ECP NetHapenings Bernie Sanders has introduced a bill that would make the 32-hour workweek

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The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.” ― Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism

Armstrong agrees to pay $6.5 million after whistleblower lawsuit

Bernie Sanders has introduced a bill that would make the 32-hour
workweek the standard, with no loss in pay.
The 40 hour work week was controversial 100 years ago. Why shouldn’t labor benefit from advances in modern technology that was often funded by taxpayer dollars (i.e. the internet)?

6/2024 #Bitcoin has the same number of users as the Internet had in 1999.
We are just getting started!

Every time your government prints money they are directly stealing from you to fund themselves.
Inflation = theft

Admiral Grace Hopper’s landmark lecture is found, but the NSA won’t release it
Intelligence agency claims it “no longer has the ability to view” 1982 recording. With digital obsolescence threatening many early technological formats, the dilemma surrounding Admiral Hopper’s lecture underscores the critical need for and challenge of digital preservation. This challenge transcends the confines of NSA’s operational scope. It is our shared obligation to safeguard such pivotal elements of our nation’s history, ensuring they remain within reach of future generations. While the stewardship of these recordings may extend beyond the NSA’s typical purview, they are undeniably a part of America’s national heritage.
Grace Murray Hopper Collection, 1944-1965, Archives Center, National Museum of American History.

2016 Panama Papers: a massive document leak reveals a global web of corruption and tax avoidance


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