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2018 was decentralized enough

NFTs are Bribes. Bitcoin Tech Talk #229

NFTs are doomed. Bitcoin Tech Talk #230 – by Jimmy Song

Repossessing used cars is one thing, but a lender may find it hard to know the right jurisdiction to lay claim to a Bored Ape owned by “MoonBoiBallz99.”

“I am once again reminding you that big tech oligopolies are instruments of state power, and more often than not, hostile foreign states

Number (of Users) Go Up: Bitcoin Is for the People – The Lightning Lab

New industry PAC to back pro-crypto candidates

New York regulator could set world standard for crypto

A fraud suit brought by New York state is “baseless,”
@CelsiusNetwork founder Mashinsky has said in a new legal filing. @jackschickler reports.

Alex Mashinsky has finally given his side of the story on the collapse of Celsius, the crypto exchange that held $40 billion at its peak … and he is blaming SBF and FTX.

#Bitcoin is Maintenance Free, Indestructible, and Immortal – Michael @saylor

Banks Failing/ Crypto labeled Securities/ Off Ramps Eliminated
Saylor’s Outlook:

One in 5 young people in Chinese cities are out of work. Beijing wants them to work in the fields

Bill Pascrell, Jr. 🇺🇸🇺🇦 @BillPascrell
Let’s be clear what’ll happen if republicans blow up the economy:
Social Security stops
Medicare freezes
Veterans lose their health care
Small businesses die
Bank runs
Homebuyers locked out
Americans lose their life savings
Millions lose their jobs
A second Great Depression

According to Moody’s Analytics, the Republican debt ceiling bill, if passed into law, would lead to 780,000 FEWER jobs by the end of 2024 and would meaningfully INCREASE the risk of recession.
So whether the GOP hurls us off the cliff into default or passes their plan for massive cuts, their goal is clearly to kneecap the economy and then blame it on Biden in 2024.
They’re willing to make us all suffer just so they can get back into power.
Not a surprise, but worth saying out loud as much as possible.

Democrats unveil plan to bypass McCarthy on debt ceiling increase

“Our economic sanctions on other countries risk the dollar’s dominance as nations seek out an alternative.”

The dollar is losing its reserve status at a faster pace than generally accepted as many analysts have failed to account for last year’s wild exchange rate moves, according to Stephen Jen in Bloomberg.

Foreign nations choose to mine Bitcoin and stockpile gold instead of buying dollars confirms a growing distrust of the US dollar.

“Powell is crashing the plane”

₿e your own ₿ank.

He Was a Quant at Citadel. Now He Agitates for GameStop Investors.

The 14th largest US Bank First Republic $FRC is expected to be seized today. Yet there’s minimal msm coverage

What Is Hyperbitconization?
Samson Mow breaks down the meaning of hyperbitcoinization live on 🇲🇽 Mexico’s Milenio TV network

Vice is preparing to file for bankruptcy — NYT

The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston revealed that fentanyl and other opioids account for as much as 43% in the decline in male work force participation.

Mastercard said to expand crypto card program with more tie-ups

Bitcoin is money for the internet

©1998*Educational CyberPlayGround®
* NetHappenings ∞/21M
Daily read

What is Bitcoins’ value?

What is Bitcoins’ use case?

How do you value Bitcoin?

Why should anyone have some bitcoin?

If you watch one video today watch this.

Jack Mallers is using Bitcoin over the Lighting Network with the Munn wallet to pay someone on Twitter. All you need is a cell phone.

This is why the whole world wants and uses bitcoin.


Are you old enough to you remember Buckminster Fuller?
He told you Bitcoin would come.


Bitcoin hash rate reaches new high!
240,000,000,000,000,000,000 computations EVERY second ⚡️
#Bitcoin mining is used to reduce methane gas emissions.
The White House 🇺🇸 reports #bitcoin mining has benefits!

Educational CyberPlayGround NetHappenings 4-6-2022

Educational CyberPlayGround NetHappenings

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With the mass exodus of Republicans swearing off trips to Disney World, it truly has become the happiest place on Earth.

Ignorance about religion in American political history linked to support for Christian nationalism

Merrick Garland is ignoring the DOJ’s original mission: Battling seditionists like Donald Trump


A LOT of non-covid viruses circulating since end of mask mandate.

Dozens of unidentified bat species likely live in Asia — and could host new viruses

We Study Virus Evolution. Here’s Where We Think the Coronavirus Is Going.
By Sarah Cobey, Jesse Bloom, Tyler Starr and Nathaniel Lash Mar 28 2022

The CDC is beholden to corporations and lost our trust. We need to start our own
We’re epidemiologists, nurses and physicians, artists and biologists. We have come together with a common anger at the US government’s handling of Covid
By The People’s CDC

Divided Shanghai Battles Omicron Surge With First Pandemic Lockdown


@hunterwalk with the money Elon Musk spent to buy twitter shares, he could have given every American family $100,000 and still had enough left over to cancel all student debt.
“This isn’t True! but it’s funny ~ECP”

#Bitcoin adoption is doubling every year.

@SenLummis calls the Federal Reserve a “Lawless Organization.”

“We haven’t seen significant evasion through crypto so far but we’ll monitor carefully to make sure this isn’t a major avenue for evasion,” @SecYellen told @RepJoshG during a @FSCDems @FinancialCmte hearing  on sanctions evasion using crypto.

