Monetary Colonialism in Africa

Monetary Colonialism is why African’s are the largest users of bitcoin.

France is an Imperialist nation.

MELONI Prime Minister of Italy:

“This is called the CFA franc. It is the colonial currency that France prints for 14 African nations, to which it applies seigniorage and by virtue of which it exploits the resources of these nations…”

She’s an Italian nationalist, her agenda is Italy, not Africa. But if she actually aligns against the globalist imperialist order she is de facto pro-Africa.
But if she actually aligns against the globalist imperialist order she is de facto pro-Africa. Time will tell if she does or not.  Shes bringing “monetary colonialism” mainstream.

Fighting Monetary Colonialism With Open-Source Code
France still uses monetary colonialism to exploit 15 African nations. Could Bitcoin be a way out?
Alex Gladstein

….. on the morning of January 12, 1994, everything had changed. Overnight, his family lost half its savings. Not due to theft, bank robbery or company bankruptcy — but a currency devaluation, imposed by a foreign power based 5,000 kilometers away.

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