Our economic security is on the ballot

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Our economic security is on the ballot

January 6 committee votes to subpoena former president Donald Trump

Bennie G. Thompson We have left no doubt, none, that Donald Trump led an effort to upend American democracy that directly resulted in the violence of January 6th. Trump is not above the law!

Liz Cheney: “Without accountability, it becomes normal, and it will recur.”

Nancy Pelosi @TeamPelosi
US House candidate, CA-11
Our Democracy is on the ballot. Our economic security is on the ballot.
We know what extreme Republicans are doing across America to undermine our elections. With YOU, our Volunteers in Politics, we will win. 25 days left — make every day count! -NP

David Hogg
Am I the only person who has found the professionalism and integrity of January 6th committee insanely refreshing? It is so nice to see politicians practicing any level of professionalism and bipartisanship.
Now we know that Garland knew Donald had ordered people to move boxes, AND that he had it on video.

*** That an American president has gotten away w/all his endless lies & crimes is a breathtaking, devastating failure of an incomprehensible justice system. It imprisons countless humans for minute alleged “crimes,” but protects a criminal monster for years on end, perhaps forever.
What he is counting on — what trump has always done — is kick the can of justice and accountability down the road indefinitely in order to normalize his rampant lawlessness and corruption—in order to conflate black-market strong-arm autocracy with legitimate business and society.

The CrayCray Cuckoo Bananas manifesto….MAGA glossary
1. Education is indoctrination
2. Prosecution is persecution
3. Losing is winning
4. Insurrection is patriotism
5. Violence is victimhood
6. Killing women is pro-life
7. Antiracism /“woke” is racism
8. Antifascists are fascists
9. Election denial is respect 4 office

If you want an end to all legal abortions, marriage equality, banning more books, more widespread assault weapons, repeal of Social Security and Medicare, etc., then your are a evangelical fascist rethuglican stupid son of a bitch.

Per sworn testimony from Cassidy Hutchison: Trump was “raging.” He said: “I don’t want people to know that we lost. This is embarrassing The only person trying to rig & steal the election was Trump.

It was Republican staffers from Trump’s team telling us that Trump knew he lost.

Jen Psaki “He was the central player”…

Gaslighting gets through because right wing media hides behind the first amendment to report false narratives, [ lies, lying liars ] and an
∴ emotionalized electorate∴  buys it because they’re susceptible morons!

Washington State GOP Pays a White Nationalist, Pro-Nazi Blogger

During his time in the White House, no target provoked as much anger from Donald Trump as the American press.
In 2017, he declared, “The press, honestly, is out of control.”
In 2019, he called it “truly the enemy of the people.

His reelection campaign sued the Washington Post and the New York Times.

What do Blake Masters and Ron Johnson and Adam Laxalt and Don Bolduc and Ted Budd have in common? They’re all election deniers who have no business in the Senate.

“He is against America,” can be said with complete accuracy about Ron Johnson.

“Abortionist Bitch Daughter.”
Roger Stone Threw a Fit After Not Getting Pardon, Called Ivanka ‘Abortionist Bitch’

“Fuck you and your abortionist bitch daughter,” he concluded, referring to Ivanka Trump, according to the filmmaker Christoffer Guldbrandsen who said there was “no doubt” who Stone was ranting about. This turd thinks having a Tricky Dick tattoo on his back is the coolest! Remember Stone is the Father of the corrupt Imperial Presidency idea for the last 50 years!

Secretary of the Army Christine E. Wormuth @SecArmy
There has been confusion on an issue where there should be none. So let me be clear: I expect @USArmy leaders to stand up for women—and all Soldiers—who are unduly attacked or disrespected. Our @USArmy Soldiers don’t hesitate to defend each other in combat & they shouldn’t hesitate to defend each other from threats or abuse, whether IRL or online. Army leaders, use good judgment online. Keep it professional.

Wake me up when you recall Gen Flynn and court marshall him for his open advocacy for overthrowing our government and you hold his brother Chuck accountable for blocking troops when the Capital was under attack. Why is Gen. Flynn still getting an army pension when he tried to overthrow the government? Why did his brother get promoted after helping with the insurrection? Why did you reprimand a general who was defending women in the armed forces? Tax payers want answers!

More dangerous than Trump himself are, the FlynnStones, Mike and Roger. They are instigators, experts on manipulating the cult and belong behind bars.

