ECP NetHappenings Headlines Friday Read

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“Now, 20 years later, an anonymous FBI agent has come forward to say that there’s evidence about 9/11 implicating Saudi Arabia and the CIA that remains invisible to the public.”
LIKE MANY GREAT SPY STORIES, this one begins with a brief, mundane scene whose significance only becomes apparent later on. Around lunchtime on February 1, 2000, a man dropped a piece of paper near a table in a Middle Eastern restaurant outside Los Angeles and paused long enough to strike up a conversation with two Arabic-speaking men dining nearby. It would take FBI agents nearly 20 years to understand the full meaning of that small event.


Change Healthcare confirms ransomware hackers stole medical records on a ‘substantial proportion’ of Americans
In a statement Thursday, Change Healthcare said it has begun the process of notifying affected individuals whose information was stolen during the cyberattack.
The health tech giant, owned by U.S. insurance conglomerate UnitedHealth Group, processes patient insurance and billing for thousands of hospitals, pharmacies and medical practices across the U.S. healthcare sector. As such, the company has access to massive amounts of health information on about a third of all Americans.
The cyberattack prompted the company to shut down its systems, resulting in outages and delays to thousands of healthcare providers who rely on Change, and affecting countless patients who could not obtain prescriptions or had medical care or procedures delayed.

From Mark Cuban @mcuban: Five Ways that Big #PBMs Hurt U.S. Healthcare–And How We Can Fix It (rerun)
A Drug Channels exclusive op-ed from the founder of @costplusdrugs

Feds can block Western water deal, Supreme Court says
The high court ruled to block a water agreement Texas and New Mexico made without the federal government’s blessing.

Walmart is replacing the price stickers with electronic shelf labels across 2,300 stores — which could be a precursor to surge pricing. One industry analyst says: “If it’s hot outside, we can raise the price of water and ice cream.” “If it’s hot outside, we can raise the price of water and ice cream. If there’s something that’s close to the expiration date, we can lower the price — that’s the good news,” said Phil Lempert, a grocery industry analyst. As higher wages make labor more expensive, retailers big and small can benefit from the increased productivity that digitized shelf labels enable, said Santiago Gallino, a professor specializing in retail management at the
University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. Primary Email:sg******@wh*****.edu
Office Phone:215-573-0501

“The bottom line, at least when I talk to retailers, is the calculation of the
amount of labor that they’re going to save by incorporating this. And in that sense, I don’t think that this is something that only large corporations like Walmart or Target can benefit from,” Gallino said. “I think that smaller chains can also see the potential benefit of it.”


Convicted felon fraudster rapist Trump’s dangerous attacks on rule of law have US historical precedents: Past politicians tried to undermine democracy. They failed because Americans refused to tolerate their wrongdoing.

Golden Handcuffs Donald Trump was indicted on charges related to hush money paid during his 2016 presidential campaign. 

American Oversight @weareoversight
In 2020, Donald Trump issued an executive order aimed at turning the federal workforce into a bureaucracy of loyalists. Records we obtained, reported on by @HuffPost, show which OBM jobs Trump’s OPM had approved for reclassification.

Jesse Benton, Ru Ron Paul’s aide: “…was sentenced Friday to 1.5 years in prison for facilitating an illegal contribution from a Russian businessman to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016.” GOP operative gets 1.5 years in prison for facilitating illegal Russian donation to Trump 2016 campaign | CNN Politics

SHITLER YOUTH: Convicted felon fraudster rapist Trump’s political movement introduces the youngest voters to its kind of cruel, cretinous camaraderie.

Human Mucinex blob Steve Bannon loses appeal to stay out of prison while fighting conviction for contempt of Congress.

The timidity and cowardice of Senator Dick Durbin could lead to the coronation of the first American king.

Michigan Republican state Rep. Neil Friske was arrested early Thursday morning after he reportedly,… chased a stripper down a street near his home with a gun at 2AM,… after a “disagreement”.  He was also one of the rioters at the Capitol on Jan. 6th. The only way this could get better is if the stripper is 1 – Trans, 2 – an undocumented person 3 – a Trans undocumented person.  Right on brand for the Republicans.

