ECP NetHappenings Headlines Pastafarianism, founded by an Atheist

Turtle Mitch McConnell

says he plans to serve out his term to January 2027.

He’ll be 85. Republicans can’t talk shit about Biden’s age anymore. Even that Chuck Grassley is 90.


In November there will be two FL Supreme Court (@flcourts) justices on the ballot – Justice Renatha Francis and Justice Meredith Sasso. They were both recently appointed to the court by Governor DeSantis, so voters will now decide if they should remain on the court. They signed their own retirement papers on that failed dissent against the abortion amendment. Maybe close to the shortest tenures ever on the FLSC.

Hope Hicks has flipped on Trump; she’s testifying against him in the NY criminal trial
DEVASTATING for Trump: Hicks was in his inner circle during the events in question, in the fall of 2016. She can likely testify that the purpose of the hush money was the ELECTION.

John McGuire. He’s an ex-Navy SEAL. He’s a Candidate for Congress VA 05. He was at the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th.


Tether is a massive scam. There are no US treasuries or anything backing it. Its founders are known crooks since the early days of crypto. When it implodes it’s going to be, by far, the worst bitcoin crash ever.

Rho Rider @RhoRider
⚠️🚨Wanna know the🔑to the ponzi?
Behold, the “Tether: Loan Interest” wallet
They ‘loan’ out $USDT to exchanges & market makers, ‘secured’ by crypto bought w/ $USDT, and collect ‘interest’ in $USDT they loaned.
They call these loans “reserves” Even if you want to assume they’re 99% backed at attestation time… when you have $105B in circulation and only show reserves evry 3 months, its very easy to print $1 or 2 Billion on the front end, give it out to your cartel friends, and backfill cash later. Best part? They don’t even have to ever collect real fiat on these bc Tether just calls it “loans” & “other investments” on their attestations
…aka, >$9B $USDT is whatever fugazi accounting they want. Thats more than enough to move the market
They can do this infinitely
Just like ‘central banks’ and ‘banks’.
Fiat out of thin air for worthless paper.

FRANCIS – BULLBITCOIN.COM @francispouliot_
Bitcoin meetup 2 days ago, I explain to a normie what is self-custody, telling her Coinbase may one day refuse her permission to withdraw. At the dinner, I show her how to pay me with BTC from her Coinbase wallet. And guess what? Didn’t have permission to withdraw Bitcoin.


In 2014, Shawna Hammond from Oklahoma sought to have her driver’s license photo taken with a spaghetti strainer on her head.

She argued that wearing the colander was a religious requirement as a member of the Pastafarian faith. Surprisingly, her request was approved because the colander is recognized as the official headwear for Pastafarians, making it permissible under the state’s guidelines for religious attire.

 in 2005, emerged as a protest against the inclusion of Creationism in school curricula.

When questioned about her adherence to Pastafarianism, Shawna identified herself as an Atheist, emphasizing her belief in freedom of thought. She explained that to her, ‘the colander represents freedom.’

The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, the deity of Pastafarianism, is depicted as a floating mass of spaghetti noodles with a large meatball on either side of its body and two centrally located eyestalks.

This depiction is a parody of traditional religious iconography and serves as a symbol of the movement’s light-hearted approach to religion.

The Pastafarian community is quite diverse and widespread. Adherents, who call themselves Pastafarians, purportedly number in the tens of thousands and are primarily located in North America, western Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.

This global presence underscores the reach and influence of this parody religion, demonstrating its ability to resonate with individuals across different cultures and geographies.

Pastafarians believe that humans are descendants of pirates, the original Pastafarians. This belief is a satirical take on the concept of a chosen people found in many religions. Pirates are revered as peaceful explorers, and the decline in their numbers since the 1800s is humorously cited as the cause of global warming.