Trump, Betsy DeVos, and brother Erik Prince lead the worst Hate Group Families

Erik Prince Offered Lethal Services to Sanctioned Russian Mercenary Firm Wagner

Erik Prince, founder of the private security firm Blackwater and a Trump administration adviser, has sought in recent months to provide military services to a sanctioned Russian mercenary firm in at least two African conflicts, according to three people with knowledge of the efforts.

Prince, who is the brother of Trump Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, met earlier this year with a top official of Russia’s Wagner Group and offered his mercenary forces to support the firm’s operations in Libya and Mozambique, according to two people familiar with Prince’s offer.
Wagner officials said they are not interested in working with Prince, three people familiar with their decision told The Intercept.
A lawyer for Prince denied that his client met anyone from Wagner.
ChVK Wagner is really a unit of the Russian Ministry of Defence in disguise, which is used by the Russian government in conflicts where deniability is called for. It is believed to be owned by Yevgeny Prigozhin, a businessman with close links to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Erik Prince { $1.3 billion in cash trust fund baby of Dutch parents}— founder of the private military company Blackwater, financial backer of President Donald Trump, brother to the new Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, and frequent Breitbart radio guest. By the mid 2000s, Blackwater was the largest, deadliest and most powerful private army in the world. Prince moved to the United Arab Emirates, where he is an advisor to the crown prince of Abu Dhabi. He has been operating as a CIA spy, as what Vanity Fair called “a Mr. Fix-It in the war on terror.”Today thanks to his family money and the incredible success of Blackwater during its heyday, Erik Prince has a personal net worth of $2.4 billion.


K12 Department of Education #BetsyDevos Brother Founder Of Blackwater, Is Setting Up A Private Army For China

Prince is the founder of Blackwater aka Frontier Services Group aka  Wagner  Group set up two bases in China.  US law prohibits the export of military services or equipment to China.
Prince is chairman of Frontier Services Group
a forward operating base in China’s Yunnan province” and another in the troubled Xinjiang region, home to the mostly Muslim Uighur minority.




The DeVos Dynasty: A Family of Extremists

DeVos’s background—and the transcript from Tuesday night’s hearing—shows that she instead represents an extremist, right-wing perspective.
Betsy’s husband, Dick DeVos, for instance, has pushed for creationism to be taught in schools.
Her late father, Edgar Prince, helped start the fundamentalist Family Research Council, a known anti-LGBT, or lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, hate group.
Her mother Elsa Prince, also an extreme fundamentalist, was once called a “portrait of Christian hate” by the Daily Kos. She has been one of the biggest contributors to campaigns to ban same-sex marriage in the country, working against the civil rights issue in California and Michigan.

The DeVos family’s CULT OF HATE goes back more than a century.
DeVos’s father, Edgar Prince, made his fortune in manufacturing and soon began using his profits to fund far-right organizations.
Most notably, Edgar Prince was a founder of the Family Research Council, which argues that homosexuality is a type of perversion.
In 1999, an FRC staffer wrote, “Gaining access to children has been a long-term goal of the homosexual movement.” The comment helped put the group on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s hate group watch list.

Pence’s ascent to the second most powerful position in the U.S. government is a tremendous coup for the radical religious right. Prince’s family has a history of supporting right-wing and conservative causes. Edgar Prince, Erik’s father, was a major financial contributor to former President Gerald Ford, and in recent years, the family has supported Mike Pence, first as a member of Congress and later as Indiana governor.

HEY BETSY DEVOS WHAT ABOUT CHILDREN’S ONLINE PRIVACY RIGHTS 4/4/2020 Two children sue Google for allegedly collecting students’ biometric data The lawsuit says the search giant violated privacy laws with its educational tools. Two children from Illinois are suing Google for allegedly collecting biometric data, including face scans, of millions of students

Federal Judge Invites Scammed Students to Propose Additional Punishments for Betsy DeVos

Cruella DeVos Needs to go to Jail! Federal Judge Invites Scammed Students to Propose Additional Punishments for Betsy DeVos The courts have had it up to here with Department of Education (DOE) Secretary Betsy DeVos and her agency’s repeat—and apparently ongoing—violation of court orders that require her to stop milking scammed college students for student loan repayments.

Betsy Devos found in Contempt fined $100,000 for hurting kids.

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos in contempt of court STILL Enforcing Loans On Defrauded College Students. The government will pay the $100,000, and DeVos will not be personally responsible for the sum. Ten third-party contractors were involved in collecting the loans, and the judge’s opinion notes that the Education Department didn’t do much to make

GOP Betsy DeVoss official public policy statement to undermine security of K12 public schools. 

MAY 1st – the public better watch out! The GOP has made undermining K12 public schools their official policy. GOP Betsy DeVoss officIal  public policy statement is to undermine public schools. “Thank you, Roger Hertog, for that kind introduction. And I’m very grateful for President Bush’s kind words.” Roger and Susan Hertog The Manhattan

Betsy DeVos would not be in charge of the Department of Education without paying for it.

Betsy DeVos Asked to Justify Proposed $9 Billion Cut to Education Budget Betsy DeVos Refused to answer Basic Simple Questions Charter and private school grant program will allow discrimination based on LGTBQ and do not have to take any disabled or any 4:32 voucher student and follow AIP program like every public school. Vouchers come

Betsy DeVos’s 13-year ‘clerical error’ – #DeVosHearing #StopDeVos the nominee for education secretary left senators puzzled by denying her documented involvement in a foundation that has funneled millions of dollars to anti-LGBT causes. [Six astonishing things Betsy DeVos said — and refused to say — at her confirmation hearing] DeVos, from 2001 to 2013, was listed in tax filings as vice president of the

@BetsyDeVos Fails – Not Qualifed

Betsy DeVos was asked a basic question about education policy — and couldn’t answer Sen. Al Franken discovers Trump Education Secretary nominee Betsy DeVos doesn’t know the difference between proficiency and growth. — Keith Boykin (@keithboykin) January 18, 2017 Exchange between Elizabeth Warren and Betsy Devos Trump’s Secretary of Education nominee. Exchange between Elizabeth

4/3/20 Department of Education Secretary remarks

4/3/20 Department of Education Secretary’s full remarks and video “My team and I are in contact daily with governors, state school chiefs, college presidents, superintendents, and local education leaders.  We are quickly responding to their needs so they can do the next right thing for their students.  Most governors have decided to close some or