Roevember Is Coming

In less than three decades, the Republican Party has gone from “livid about a blowjob” to “pretty chill about espionage”. Unreal. Ken Starr, prosecutor in Clinton Whitewater probe, dies at 76.

The Republican Party is introducing a NATIONAL abortion ban. It was NEVER about “states’ rights.” Never forget that abortion was a poll-tested, engineered political issue fabricated to align white Catholics, white Evangelicals and The Birchers to fight against their “common enemy” – civil rights.

It’s not a late term abortion ban, it’s a 15 week, national abortion ban. It’s not Lindsey Graham’s ban, it’s the Republican Party’s ban.

Mitt Romney & Susan Collins are radicals who proudly align/vote with a party that has vowed to cut your social security, gut granny’s medicare & ban abortion nationwide.

Lindsey Graham just made the midterms 100% about abortion, which means Roevember is coming. Republicans just introduced their national abortion ban to take away women’s freedom and put women and doctors in jail in every single state.

If Democrats add just 2 more Democratic senators and hold the House, Roe v. Wade would become law again next year.

RT VOTE BLUE ELECT Bennet (CO) Warnock (GA) Kelly (AZ) Cortez Masto (NV) Hassan (NH) Fetterman (PA) Ryan (OH) Barnes (WI)
We win 7 of these races, Manchin & Sinema become irrelevant.
If we get it done, Dems can deliver transformative change — w/o being blocked by the filibuster.


The Lindsey Graham abortion bill is no “abortion compromise” at 15 weeks. It allows states to flatly ban abortion at week 1. What it does is take these rights away from women who live in states that do not restrict abortion after 14th wks. Its a profoundly radical anti choice bill.

@JohnFetterman US Senate candidate, PA
I don’t know who needs to hear this (MY OPPONENT) but a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions is non-negotiable. 💯

Watching a deeply closeted gay man do this is really friggin amazing.

Just a reminder that the person crafting national legislation stripping you of your reproductive rights, Lindsey Graham, has no children, no significant other, no family, but is perfectly content to tell you how and when you should have yours.

Lindsey Graham has been subpoenaed to testify to a Fulton County grand jury in a criminal probe into the Trump 2020 election overthrow plot.
Lady Lindsy has inspired millions of women to register and vote against him and his party of decrepit misogynists. They will lose big in Roevember.

Robert Mueller was appointed to oversee the Russia probe but at the end of the day let’s face it, establishment republicans are still republicans & most of them find a way to side with chump.

Bombshell hits Donald Trump as the DOJ issues 40 subpoenas to his allies as part of the investigation into illegal efforts to overturn the 2020 election and Jan. 6th — two top Trump advisers even had their phones seized.

Republican county election commissioner is arrested and charged by the FBI
Rensselaer County Board of Elections commissioner Jason T. Schofield was under investigation for his use of an online portal to obtain absentee ballots — an investigation that led to the guilty plea earlier this year of a Troy councilwoman. The charges against Schofield remain sealed pending his first court appearance.

Do you want a two-minute explanation for why the right wing gets almost its entire agenda accomplished through statehouses?
Here it is @DavidPepper

Bill Barr’s corruption/weaponization of DOJ to protect Trump & persecute Trump’s critics make me want to f’ing scream! This abuse by Barr et al. must be addressed. #JusticeMatters and Clarence Thomas needs to be removed from the Supreme Court when his corrupt fascist wife Ginny is found guilty!!!

And here it is. Oath Keeper founder Stewart Rhodes wants his own special master. (Plus a 3-month trial postponement.)


The commander of Russia’s 137th Guards Airborne Regiment has been killed by Ukrainian forces.

The Irish government is paying artists, musicians, writers, and performers a basic income of $330 each week as part of a new initiative to revitalize their country’s arts after the pandemic. 9,000 people applied for the program and 2,000 were accepted. This is an excellent idea.

Mike Roman, whose phone was seized, was formerly “intelligence” chief specializing in opposition research for the Kochs.

