CyberPlayGround Life insurance *DENIES YOU COVERAGE* because of #LongCovid

Educational CyberPlayGround NetHappenings
daily read https//

Bloomberg analyst dismissing #Bitcoin exactly 10 years ago:
“The problem is it works too well.”


JPMorgan, $JPM, investors disapproved Jamie Dimon’s $52.6 million bonus.

Urine bugs may be a sign of aggressive prostate cancer

Psychedelic Magic Mushroom Compound Psilocybin Rewires the Brain for People With Depression

Emotional abuse during childhood is linked to alcohol-related problems in later life through increased insomnia

I just found out the person killed in the Laguna Woods shooting yesterday was my primary care physician, Dr. John Cheng. Absolute hero. He attacked the gunman and helped save so many in that church. I just wanted his name to be known. He will be missed.

I don’t know who needs to hear this — but if your life insurance *DENIES YOU COVERAGE* because of #LongCovid, it’s only a matter of time before companies *deny you employment / don’t hire you* because of your long term #COVID19 illness. Don’t say you weren’t warned.

Coronavirus ‘ghosts’ found lingering in the gut

Coronavirus may be linked to cases of severe hepatitis in children

Microplastics Found In Lungs of People Undergoing Surgery

Cars in driver-assist mode hit a third of cyclists, all oncoming cars in tests
Still think we’re ready for that autonomous future?


Crypto-Gram May 15, 2022 by Bruce Schneier

Ad-tech firms grab email addresses from forms before they’re even submitted
Tracking, marketing, and analytics firms have been exfiltrating the email addresses of internet users from web forms prior to submission and without user consent, according to security researchers. Some of these firms are said to have also inadvertently grabbed passwords from these forms. In a research paper scheduled to appear at the Usenix ’22 security conference later this year, authors Asuman Senol (imec-COSIC, KU Leuven), Gunes Acar (Radboud University), Mathias Humbert (University of Lausanne) and Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius, (Radboud University) describe how they measured data handling in web forms on the top 100,000 websites, as ranked by research site Tranco.

Researchers devise iPhone malware that runs even when device is turned off

Larry Ellison has only tweeted once. Why is he pouring $1 billion into Elon Musk’s Twitter bid?

We’re Publishing the Facebook Papers. Here’s How Facebook Killed News Feed Fixes Over Fear of Conservative Backlash. By Dell Cameron, Shoshana Wodinsky, and Mack DeGeurin
This piece is part of Gizmodo’s ongoing effort to make the Facebook Papers available to the public.Facebook said it did not “build and withhold any News Feed changes based on potential impact on any one political party.” Internal documents say otherwise.

At the forefront of controversy was Walt Disney himself, along with union activists, gangsters, communists and more

Texas has declared open season on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube with censorship law

Rupert Murdoch watches his money multiply by promoting evil messaging and nothing stops him.


Racism is not a mental illness, its a choice. DOJ asks 1/6 committee for interview transcripts, a sign it’s investigating political actors higher up than the Proud Boys.

DOJ to GOP Finance Chairman/Chinese-Vegas casino Mobster Steve Wynn: Bitch, we said register for FARA.
Justice Department Sues to Compel a U.S. Businessperson to Register Under the Foreign Agents Registration Act
Complaint Alleges That Stephen A. Wynn Lobbied the Then-President and Former Administration Officials at the Request of the People’s Republic of China

The Justice Dept. is suing Republican mega donor Steve Wynn, alleging that he acted as an unregistered foreign agent for the Chinese government — lobbying Trump and Trump officials in 2017.

Justice Dept. Is Said to Request Transcripts From Jan. 6 Committee
Very important development: DOJ asks 1/6 committee for transcripts of its interviews now, suggesting its Grand Jury investigation of political actors is wide-ranging and heating up quickly.

The committee has interviewed more than 1,000 people so far, and the transcripts could be used as evidence in potential criminal cases or to pursue new leads.

This 6-3 SCOTUS ruling in FEC v. Ted Cruz basically lets politicians who are currently in office raise money to funnel bribes directly into their own pockets in exchange for favorable legislation.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer just sent a letter to Fox News’ corporate leadership telling them to “immediately cease all dissemination of false white nationalist, far-right conspiracy theories on your network.” He cc’d Tucker Carlson.

At least 3 members of the FEC are compromised. Did you know that #CletaMitchell & #AllenDickerson served on the board of #InstituteForFreeSpeech?
In other words, did you know that the lawyer who tried to overturn the results of the election & the FEC commissioner who let Trump off the hook were officers of the same org?

Next time you think about buying a Tesla, remember that Elon Musk just said that the “real president” right now is “whoever controls the teleprompter.” Not cancel culture, consequence culture.

Science Education in an Age of Misinformation
“In this report, therefore, we lay out how science education can meet its responsibility to provide all students with the competences needed to navigate this sea of false and questionable information without becoming lost, confused, and, more importantly, deceived. In so doing, we explore four questions:

1. Why do students need the ability to evaluate scientific expertise and information?

2. What evidence is there that young people struggle to evaluate information effectively?

3. Why is it an urgent priority for scientists and science educators to develop students’ competency to evaluate information?

4. What can be done by scientists and science educators to develop the competency to evaluate scientific information and expertise?

We conclude with illustrative examples of what can be done now and with a set of policy recommendations for action. ”


Mark Graham @MarkGraham Feb 24th, 2022
As an archivist (I manage the
@waybackmachine at the @internetarchive )
I ask myself everyday: “What might I have done differently on Feb 24th if I had known the war was going to go on as long as it has?”
What should I/we do today?
Suggestions welcomed. DMs open

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