Tragic fallout from the politicisation of science in the US

Why did (R) representative Mo Brooks put on a bulletproof vest before leaving for work the morning of January 6th?

DoD said Trump had to make an order. Wow. McEntee types it up. Wow. President signed it. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow.

VIDEO On Jan. 5, 2021, @DougMastriano, @PATreasurer and @PAHouseGOP headlined a Stop The Steal rally in PA, despite declaring their own wins in the same election. Mastriano streamed his speech on Facebook.
After he crossed police lines with the Jan. 6 rioters, he deleted it. #PAGOV
Full deleted video of Mastriano’s January 5th speech

At 1:03 in this @January6thCmte video, an attendee of the January 5th Stop The Steal rally in PA is featured making violent threats against the Speaker of the House while rioting in the U.S. Capitol.
Here she is at the rally with Mastriano’s transition chair.

“No Person shall … hold any office … under the United States,
or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath …
to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion…” — US Constitution, 14th Am., Sec. 3

“Only the Mob pleads the fifth” —Donald Trump

Biden, Garland and the Democratic “Leadership”
Have NEVER shown the guts to fight for Democracy. Hearings are one thing. Firings and indictments are another. The fascist right-wing cult is corrupt to the core.

Why Didn’t the FBI Review Social Media Posts Announcing Plans for the Capitol Riot? Neither Brookings nor Lawfare are, as institutions, sufficiently skeptical of either the motivations or the competence of federal law enforcement, including the FBI and SS.

Apart from the need to indict those who plotted this outrage, there is the question where was FBI Director Chris Wray? He bears some responsibility for letting armed rioters get anywhere near the Capitol, given all the intelligence that was available in advance of the violence ~ Laurence Tribe

What on earth were the Secret Service (and the FBI!) doing with this information? Throwing it in the trash? Cops are MAGA, including the FBI. A week after 1/6, a person familiar with FBI operations informed a top bureau manager that “there is a sizeable percentage of the employee population that felt sympathetic to the group that stormed the Capitol.”
One thing we learned today the missing Secret Service text truly mattered. They knew 01/06 was coming.

Surprise! Secrecy covers incompetence, corruption, overreach but does not provide protection.
Secret Service Jan. 6 messages show they got tip that Proud Boys were plotting to “kill people”
“FBI a Secret Service source pleaded with the agency

The Jan. 6 Committee Gave Us Some Bad News About the Secret Service

When a party invokes the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination in a civil case, the court is permitted to instruct the jury that it may draw an adverse inference that the answer would have been against the party’s interest. [Federal rule]

READ PAGE 6 ny 10/13/2022 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 42 INDEX NO.452564/2022 10/13/2022
2) However, this examination is not
3 the same as a deposition in ordinary civil
4 litigation and your attorney’s role will be
5 limited to consultation with you in order
6 to give you legal advice regarding
7 privileged matters, if any, or your right
8 not to incriminate yourself.

#1 The breach of Capitol grounds at 12:53pm
On Nov 9, 2020 AFTER Trump lost he fired Esper and installed Chris Miller ‘Acting Sec of Defense’ and Kash Patel. In DC the only people who can deploy the National Guard are POTUS and Sec of Defense. These are the 14 times Miller denied the National Guard

@SpeakerPelosi now knows Chris Miller and Rosen lied to her, the National Guard and thousands of law enforcement were NOT on the way. They lied and people died. They were installed AFTER trump lost. THINK ABOUT THAT

And . . . the Supreme Court REJECTS Trump’s plea to intervene in special master case. Justice is trending.

Jim Helminski @jhelminski
As a former Deputy Assistant Director for the Secret Service. I have spoken out about the dangers to our democracy imposed by agents who have conspired w/Trump. Since then, the Secret Service has revoked my affiliation with the agency.

From Adam Schiff: The Secret Service and Department of Defense knew about plans from Insurgent groups to “arm themselves and to engage in political violence at the event” and to “occupy federal buildings” as early as December of 2020. Nearly a month before the deadly attack.

Poo Poo Punchin’ Pelosi
“If he comes I’m gonna punch him out and I’m going to jail and I’m going to be happy” Nancy Pelosi.
The only reason the riot was as successful as it was, is because, in DC only 2 people can deploy the national guard since their inception in 1882. POTUS and the secretary of defense. Nancy Pelosi was unable to deploy the National Guard as much as she wanted to.

