brother, I will hear you call
What if I lose it all?
Oh sister, I will help you out
Oh, if the sky comes falling down
For you
There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do

The woman who spoke out against Google on AI

The woman who spoke out against Google on AI
Jun 26, 2024 •

Meredith Whittaker turned her back on Google, but she never left tech entirely. The former AI whistleblower is now the CEO of Signal, a messaging app that keeps conversations encrypted – used by journalists, whistleblowers, drug dealers, militants and others who want to keep communications secure.


Today, CEO of the Signal Foundation Meredith Whittaker, ahead of her public appearance at The Wheeler Centre in Melbourne, on the tech giants who hold our future in their hands.

Meredith Whittaker turned her back on Google after raising concerns about the mass surveillance fueling AI, but she didn’t leave tech entirely.

The former AI whistleblower is now the CEO of Signal, a messaging app that keeps conversations encrypted – used by journalists, whistleblowers, drug dealers, militants and others who want to keep communications secure.

So why did she blow the whistle on Google? Is privacy the answer to AI? Or does privacy cause just as much harm as surveillance?

Today, CEO of the Signal Foundation Meredith Whittaker, ahead of her public appearance at The Wheeler Centre in Melbourne, on the tech giants who hold our future in their hands.

Guest: CEO of the Signal Foundation, Meredith Whittaker