Pennsylvania Hates Trump

Pennsylvania hates Trump.

Trump’s White Supremist Evangelical Baptist Teaparty Fascist #Project2025 Republican party wants Amerika to go back before the Civil Rights Movement, they want it to go back to the way things were before the Civil War. Trump and his Rethuglican party are all about fighting the Civil War in 2024.

The 1968 Democratic National Convention sparked a riot in Chicago
50 years ago, anti-Vietnam protesters in Chicago for the Democratic National Convention 

The real political power in America, regardless of party, lies in the hands of big money.
Who exactly is trying to push Biden out?
A lesson in where political power really lies in America
Big-Ticket Donor Class Elites of the party.
It was the first time any modern president has admitted that the elites of the party are the millionaires (and billionaires) who fund it, which gives them extraordinary political power.
Only 8 House Democrats out of 213 have called for him to drop out, and only one Senate Democrat has gone that far. Not a single DNC member has called for Biden to exit the race.

There is one small group of people in America with the power to push Joe Biden out of the race. Who are they? The major donors to the Democratic Party. They’re the ones Biden is angry with. Only one group is going to persuade him — the Democratic Party’s biggest donors. 


BREAKING: The Los Angeles Times editorial board calls Trump unfit for office: “Trump is the only man in the presidential race manifestly unworthy of holding a position of power, and has no business ever returning to the White House.”
It’s unbelievable that the nation is spending so much time on the question of Biden’s verbal acuity, when the greatest concern ought to be that his challenger is a self-aggrandizing felon and twice-impeached election-denier. Trump fomented the Jan. 6 insurrection, shows contempt for the rule of law and shamelessly lies in pursuit of more power. He’s an authoritarian who admires murderous despots, wants to jail his political enemies and has publicly flirted with declaring himself a dictator on his first day back in office.

Trump’s massive criminality, rape and treason shows up everyday.
Trump loves chaos. He is a chaos agent.
Media Outlets are only interested in chaos to bolster their ratings.
Boycott, unsubscribe and delete the Washington Post & New York Times forever.
The dumbest convicted felon ever convicted in America.

Trump has to win to make all his charges disappear. He will never drop out and there’s more grifting to do. There’s millions and billions to pocket.


Trump’s fines & settlements over the years

1988: S750K Anti-trust lawsuit Bally
1990: S750K Defamation for accurately predicting Trump Taj Mahal would fail
1991: S200K Removing black workers from casino
1991: $30K Circumventing state regulations
1998: $1.4M Hiring of undocumented workers
1998: $447K Money laundering violations
2000: $250K NYS Lobby commission
2006: $STOCK Palm Beach flag ordinance
2015: $799K Defamation Trump University Student
2015: $10M Money laundering violations $50K Data & credit card breaches
2016: $1-3M FEC disclosure errors
2017: $750K Anti-trust lawsuit Bally
2017: $25M: Trump University fraud
2019: $2M: Trump Foundation fraud
2019: $290k: Scotland wind farm
2021: $122M: Trump campaign forced to refund to donors
2022: $110K: Contempt Of Court
2022: $750K: Funneling Inaugural funds to his buisnness
2022: $l.6M Guilty 17 criminal tax fraud
2023: CFO sentenced to prison
2023: $1OK for attacking court personnel
2023: $10 Million Court sanctions bogus lawsuit including S171K to be paid to Hillary
2023: $5M  E Jean Carroll sexual assault
2024: $83.3M  E Jean Carroll defamation
2024: $392K Court sanctions bogus lawsuit- NY Times
2024: $453 Million business fraud $1-3M FEC disclosure errors

This Raw Story breaking news is so deadly serious that neither the @nytimes, the @washingtonpost, or any other major media outlet will cover it.

Raiklin is seeking to enlist so-called “constitutional” *Sheriffs, in rural, conservative counties across the country to detain Trump’s political enemies. Or, as he says, carry out “live-streamed swatting raids” against individuals on his “Deep State target list.”
“This is a deadly serious report,” Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) told Raw Story. “A retired U.S. military officer has drawn up a ‘Deep State target list’ of public officials he considers traitors, along with our family members and staff. His hit list is a vigilante death warrant for hundreds of Americans and a clear and present danger to the survival American democracy and freedom.”

Bruce Wilson @brucewilson
The idea of county sheriffs appointing armies of deputies to forcibly advance an anti-federal government or anti-democratic agenda has floated around far-right wing circles for many years.

“Under Raiklin’s objectively bizarre plan, the sympathetic sheriffs would deputize some 75,000 military veterans — veterans he claims have been pushed out of service because they refused to comply with COVID-19 vaccine mandates — to carry out the arrests.”
“Raiklin has gone so far as to pitch his plan to a group of far-right sheriffs who met in Las Vegas in April.”

Elon is purging #TrumpPedoFiles posts from Twitter.
In the last 24 hours, 58,000 #TrumpPedoFiles posts have disappeared.
Yesterday it was 253,000

Trump is a predator
1: Michael parker, 10-years old, oral rape Mar-a-Lago, Palm Beach, FL, 1992. Trump
paid his parents a $3 million settlement.
2: Kelly Feuer, 12-years old, $1 million settlement paid in 1989, allegations of forced intercourse, Trump Tower, NY, NYC.
3: Charles Bacon, 11 years old, $3 million, allegations of oral and anal intercourse, 1994, Trump Tower, NY, NYC.
4: Rebecca Conway, 13 Years old, claimed intercourse & oral sex. Trump Vineyard Estates, Charlottesville, VA, 2012, $5 million settlement.
5: Maria Olivera, 12 years old. Her family was paid $16 million to settle allegations of
forcible intercourse — occurring in Mar-a- Lago, Palm Beach, FL, 1993
6: Kevin Noll: II years old, anal rape, Trump Tower, NY, NYC, 1998. Settlement details unknown.

Superdelegate pushing convention effort to stop Sanders is health care lobbyist who backed McConnell. William Owen gave $8,500 to the Senators Classic Committee, a joint fundraising committee backing Mitch McConnell.
Managing Editor