ECP NetHappenings NAR “Seven Mountains” Christian Dominionists

All Democrats are fighting NAR “Seven Mountains” Christian Dominionists.

The BucksCountyBeacon (@BucksCoBeacon) does a great job reporting on this. Editor @cmychalejko

Jennifer Cohn

Jennifer Cohn is an attorney, election integrity advocate, and political writer whose articles have appeared in the New York Review of Books, Who What Why, The Independent, TYT Investigates, The Brad Blog, and Salon. You can follow her on Twitter at @jennycohn1.

Meet Three Of The Neighbors Who United To Defend Public Education In @CBSDSchools

Learn how people power defeated a Bucks County plutocrat – MAGA millionaire Paul Martino – and his Moms for Liberty-backed school board candidates. #BucksCounty #PA01

Right Wing Watch @RightWingWatch
“We are here to change history,” dominionist “apostle” Ché Ahn told “Stop the Steal” rally a day before the insurrection. He predicted that “we’re gonna rule and reign through President Trump and under the lordship of Jesus Christ.”


“Seven Mountains” Christian Dominionists

Mr. Spock 🖖 (Commentary)
I wrote a thread about the Seven Mountain Mandate. What I didn’t explain was that it is only one tenet of a much larger issue.
The New Apostolic Reformation.
It has been called theocratic extremism and been nicknamed “The American Taliban.” And it is EVERYWHERE. The NAR sponsor everything and they have been taking over churches since the 1980’s.
“We are now living in the midst of one of the most epochal changes in the structure of the Church that has ever been recorded. I like to call it the “Second Apostolic Age.”
—C. Peter Wagner, Apostles Today: Biblical Government for Biblical Power.

We keep going on about separation of church and state when the fact is is that these people want TO BE the government.

Many Christians in the United States go to their traditional churches every Sunday morning unaware of the existence of a reformation that has been underway since the 1980s—a religious movement that has radically transformed other churches throughout their city and the world.
It’s apostolic because its leaders claim they’re restoring the lost office of apostle to the church—an office endowed with astonishing authority, miraculous powers, and divine strategies for establishing God’s kingdom on earth. It’s a reformation because proponents say the movement will completely change the way church is done, and its effects will be as great—or even greater than—the sixteenth-century Protestant Reformation. The biggest innovation of NAR is the belief that apostles, working together with prophets, must take over governance,
so that God’s end-time plans can be fulfilled and Christ can return.
Have you noticed that there has been an abundance of “spiritual warfare books?” With the biblical government of the church in place again, the apostles and prophets can raise up God’s end-time army. This army will be invincible. Its troops will work miracles,
prophesy, and help the apostles cast out high-ranking super-demons that presently rule over cities and nations. The NAR will also cash in on the “Great End-Time Transfer of Wealth,” a divinely orchestrated redistribution of the world’s wealth to whom they state are the righteous. Though these teachings will sound radical to Christians, they’re sweeping through churches in the United States and throughout the world. NAR has been around for more than thirty years—since the 1980s, when the office of prophet began to be restored. NAR teachings have gained enough momentum for an entire generation of young people to be raised in churches that promote them. For these people, NAR teachings are at the heart of Christianity. Here’s the kicker, Jesus “spoke” to Brian Simmons, a minister for the movement and to create a new Bible called the “Passion Translation.” NAR is worldwide in scope, with millions of participants. A movement of such size is not going away soon. NAR accounts for much of the phenomenal growth of Christianity taking place in the Global South—Africa, Asia, and Latin America. It’s part of the fastest-growing segment of non-
Catholic Christianity worldwide. In the United States, NAR churches can be found in almost every city and town, from Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, to North Pole, Alaska. These churches are not always identifiable by their formal statements of faith, since their statements are frequently indistinguishable from those of more traditional churches. But they often can be identified by their use of the term fivefold ministry, which, as used in NAR, refers to the belief that God has given the church five continuing governmental offices: apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher. The total number of people in the United States who likely have come into significant contact with NAR teachings totals over 66 million, and who have been influenced the most by NAR is close to 36 million. Leaders exert considerable influence on the local and national voting practices of their followers. They publish voter prayer guides and distribute them through their networks. One example is a guide—published by the United States Reformation Prayer Network (USRPN) under prophet Cindy Jacobs—that opposed California labor unions before the 2012 election. NAR leaders have thus emerged as a political force. And secular organizations have sounded an alarm. They started to gain political power with Sarah Palin, politically, they state that God is raising up an “elite Delta force,” that is, a “spiritual special forces” unit made up of apostles and prophets who are presently being prepared in various places throughout the world to advance God’s earthly kingdom.

As mainstream evangelical influence wanes, the New Apostolic Reformation is gaining broader acceptance among conservative Christians and it’s about political power. It is the redistribution of worldly wealth to these people. Sitting in gold mansions whilst everyone toils. This is no joke. It’s also not hiding in the shadows. It’s out there. They are deep in the Republican Party and have been since the 1980’s, but more do since Newt Gingrich had one of their “prophets” Lou Engle pray over him at a 2009 Virginia rally called “Rediscovering God in America.”
Whilst they are not hiding, they’ve certainly been flying under the radar. The Passion Translation is expected to be completed in 2028 and that is in time for what Paul Weyrich and the New Right stated that theocracy in America will be in place no later than 2032.

