ECP NetHappenings Do We Need to Know What Is Artificial

Orly Lobel: “Do We Need to Know What Is Artificial? Unpacking Disclosure & Generating Trust in an Era of Algorithmic Action”

The Network Law Review is pleased to present a symposium entitled “Dynamics of Generative AI,” where lawyers, economists, computer scientists, and social scientists gather their knowledge around a central question: what will define the future of AI ecosystems? To bring all this expertise together, a conference co-hosted by the Weizenbaum Institute and the Amsterdam Law & Technology Institute will be held on March 22, 2024. Be sure to register in order to receive the recording.

This contribution is signed by Orly Lobel, the Warren Distinguished Professor of Law, and the founding director of the Center for Employment and Labor Policy (CELP) at University of San Diego. The entire symposium is edited by Thibault Schrepel (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) and Volker Stocker (Weizenbaum Institute).


Should users have the right to know when they are chatting with a bot? Should companies providing generative AI applications be obliged to mark the generated products as AI-generated or alert users of generative chats that the responder is “merely an LLM (or a Large Language Model)”?

Should citizens or consumers—patients, job applicants, tenants, students—have the right to know when a decision affecting them was made by an automated system?

Should art lovers, or online browsers, have the right to know that they are viewing an AI-generated image?

John Danaher @JohnDanaher

Hah! So this is a first for me. This article attributes the following (entirely spurious) claims to me from an article I never published. Do I get the citation credits?

Footnote 29 also seems to be fake. That article was never published in the journal mentioned: