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Credentials for a staffer at an ID verification service that works with TikTok, Uber, and X was hacked. A researcher then showed that it was storing and exposing user drivers’ licenses
The Israel-based company, called AU10TIX, offers what it describes on its website as “full-service identity verification solutions.” This includes verifying peoples’ identity documents, conducting “liveness detection” in a real-time video stream with the user, and performing age verification, where a service will predict how old someone is based on their uploaded photo. AU10TIX also includes the logos of other companies on its site, such as Fiverr, PayPal, Coinbase, LinkedIn, and Upwork, some of which confirmed to 404 Media they are active or former AU10TIX clients.

Supreme Court allows White House to press social media companies to remove disinformation
“To establish standing, the plaintiffs must demonstrate a substantial risk that, in the near future, they will suffer an injury that is traceable to a government defendant and redressable by the injunction they seek,” Barrett wrote. “Because no plaintiff has carried that burden, none has standing to seek a preliminary injunction.”
Biden administration officials have for years tried to persuade social media platforms to take down posts featuring misinformation about vaccines, the Covid-19 pandemic and the 2020 election, among other things. Many of those posts, the government has said, ran afoul of the platforms’ own stated policies.

ProPublica identified a group of connected political nonprofits — with names like American Breast Cancer Coalition and National Coalition for Disabled Veterans — that appear to be funneling more than 90% of donations to fundraisers.

SCOTUS Justice Kennedy’s Son’s Link to Trumps Dirty Russian Money
Trump’s “most trusted” private banker at @DeutscheBank for 12 years was… Justice Kennedy’s son!
Kennedy’s other son Gregory’s connection to Trump’s Silicon Valley advisor Peter Thiel, owner of Palantir should be of equal alarm.

Jan 3, 2020
How’s this theory⁉️
Deutsche Bank probably shed Trump’s loans BACK to VTB because
@realDonaldTrump wouldn’t pay them and Russian oligarchs were the shadow co- signors so they couldn’t be traced to the Kremlin…

Did Trump seek revenge against Val Broeksmit who was the Deutsche Bank informant working with the FBI about Trump’s ties to Russia⁉️Jack Smith released evidence that Trump had an article about Val Broeksmit in the secret files he stole.

Val Broeksmit, Deutsche Bank -Trump whistleblower was found dead by the cleaning crew at Woodrow Wilson High School Campus Monday morning around 6:40 am.

Deutsche Bank whistleblower Val Broeksmit had docs showing how Russian Oligarch Rybolovlev funneled ‘Putin’ money to Trump via the sale of Trump’s FL mansion

Remember when Rybolovlev paid $40M extra for Trump’s FL mansion⁉️ THIS is how it connects to Deutsche Bank, VTB and Bank of Cyprus cc Wilbur Ross‼️ @SecretaryRoss

THIS IS KEY Deutsche Bank’s “Private Wealth Division” bailed out Trump w help from Commerce Sec Wilbur Ross, Vekselberg, Rybolovlev & Robert Mercer (shares of BOC bought by Renaissance Technology)- ALL major shareholders in Bank of Cyprus – BOC

Explosive report indicates that Donald Trump’s loans from Deutsche Bank were backed by Russia@SethAbramson

Trump’s Deutsche Bank-held tax returns show that “Russian oligarchs” co-signed some of Trump’s loans

ECP NetHappenings LinkedIn, BioTech, Sayor University, Banks
