ECP NetHappenings SBF’s Mother the Elite Academia Morons

SBF’s MOM says is all about

“The results of our actions are more important than abstract notions of right and wrong.”


Drink the Ivy Kool-Aid?

These are the PHD morons we live with.

Robert Sterling @RobertMSterling
There’s something deeply unsettling about SBF’s parents. Frightening, even.

You get the feeling that, as cliched as it might be, these are people who hold themselves as members of a higher caste, to whom the rules and mores governing the proletariat simply do not apply. People who earnestly believe that their academic credentials convey intellectual power, which implies moral superiority, which endows cultural authority and which should translate to political privilege.

People like this view themselves as transcendent figures. They are the cognitive Brahmins of the world, whose machinations are beyond the comprehension of those of us outside the cognitive elite. The rest of us are simply the untouchables on the sides of the roads winding toward their ivory towers. We are not to question their ends, nor the means by which they pursue them.

It’s why Sam’s mother writes at length about his adoption of utilitarianism as something that should be a mitigating factor in his sentence, rather than exploring whether it played a role in her son’s felonious behavior. It’s why she alludes to young Sam’s consumption of literature from “well-known academic philosopher” Derik Parfit but doesn’t speak of the harm adult Sam did to his victims.

Reading the letter, it becomes apparent that Sam deserves credit for adopting a vegan diet that spares the lives of animals, but Sam does not bear guilt—or need to atone—for ruining the lives of actual humans. Because the humans he harmed simply aren’t as worthy as the likes of the Bankmans, the Frieds, or the guests attending their academic dinner parties.

The more I see of these people, the less I believe that SBF was simply a hapless nerd who got caught up in poor business decisions and the more I view him as a lifelong sociopath, raised from birth to believe that high SAT scores and prestigious diplomas grant immunity from consequences in life. And the angrier I become. This is why people say they would rather be governed by random people in the phonebook than by members of Ivy League faculties.

25 years in prison isn’t enough for this guy. They dropped 5 additional charges against Sam Bankman-Fried including CAMPAIGN FINANCE charges and CHINA BRIBERY. They really didn’t want those to go into trial and be re-illuminated in the public eye. Especially not with an election. Sam should have served 200 years.

FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried sentenced to 25 years for crypto fraud, to pay $11 billion in forfeiture

FTX was one of the largest financial frauds in history. Now it’s time to look at the Tether fraud, which is what enabled the FTX fraud. Tether committed bank fraud, just like SBF, and tethers fraud was instrumental to Sam Bankman-Frieds FTX fraud.