Republican Sen. Josh Hawley was served with a subpoena today as he left the CPAC stage

Republican Sen. Josh Hawley was served with a subpoena today as he left the CPAC stage, the Kansas City Star reports.

The first standing ovation at CPAC comes for…Ollie at the North American Conservative Union’s CPAC conference

How can we not forget Crazy Ollie the arms dealing traitor.

What Ivanka Trump’s new initiative overlooks about women’s empowerment

What Ivanka Trump’s new initiative overlooks about women’s empowerment

Winnie Byanyima is executive director of Oxfam International.

Last week, first daughter and White House adviser Ivanka Trump unveiled a new global initiative to empower women. The Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative, as it is called, pledges to help 50 million women in the developing world by 2025.

Thus far, $50 million has been allocated to it, provoking criticism for undervaluing the scale of change needed. But this initiative will not succeed or fail on its budget alone. What will be vital is the extent to which it tackles the structural barriers that keep women around the world from reaching their economic potential and truly being able to thrive.

The initiative comes in the shadow of the Trump administration’s rather negative and dangerous narratives on women and international development. President Trump has repeatedly sought cuts to foreign aid, including what we estimate to be a 35 percent cut for gender equality programs. He has championed the global gag rule that restricts women’s access to reproductive health care, endangering the lives of women and children. And he has attempted to change asylum rules to deny refuge for women fleeing domestic violence.

Google employees walked out for the right to sue their bosses.

Google employees walked out for the right to sue their bosses.

Now they’re taking the fight to Congress.

They’re urging lawmakers to pass the Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal Act.

A few Google employees joined a group of workers in Washington, DC, on Thursday, urging members of Congress to outlaw mandatory arbitration, a common business practice in employment and consumer contracts that requires workers and customers to take legal disputes to private arbitration — a quasi-legal forum with no judge, no jury, and nearly zero government oversight.
Tanuja Gupta, an engineering program manager who works for Google in New York, is part of a group of tech workers calling for a federal ban on forced arbitration. Last week, Google said the company would stop mandating the practice for employees, largely a response to persistent worker pressure.

Individual 1 Trump Organization, Trump Tower Moscow Project

Individual 1 Trump Organization and his Family involved with the Trump Tower Moscow Project

Trump Knew and directed the negotiation during the presidential campaign.

The American population needs to know what happened.

Laurence Tribe: President Donald Trump Can Be Indicted For Federal Crimes

The get out of jail free card.

If no indictment then Trump can be pardoned by Pence and get to keep all the profits!!!

Harvard’s Laurence Tribe: Impeach Donald Trump Now
Constitutional law professor Laurence Tribe explains why it is critically important to put the impeachment process in motion now, before it is too late.

President Donald Trump, Ivanka Deny Special Treatment For Jared Kushner

White House announces Kushner met with Saudi crown prince as Cohen testifies

FEBRUARY 27, 2019
Donald Trump’s senior adviser Jared Kushner met with Saudi Arabia’s crown prince Tuesday in their first face-to-face encounter since the October 2018 murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who sources have told CNN the CIA assesses with high confidence ordered Khashoggi’s murder, met Kushner along with his father King Salman

House panel demands Kushner clearance details from White House
A Democratic-led congressional panel on Friday demanded that the White House comply with requests for documents and witnesses for a probe into alleged security clearance abuses involving President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and others.

I’ll take venal hypocrites for $1,000 please Alex.