ECP Nethappenings Bitcoin is Mutually Assured Prosperity

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Bitcoin is Mutually Assured Prosperity
Bitcoin = Mutually Assured Prosperity
Fiat Money = Mutual Assured Destruction

Nuclear weapons are considered to be the most powerful and destructive weapons on earth. But what if I told you that there has only ever been ONE MOST POWERFUL and DESTRUCTIVE Weapon on earth…MONEY?
Sadly, it’s true!

Why? Money has been used by the ruling class to insidiously and slowly steal your TIME, which is the most precious thing on earth. Money is more often than not described as a tool, medium of exchange, store of value, etc.

But almost nobody describes it as a weapon, probably because no one would believe them. The definition of a weapon is, “a means of gaining an advantage or defending oneself in a conflict or contest.”

So how have humans “gained an advantage or defended themselves in a conflict using money? By inflating the money supply!

Man has manipulated money since seashells, glass beads, stones, gold, etc were used as money. Mankind’s insatiable desire for power over others caused men to manipulate their money to attain an advantage, or POWER over others.

The definition of POWER is, the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events. Once rulers found out that they could manipulate money to have the ability to direct or influence the behavior of others and the course of history, they became VERY powerful!

There is a saying that, “He who owns the gold has the power.” Gold, and the manipulation thereof, used to be the money that gave great civilizations like the Romans, Egyptians, United States etc., POWER.

Then fiat currencies like the British Pound, German Weimar and U.S. $ became the most powerful Weapons of Mass Destruction because countries can export their currency’s inflation to fund endless wars, acquire goods/services, indebt poor countries, and fight currency wars. Imagine being able to create as much money as you want, out of thin air, to acquire the product or service of someone else’s hard work?!

Sounds like theft to me! Someday mankind will ubiquitously say, “he who owns the Bitcoin, has the power.” This power is an individual’s sovereignty over their TIME.


#Bitcoin being a weapon has always been TRUE because money has always a weapon. The only difference is that we now have a non-kinetic energy weapon, Bitcoin, that no one can control and manipulate at the expense of others. If you don’t like Jason describing Bitcoin as a weapon, and I know that there are MANY Bitcoin maxi’s that don’t, and instead you like it being described as a tool, remember even tools can be weaponized.
Bitcoin is MUTUALLY ASSURED PROSPERITY for Mankind and Earth!
All your models will be BROKEN
