How Bad a fraud is Web3

How bad a fraud is “web3”? Nicholas Weaver
Ethereum is 1/5000 of a Raspberry Pi 4 but costs roughly $250 a second to use as a “World computer”. And also costs that to store just 3kB of data.
So in the end web3 is a con job, a technological edifice that is beyond useless as anyone who attempts to deploy a real application will quickly discover. It is, however, an amazingly effective form of Nerd Sniping.

The best 4 paragraphs ever written about web3.

Intel thinks the metaverse will need a thousand-fold increase in computing capability – The Verge
Intel made its first statement on the metaverse on Tuesday — its first public acknowledgement of that sometimes-nebulous future of computing which promises an always connected virtual world that exists in parallel with our physical one. But while the chip company is bullish on the possibilities of the metaverse in abstract, Intel raises a key issue with realizing any #metaverse ambitions: there’s not nearly enough processing power to go around.
“The metaverse may be the next major platform in computing after the world wide web and mobile,” an editorial begins from Raja Koduri, a senior vice president and head of Intel’s Accelerated Computing Systems and Graphics Group. But Koduri quickly pours cold water on the idea that the metaverse is right around the corner: “our computing, storage and networking infrastructure today is simply not enough to enable this vision,” he writes. Crucially, Koduri doesn’t even think we’re close. He says that a 1,000x increase in power is needed over our current collective computing capacity.

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