Mr. Spock 🖖 (Commentary)

So I mentioned The Seven Mountains Mandate today. The Speaker of the House is a follower of this and this is why the Heritage Foundation helped place him as speaker. Do you know what this Seven Mountains Mandate is? Let’s take it from their “generals” mandate.

In 1975, Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade and Loren Cunningham, founder of Youth With a Mission(YWAM), developed a God-given, world-changing strategy. Their mandate: Bring Godly change to a nation by reaching its seven spheres, or mountains, of societal influence.

They concluded that in order to truly transform any nation with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, these seven facets of society must be reached: Religion, Family,Education, Government, Media, Arts & Entertainment and Business.

The Reformation Prayer Network’s primary goal is to be a catalyst, through prayer and righteous activism, which will bring change to these areas of societal influence.

Every society has some type of belief in a superior being or beings. In the east, religions tend to be polytheistic (many gods) or outright idolatrous (such as Hinduism and Buddhism). Although these religions are thousands of years old, they nonetheless continue to thrive today. In the west, Christianity and Catholicism are predominant, but postmodern views are increasingly being accepted and the concept of God is being rejected. This is especially true in Europe. The Christian Church is described in the Greek language as the ecclesia. Literally translated, the word ecclesia means “governing body,” this translation suggests that the Church should have great influence in all other spheres that make up a society. With a plethora of categorized religions around the world, it’s the Church’s responsibility to reach the lost with the love and Gospel of Jesus Christ, and expand the Kingdom in ministerial efforts, both nationally and internationally.

In any functional society, the family is the “building block” of the community. Throughout the Bible, you will find familial examples that portray how we ought to live our lives today. The families of the United States have been under constant and prolonged attack. Today, the assailants are fatherlessness, divorce (50% rate in secular and Christian marriages), abuse, homosexual marriage, pornography, and other negative influences have brought great dysfunction to American life. God is calling fathers and mothers (both spiritual and biological) to bring order to the chaos that the enemy has unleashed against families in America. He also wants to bring healing to marriages and relationships within families in order to maintain a moral foundation for children in the future to stand upon.

At one time the education system of America unapologetically incorporated the Bible, prayer to the God of the Bible, and biblical values in every aspect of school life. Not coincidentally, this system produced a people that produced the most powerful and prosperous nation the earth has ever seen.
Now, the children of our nation are inundated with liberal ideologies, atheistic teaching and postmodern principles in our public schools and in most universities (including many Christian institutions). Put simply; they are being indoctrinated with often false, biased and anti-biblical information.
A re-introduction of biblical truth and Bible-centric values is the key to renewal and restoration in America’s failing educational system.

The progressive liberal agenda, empowered by well-known men and women in the arts and entertainment industries, have made significant gains in the political arena over the past few decades. In fact, many liberal groups, such as the ACLU, seek to remove anything related to God or Christianity from the governmental and educational systems because of a misapplied interpretation of the phrase, “separation of church and state.” We must see a shift in this arena in order to preserve the Christian heritage that America was founded upon. The goal is to put in place righteous political leaders that will positively affect all aspects of government.

In the 2008 elections, the liberal “elite” media played a vital role, especially in the Presidential race. Their generally supportive and positive reporting greatly influenced the outcome.
There has been a rise in Christian news services, which is needed. However, to bring transformation to the mountain of media, Christians who are gifted for and called into this type of work must be willing to report righteously and truthfully in the secular marketplace.
In this mountain we find some of the most influential forces shaping our society. Music, filmmaking, television, social media, and the performing arts drive the cultural tastes, values and standards of a nation’s citizens, particularly its youth.
With a heavy reliance on the strong appeal of sex, drugs and alcohol, the arts and entertainment industries wield significant influence. The body of Christ needs powerful, righteous men and women who are not afraid to take their God-given talent into the arts and entertainment arenas. People ready to further His purposes, while impacting those who are lost in darkness and would not otherwise be interested in any kind of Christian message in traditional forms.

We must protect the wealthy. The ability to literally create wealth through ingenuity, enterprise, creativity and effort and is a God-given gift and a universal impulse. The markets and economic systems that emerge whenever people are free to pursue buying and selling become the lifeblood of a nation. This includes anything from farms to small businesses to large corporations. We believe it is the Lord’s will to make his people prosperous and that He desires for His Church to use its wealth to finance the work of Kingdom expansion. Simply put: Prosperity with a purpose.

So there you have it. Really, when you look at it with a critical eye. It’s really ALL about wealth and power. The first six “mountains” is to control the people to assure wealth.
These people are just lying greedy hypocrites, yet again wearing the mask of Christianity to do it.

Public Christian schools? Leonard Leo’s allies advance a new cause
My tax dollars should go to public schools, not church-affiliated schools… a school that is financed by the public is a public school and must be subject to all laws and rules that apply to public schools @FedSoc