Convicted felon fraudster rapist Trump’s dangerous attacks on rule of law have US historical precedents: Past politicians tried to undermine democracy. They failed because Americans refused to tolerate their wrongdoing

Supreme Court upholds a gun control law intended to protect domestic violence victims


The AI “leaders” are all soulless Technocrats who feel 0 remorse crushing our humanity in the name of “innovation”. Chilling
OpenAI’s Mira Murati: “some creative jobs maybe will go away, but maybe they shouldn’t have been there in the first place”

Toddler trapped in car when Tesla battery dies in Scottsdale


Robert Reich@RBReich
One of the richest men in the 1920s was Andrew Mellon — an early prophet of trickle-down economics. Yesterday we learned that his grandson, Timothy Mellon, gave a Trump super PAC one of the largest political donations ever. This is how dynastic wealth works. Wealth tax now.

AT&T is attempting to bypass CPUC and abandon their landline obligations, via Assembly Bill AB 2797 in California

50% of Americans say they view fast food as a luxury because they’re struggling financially, per LendingTree. This is especially true among Americans who make less than $30,000 a year (71%), parents with young children (58%), Gen Zers (58%) and women (53%).

Founder and CEO of Dell Technologies, Michael Dell, is the majority shareholder owning 58.9% of the stock. $DELL is sitting on $6 billion in cash. Michael Dell is worth $113 BILLION and is tweeting about #Bitcoin. Probably nothing… Dell buying #Bitcoin. Is Mr Dell the new whale we have been watching accumulate Bitcoin since November 2023? Michael Dell is a billionaire with a net worth of approximately $112 billion as of May 16, 2024, according to Celebrity Net Worth. Michael Dell, 14th richest person in the world.

Your regular reminder that when Democrats saved the pensions of a million workers every single republican in Congress voted no and voted to tell truckers, autoworkers, and steelworkers to drop dead.

In the D.C. metro area, 90% of apartments in large buildings are priced using RealPage software.
That means an algorithm is setting prices as high as possible, even if vacancy rates soar. Washington’s AG is suing RealPage and 14 landlords over colluding to raise rents.

Investigation: Justin Sun’s empire may be on the verge of collapse
The Sun-owned cryptocurrency exchange Poloniex had previously stated that it would demonstrate a ‘proof-of-reserves’ before ostensibly breaking that promise.
HTX, formerly Huobi, the Sun-affiliated exchange, relies on both stUSDT and WBTC on Tron to maintain its reserves, both assets with problematic issues tied directly to Sun.
These problems together present a picture Of a man desperately flinging money around while hoping the ongoing Securities and Exchange Commission lawsuit that alleges he engaged in market manipulation and wash-trading disappears.

Supply chain cyberattack on software provider CDK Global put the brakes on thousands of car dealerships that had to shut down Wednesday, a traditionally busy day for sales with the Juneteenth holiday.





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The Middlemen of Healthcare

Feds: Hospitals that denied emergency abortion broke the law



Artificial intelligence detects fractures on CT images for osteoporosis diagnostics

Vitamin D3 Supplementation at 5000 IU Daily for the Prevention of Influenza-like Illness in Healthcare Workers: A Pragmatic Randomized Clinical Trial

New genetic target for male contraception identified

How much virus does a person with COVID exhale?
New research has answers
One ‘superspreader’ with Omicron shed 1,000 times as much viral RNA as those with Alpha or Delta.

Nose Spray Vaccines Could Quash COVID Virus Variants
Three nasal spritzes, now in advanced trials, could trigger stronger immunity than shots in the arm

New California bill would protect doctors who mail abortion pills to other states

After Mexican president tests positive for 3rd time with COVID, what do we know about reinfection

This professor is a global coronavirus expert. Now he has long COVID

“I was the only masked customer at Walgreens. Prominently displayed newspapers screamed “100,000 New Yorkers to lose Medicaid as Covid emergency ends.” At checkout, a Pixel brand PCR home collection kit was locked down behind the counter, retailing for $124.99. Welcome to hell.”Laura Miars