To call Bitcoin a Ponzi is an insult to Ponzi schemes. While some funds from Madoff’s fraud have been returned to investors, Bitcoin holders won’t be able to recover any funds because there’s nothing there to recoup. And even if there was, who would they phone for help? Miners?

Interview with Michael Saylor of MicroStrategy on Bitcoin
Just as Hal Finney Predicted, Bitcoin Is Being Purchased to Act as a Reserve Currency

Welcome to Satoshi Island

@ExcellionThe #LightningNetwork has a theoretical throughput of 40 million #TPS. That’s the equivalent of 14.4 TB size blocks every 10 min. Lightning enables #Bitcoin to be a planetary scale decentralized medium of exchange.
Lightning Labs raises $70 MILLION to build a stablecoin and asset protocol on #Bitcoin

The 19th million #bitcoin has just been mined. 90.47% of supply is in circulation.

Michael Saylor⚡️ on Twitter: “#Bitcoin represents the great exodus of capital from analog assets in physical space to digital energy.

~Elon Musk bought $1.5 billion worth of #bitcoin and the code remains unchanged after a year.
~Elon Musk bought $3 billion worth of Twitter and the code is changing after a week.
~In case the difference wasn’t clear to you.
*Bitcoin’s governance vs all other governance.

If you don’t know Shannon, aspects of almost everything about the modern digital era can be traced to his work, particularly his seminal work on information theory he casually mentioned at the end of that letter.


$300,000,000 of Florida’s pension is wrapped up in Russia and Ron DeSantis has decided to keep it there, hoping Russia recovers. Ron is betting on Russia.

Biden Announces Another Five-Month Pause In Student Loan Payments that is the least he can do! He better cancel student debt now or he won’t win the next time.

Oklahoma lawmakers pass a near-total ban on abortion threatening providers with up to $100,000 in fines and 10 years in prison.

Noam Chomsky, speaks about Brexit, the war in Ukraine and the return of Donald Trump.
On the war in Ukraine: “It’s monstrous for Ukraine…Why did he do it? There are two ways of looking at this question. One way, the fashionable way in the West, is to plumb the recesses of Putin’s twisted mind and try to determine what’s happening in his deep psyche.”
On Trump’s return: “I remember listening to Hitler’s speeches on the radio. I didn’t understand the words…but I understood the mood. And it was frightening and terrifying. And when you watch one of Trump’s rallies that can’t fail to come to mind. That’s what we’re facing.”

  1. Why does Clarence Thomas get to sit on cases about keeping January 6th documents secret when his wife shows up in January 6th documents?
  2. Remember when Rudy ran a shadow foreign policy which resulted in the ouster of our Ambassador to Ukraine in a hurry?
    Remember when the FBI raided Rudy’s home and office?
    Remember Rudy tried to orchestrate the overthrow of our election with baseless challenges?
    Why is Rudy free?

And just like that, the Ginni Thomas story has been buried …
Steven Hassan, PhD on Twitter: “I knew Ginni Thomas. Ginni Thomas was in a cult (the large group awareness training)

Show the FBI Proof that Ginni Thomas is an Insurrectionist

To see the FULL video from this 1986 cult member support group conference, you can see that on my YouTube channel here (Ginni Thomas appears at the 17:30 mark)
For more on Ginni Thomas’ time in a cult, her cult activism in the 80s, and her turn to right-wing causes, this washingtonpost article from 1991 is surprisingly thorough.

Democrats in the U.S. Congress proposed a raft of new rules for the federal judiciary including a formal mechanism to remove judges from hearing cases in the event of a conflict of interest and another intended to reduce secret court filings.

US Lawmakers Pass E-Cash Bill That Replicates Physical Money, Leaving Aside the FED

Indian state gov’t uses Polygon to issue verifiable caste certificates Isn’t this the most disgusting thing you will read about today or maybe this is:
Russian oligarchs on UK sanctions list were granted ‘golden visas’
The Home Office has issued 2,581 investor visas to Russian citizens since the scheme was introduced in 2008.

A stunning portrait of political corruption”: Exactly how Joe Manchin made millions from coal


Block confirms Cash App breach after former employee accessed US customer data
Notifications going to 8.5M customers. The breach went undiscovered for four months, and was ultimately blamed on an ex-employee with insider access to customer data.

Google turned on activity tracking for many users that previously turned it off.
Google Workspace admins can no longer deactivate activity tracking for their users, Google says this is helping people.

Apple and Meta Gave User Data to Hackers Who Used Forged Legal Requests

Who’s Behind the Okta Hack?
EVEN IF YOU aren’t familiar with Okta, you’ve probably used it. The digital login system is used by thousands of companies across the world to manage employee logins to various cloud services. Which makes it a real problem when that system, and all that login info, gets hacked.
This week on Gadget Lab, WIRED senior writer Lily Hay Newman joins the show to tell us about the group behind the recent Okta hack, how the hackers took control of such a vast system, and what happened in the aftermath.

Biden Administration to release 2023 budget today including a new 20% billionaire tax

Anonymous Starts ‘Huge’ Data Dump That Will ‘Blow Russia Away,’ Leaks Rostproekt Emails

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