IMPORTANT: the only reason the riot was as successful as it was, is because, in DC only 2 people can deploy the national guard since their inception in 1882. POTUS and the secretary of defense. Nancy Pelosi was unable to deploy the National Guard as much as she wanted to.

Steve Scalise wants to know why Nancy didn’t call the National Guard. He was standing there on film when she did.He’s one of the biggest shills of the gun lobby, though he almost died from gun violence.

Arguing with a Trump supporter is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are at chess, the pigeon is just going to knock over the pieces, crap on the board, and strut around like it won…

Ron Johnson is BOOED during his debate with Mandela Barnes.


The “Krushchev’s mistake” wording was a clear ‘tell’ that Musk was using material produced by someone linked to the Russian state. A 2nd was water supply to Crimea (why that detail?) A 3rd tell was his use of the Kosovo analogy. Typical Kremlin talk – atypical for anyone else.

He used the following sentence: „- Crimea formally part of Russia, as it has been since 1783 (until Khrushchev’s mistake).“ NOBODY except a Russian official use this language and comparison because both events are Cherry picked and not following wach other (Crimea was  1917)

A senior U.S. official expressed exasperation to me about the Starlink situation in Ukraine involving @elonmusk.
Musk “dangles hope over the heads of millions, then sticks the DoD with the bill for a system no one asked for but now so many depend on.” This comes a week after Musk called on Ukraine to cede its territories to Russia — which Musk tweeted after he spoke with Vladimir Putin.

So @elonmusk is whining about losing a lot of money on Starlinks for Ukraine.
Meanwhile, may I present to you snippets of my bank statements.
Thousands of Ukrainians, paying his company monthly.
So the question is: did you really lose more money than you earned?

Elon: Buy Twitter Copy WeChat #ElonMusk is too smart but still not fully understand the consequences of dealing with #CCP.
“‘It is strange when the word ‘brave’ has become a sensitive keyword,’ said one on WeChat. On Twitter, which is unaccessible from China unless one skirts the firewall, the images and videos went viral and drew a large amount of supportive comments.”
Chinese Internet Users Lose Access to WeChat App After Beijing Protest https://www.wsj.com/articles/chinese-internet-users-lose-access-to-wechat-app-after-beijing-protest-11665757947
Musk just wants to copy WeChat =Twitter

Anyone who builds up a cult of idiot fanboys & cryptobros is a weak man & psycho. Elon may well end up fleeing the US, but not before FLEECING the US for as much as possible.

Cybercriminals Are Selling Access to Chinese Surveillance Cameras

OnlyFans lawyers accidentally reveal which Meta execs allegedly took bribes
Names of Nick Clegg and Nicola Mendelsohn mistakenly not redacted. OnlyFans’ owner Fenix International Limited accidentally filed a court document that mistakenly failed to redact the names of Meta employees allegedly connected to the global conspiracy. Because of the misstep, it has been revealed that adult entertainers have specifically accused three Meta employees of taking bribes. The employees are Nick Clegg (Meta’s vice president of global policy), Nicola Mendelsohn (vice president of the global business team), and Cristian Perrella (whom Yahoo Finance reported is Meta’s European safety director).

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Bored Ape Yacht Club ruined my life. Bought the top at $450,000 with everything I owned and my life savings and still holding to this day. I’d be lucky to clear 6 figs.

Started learning how to use adobe software to try to make an NFT project in June 2021. Ended up making an onlyfans of someone who doesn’t exist using deepfakes. In my best month, I made $14,000.

Spent close to half my father’s crypto on NFTs with nearly all those projects going to zero. Had one lucky break this past month and recouped over 30ETH to get his stack back. Haven’t felt more relieved and stupid in my life.

My net worth was 7 figures I was very unhappy, it’s now 5 figures and I’m even unhappier. Fuck crypto.

At the end of 2017, I put 3k into crypto and turned it into 40k by March 2018. I lost 90% of it from holding ZCL to BTCP fork because McAfee said it would go to some crazy price per coin.

I work on the due-diligence team for speaker approvals for a conference and the number of speakers trying to apply despite only having 2 months of experience in the industry blows my mind.

I cashed out seven figures in crypto this year. Connected with a homeless guy who doesn’t deserve to be. I’ve given him at least $25k in cash, hotel rooms, etc. I’m not gonna stop until he’s back on his feet. Feels damn good.