Trump and his golf course crew walked into a bar. The bartender hit them with subpoena coladas.



Bennet (CO)
Warnock (GA)
Kelly (AZ)
Cortez Masto (NV)
Hassan (NH)
Fetterman (PA)
Ryan (OH)
Barnes (WI)

We win 7 of these races, Manchin & Sinema become irrelevant.

If we get it done, Dems can deliver transformative change — w/o being blocked by the filibuster.

The GOP has to suffer an election defeat so historic that, for all intents and purposes, it ceases to exist after November 8, 2022. It’s up to us, the people, to save ourselves. Let’s make that happen.

Democratic challenger to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Charlie Crist, declares on the @MeidasTouch Podcast that he will sign an executive order to protect a woman’s right to choose on his first day in office.

The ACTIVIST Federalist Supreme Court is controlled by a homophobic husband of a domestic terrorist, a far-right Christian cultist, and a twice-accused MAGA rapist. Also, 3 of the current justices on the bench were appointed by a Nuclear Spy.
We have to expand the court this November.

The wife of Justice Clarence Thomas has reportedly been found to have ties to more than half the anti-abortion groups that lobbied the U.S. Supreme Court before they overturned the landmark abortion ruling in Roe v. Wade.

New polls find that Raphael Warnock is beating Herschel Walker in Georgia, Charlie Crist is statistically tied with Ron DeSantis in Florida, and Mark Kelly is beating Blake Masters in Arizona.

Brad Pfaff @pfaff4congress
US House candidate, WI-03
There are currently five insurrectionists running for office around the country. One of which is my opponent, Derrick Van Orden, who stormed the Capitol on January 6th. Kevin McCarthy has endorsed him. This will be the closest race in November, but we will win.

The former president of the United States and head of the GOP is under criminal investigation for espionage and sedition.
2017 – 2021 the next time you do an interview with one of these folks, say Larry Summers, ask about #Epstein thread

I wonder why Leonard Leo was talking to the head of the SEC in April 15, 2020

The photo agency @RMolinon that filmed Trump as he boarded the plane at Palm Beach International Airport 5-9-2021 said the plane was in fact loaded with DOZENS OF FILE BOXES!

Why hasn’t Bedminster been searched?
WaPo’s Timeline MAY 6TH 2021 “Over the next several months, archives officials repeatedly ask for the missing records and Trump resists returning them.”
May 6th: NARA emails Trump that many high profile Presidential documents are missing.
Video from May 9, 2021 shows Trump boarding a jet from Florida to Bedminster with multiple boxes bearing a strong resemblance to boxes of top secret materials found at Mar-a-Lago.
On May 6, NARA had contacted Trump’s team saying documents were missing and may be at Mar-a-Lago. The numbers that appear in the video represent the # of boxes that are being loaded onto the plane.
Here’s a thread of all the times Trump publicly divulged or mishandled classified information when he was in office.

Jennifer Cohn: Election security advocate & political writer; attorney; @independent @nybooks @whowhatwhy @buckscobeacon
-Support my work:
The MAGA/Dominionist coalition has our data. It also has the CSPOA, the Oathkeepers, the Proud Boys. radicalized current & ex-military & police, & expertise in PSYOPs. Its associates have allegedly breached voting systems in multiple states. This is what we face. cc:@POTUS
This hellish coalition is led by Flynn, Stone, and Bannon.
If it helps, please share my article far and wide. I plan to write another for @BucksCoBeacon this week. Thank you. 2/
The MAGA/Dominionist coalition has rarely called out America’s largest voting machine vendor, ES&S. I first became concerned about ES&S years ago when I learned that it received its initial financing from the family of Howard Ahmanson, a top donor to Christian Reconstruction.
Ahmanson sold his shares years ago, & the company is now controlled by the McCarthy Group. Mike McCarthy is a hard core Republican who served as treasurer on Republican Chuck Hagel’s senate campaign which featured an anti-abortion (no exceptions) platform. 2/