First Ladies / Smirch Ladies – Initiative for online safety blah blah blah

Safety is a project of the Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI), an international nonprofit organization dedicated to making the Internet safer for children and their families. NOT!

re: First Ladies Initiative for Online Safety
My reaction to this announcement is First Ladies / Smirch Ladies. The FOSI board, comprises representatives from the Corporate Technology masters of the universe slice of life,  to those  committed to making money, getting funded and setting  policy.
Above all they want to make sure the FCC will not regulate them in any way.
“The Commission Should Not Mandate a Technology Standard”
Current members include: AOL, AT&T, Bluecoat, British Telecom, Comcast, CompTIA, France Telecom, Google, GSM Association, Kingston Communications, Loopt, Microsoft, Mpower Media, MySpace, NCTA, Ning, Nominum, Privo, RuleSpace, Sentinel, Sprint, StreamShield, Symantec, Telefonica, Telmex, The Wireless Foundation, Verizon, Yahoo and Motion Picture Association of America
2008 FOSI Conference Exhibitors included:
AT&T, Blue Coat, Comcast, Common Sense Media, Confoki, Connect Safely, Federal Communications Commission, Federal Trade Commission, Google, iKeepSafe, Microsoft, MPAA, Netsmartz, New Net Device, Optenet, Privo, Sprint, Symantec, Verizon, Web Wise Kids, the Wireless Foundation, and Womble Carlyle.
Adam Thierer of the Progress & Freedom Foundation
is the former director of telecommunications studies at the Cato Institute. Thierer conducts research on how government regulations are … . .xxx….” of course he doesn’t want  greedy corporations to be regulated.
In 1986, David Koch helped found the Citizens for a Sound Economy, and has given over $21 million to the Cato Institute.

And we all know how David Koch is all about protecting children and families from greedy corporations, don’t we. Just look him up. Learn How Lobbyists buy Politicians Query the Lobbying Database
FOSI’s  Smirch Schmadies CEO, Stephen Balkam is also a member of the ISTTF Task Force. He believes The Commission (FCC) should not, however, mandate any one technology because there is no one-size-fits-all solution that will work for all families.
Great! Corporations defeat  FCC regulators. Why bother even having an FCC!!
Stephen C. Balkam CEO Family Online Safety Institute was the Prior founder and CEO of the Internet Content Rating Association and the Recreational Software Advisory Council, where he led the creation of the world’s leading content description system for digital content.  He’s an English Talking Head, for Huffington and anywhere else.
The MPAA knows how to protect children and the public from things they don’t want you to know about or see, just like china!
See This Film Is Not Yet Rated 2005 Kirby Dick’s provocative documentary.
Oh yes, we are being handled by these people.
Kimberly A. Scardino
Jennifer A. Hanley
Family Online Safety Institute
815 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Suite 220
Washington, DC 20006
(202) 775-0131




This is not about children, but protecting the corporate “special interests”.
No matter how many poorly designed websites and webpages are produced by all these corporations it isn’t going to help parents and other civilians when they are merely red herrings used to stop regulators.

Facebook has now integrated a facial recognition system. You can take a photo of any kid now, and find out who it is,  if they are on facebook. Doesn’t this make you catch your breath?  Don’t you think this should be regulated?
No problem right?
Hey FIOS, Smirch Smadies, Kimberly, Jennifer, Stephen, why regulate facebook?
A group of nonprofits that lobby have sent President Barack Obama a letter requesting changes in the year-old executive order restricting lobbyists from jobs in the administration.
Corporations aren’t going to protect you. Your best bet is to look to independents for help, like Bill Belsey of or the Educational CyberPlayGround. The trusted folks that have been on this list for years and years. Make sure this is the info you share with your admins / teachers / parents and friends.
Protect Your Kids and Protect Yourself cause the Smirch Ladies, FOSI, The Freedom Foundation (free to spy on you)  FOSI Conference Exhibitors, and the other lobbyiests aren’t  going to .
good luck to us all,
Educational CyberPlayGround
FLAVOR OF THE MONTH GONE: Upon the recent decision of FOSI’s Board of Directors, the ICRA labeling engine has been discontinued. While all current labels will continue to work with Internet content filters, the ICRA label generator, ICRA tools and Webmaster support will no longer be available.
First Ladies Initiative for Online Safety
Date: Fri Jun 10, 2011 11:24 am ((PDT))
First Ladies Initiative for Online Safety (FLIOS) The First Ladies Initiative for Online Safety is a project of the Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI), an international nonprofit organization dedicated to making the Internet safer for children and their families.

Just Call Me Miss Money Bags

The Feng Shui of Money. You’ve got 4 days to enjoy the mysterious ways of money or else . . .


Calendar for July 2011


Money bags
This year, July has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. This happens Once every 823 years. This is called money bags. So, forward this to Your friends and money will arrive within 4 days. Based on Chinese Feng Shui. The one who does not forward…..will be without money.
Kinda interesting – read on!!!

This year we’re going to experience four unusual dates.
1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11 and that’s not all…
Take the last two digits of the year in which you were born – now add
The age you will be this year,
The results will be 111 for everyone in whole world.  This is the year of
The Money!!!
The proverb goes that if you send this to eight good friends money will
Appear in next four days as it is explained in Chinese FENG SHUI.
Those who don’t continue the chain won’t receive…….
Its a mystery, but its worth a try, good luck.


Who owns the IP for an invention conceived or reduced to practice with federal funds?

Supreme Court answers the question.

Who owns the IP for an invention conceived or reduced to practice with federal funds?
Supreme Court answers the question
.  [sort of . . .]
Continue reading “Who owns the IP for an invention conceived or reduced to practice with federal funds?”