A history of the top marginal tax rates on the wealthiest Americans

A history of the top marginal tax rates on the wealthiest Americans.

Of the 1%
by the 1%
for the 1%

Yeah, we wouldn’t our government to bust terrorists or organized crime syndicates by tracking their money. GTFOH

1990 Murray Rothbard gave a talk where he forecasted systemic problems with the EU’s bureaucracy and ECB’s “inflationary cartel”.



54 years yesterday 7/16/69 Apollo 11 left the launch pad at Kennedy Space Center. On board where Neil Armstrong, Gus Grissom and Michael Collins. Their round trip flight to the moon and back would last eight days. Recently digitized film footage of that launch, sound up!

For 50 years, corporate backed politicians in Congress have slashed taxes to line the pockets of their wealthy donors.

It took 195 years for the 🇺🇸 US to borrow its first trillion worth of debt.
Following the suspension of the debt ceiling in June, the 🇺🇸 US added a trillion of debt in one month

A history of the top marginal tax rates on the wealthiest Americans:

1940: 81%
1950: 84%
1960: 91%
1970: 72%
1980: 70%
1984: 28%
2000: 40%
2010: 35%


Nayib Bukele @nayibbukele

Almost every government in the world is 10x to 1000x stronger than all of its criminals combined.

The reason they don’t end crime is because they are colluded with it, or because they benefit from it.

You pick the reason.

Freddie Mac backed $800 million in interest-only, balloon-payment loans to Jared Kushner in 2019 after his sister lobbied the agency Qatar may have been involved in a Canadian co’s 2018 “rescue” of Kushner’s $1.1 billion debt on 666 5th Ave.

Saudi Arabia bans industrial scale farming of alfalfa, to protect its limited water supplies.
So they grow it in a US desert and ship it back home, using AZ’s scarce water. Lax rules let the foreign-owned company pump water from state land to grow alfalfa for the kingdom’s cattle. After almost a decade, the deal is in jeopardy. READ MORE
For the past seven years, the attorney general and governor have allowed a Saudi company to pump out more than $38 million worth of groundwater from La Paz County for free.
AND https://www.rawstory.com/drought-saudi-us-esus-water/
The GOP admin even blocked efforts to track the amount of water being used.

5 years after MLK’s assassination, Donald Trump and his father were sued for refusing to rent their apartments to black people.
‘This Land Is Your Land’ Is Still Private Property, Court Rules A federal Judge P. Kevin Castel dismissed a 2016 lawsuit attempting to transfer the song into the public domain. ‘This Land Is Your Land’ is about Trump’s father slum landlord Fred Trump. His daughter claims the IP remains protected because she doesn’t want his … Continue reading

Justice Samuel Alito’s wife leased land to an oil and gas firm as her husband heard cases involving the fossil fuel industry.
In May, Alito penned the majority decision for Sackett v. EPA, a decision which drastically scaled back the Clean Water Act.

“Department of Justice Announces Breakthrough In China Bribe Investigation” Said Jack Smith
Forbes Estimates China Paid Trump At Least $5.4 Million Since He Took Office, Via Mysterious Trump Tower Lease

“Turns out it was Donald Trump you dumb Betty Crackers”

Dad died when I was 12.  Mom struggled. We received dad’s social security survivor benefits. They helped make ends meet… barely. But just a few years later, Reagan happened.

In 1981, to pay for his massive tax cuts for the rich, he cut social security benefits while increasing payroll taxes on working people. But it wasn’t just me and mom. Millions were hurt.

He swept over 300,000 people off disability rolls. Tens of thousands died or committed suicide. He promised that benefits from cutting taxes on those that didn’t need it would “trickle down” only to see deficits skyrocket, which Republicans use to blame Democrats and as an excuse to cut programs that helped the vulnerable.

But that was the plan. “Starve the Beast” they said.

Republicans continue to fight to cut Social Security, Medicare, public education, head start, food stamps, and other programs average working Americans need.

Cruelty is always @GOP’s point.

Profits over people.

Party over country.


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