ECP NetHappenings Newsletter You’ve been Printing Money

How to Manage Risk. Why We Bitcoin
Optimizing for proximity to the money printer and it’s consequences.



The #USD has lost approximately 95-98% of its purchasing power since the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913.

#Bitcoin fixes this with its fixed supply.
This is why your house costs more not cause your house is worth more IT ISN’T WORTH MORE but your DOLLAR is worth less

Do you get it yet? Fix the money Fix the World
A history of the top marginal tax rates on the wealthiest Americans.

  • If you are forced to work for money that you didn’t choose, that money is not yours.
  • If you must get permission to use and/or withdraw your money, it’s not really yours.
  • If you can’t leave your own country with your own money, it’s not yours.

“Bitcoin is our antidote to this deep and persistent rot.
Bitcoin fixes gatekeeping because these organizations can’t last in a free market with a broken gatekeeper. Bitcoin destroys the credibility of fiat money and the political gatekeeping that comes with it.”

What have the banks been doing?
Can Banks’ Relationship With FIS, Fiserv, And Jack Henry Be Fixed?
There was No incentive to upgrade their technology
Banks didn’t buy that software, they can’t compete with Bitcoin.
They sell confiscated Bitcoin fairly regularly through GSA auctions, so this really shouldn’t be news except that it’s related to Silk Road.

All you have to do is transfer a little of the master’s money to the new and better money that is not controlled or debased by anyone. In this way, you’ll be buying back your freedom, week by week, transfer by transfer, purchase by purchase. #Bitcoin today!

Bitcoin will save your life.
In Lebanon, people are mining Bitcoin to try and accumulate any money that can’t be seized by the banks or government.

#Bitcoin fixes all of this.

Your “money” comes from hard work.
They create it from thin air.
#Bitcoin fixes this.

Human Rights
Property Rights
Natural Law Philosophy

You Can Take This Bitcoin Prediction To The Bank – Greg Foss

Gensler is a Risk for Our National Security


Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project @OCCRP

TOMORROW: Tuesday, July 18 1:00 p.m. EDT Our publisher, @DrewOCCRP, will testify at a @HelsinkiComm hearing about Switzerland’s key role in laundering Russian money and facilitating sanctions evasion.


Optimizing for proximity to the money printer and it’s consequences. #Bitcoin fixes this.
The most decorated international math Olympiad of all time. What is he doing? Building rockets? Inventing new fertilizers? AI? You already know the answer is optimizing speculative trading algorithms by 3%. Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to Capital Misallocation
Next time you think about trading stocks, think about your competition. The most decorated international math olympiad participant of all time is that competition.
The real secret to beating the market is trading on insider information and not pissing off anyone to get yourself thrown in jail. For that, social skills are far more important than math skills.

A history of the top marginal tax rates on the wealthiest Americans

A history of the top marginal tax rates on the wealthiest Americans.

Of the 1%
by the 1%
for the 1%

Yeah, we wouldn’t our government to bust terrorists or organized crime syndicates by tracking their money. GTFOH

1990 Murray Rothbard gave a talk where he forecasted systemic problems with the EU’s bureaucracy and ECB’s “inflationary cartel”.



54 years yesterday 7/16/69 Apollo 11 left the launch pad at Kennedy Space Center. On board where Neil Armstrong, Gus Grissom and Michael Collins. Their round trip flight to the moon and back would last eight days. Recently digitized film footage of that launch, sound up!

For 50 years, corporate backed politicians in Congress have slashed taxes to line the pockets of their wealthy donors.

It took 195 years for the 🇺🇸 US to borrow its first trillion worth of debt.
Following the suspension of the debt ceiling in June, the 🇺🇸 US added a trillion of debt in one month

A history of the top marginal tax rates on the wealthiest Americans:

1940: 81%
1950: 84%
1960: 91%
1970: 72%
1980: 70%
1984: 28%
2000: 40%
2010: 35%


Nayib Bukele @nayibbukele

Almost every government in the world is 10x to 1000x stronger than all of its criminals combined.

The reason they don’t end crime is because they are colluded with it, or because they benefit from it.

You pick the reason.

Freddie Mac backed $800 million in interest-only, balloon-payment loans to Jared Kushner in 2019 after his sister lobbied the agency Qatar may have been involved in a Canadian co’s 2018 “rescue” of Kushner’s $1.1 billion debt on 666 5th Ave.

Saudi Arabia bans industrial scale farming of alfalfa, to protect its limited water supplies.
So they grow it in a US desert and ship it back home, using AZ’s scarce water. Lax rules let the foreign-owned company pump water from state land to grow alfalfa for the kingdom’s cattle. After almost a decade, the deal is in jeopardy. READ MORE
For the past seven years, the attorney general and governor have allowed a Saudi company to pump out more than $38 million worth of groundwater from La Paz County for free.
The GOP admin even blocked efforts to track the amount of water being used.

5 years after MLK’s assassination, Donald Trump and his father were sued for refusing to rent their apartments to black people.
‘This Land Is Your Land’ Is Still Private Property, Court Rules A federal Judge P. Kevin Castel dismissed a 2016 lawsuit attempting to transfer the song into the public domain. ‘This Land Is Your Land’ is about Trump’s father slum landlord Fred Trump. His daughter claims the IP remains protected because she doesn’t want his … Continue reading

Justice Samuel Alito’s wife leased land to an oil and gas firm as her husband heard cases involving the fossil fuel industry.
In May, Alito penned the majority decision for Sackett v. EPA, a decision which drastically scaled back the Clean Water Act.

“Department of Justice Announces Breakthrough In China Bribe Investigation” Said Jack Smith
Forbes Estimates China Paid Trump At Least $5.4 Million Since He Took Office, Via Mysterious Trump Tower Lease

“Turns out it was Donald Trump you dumb Betty Crackers”

Dad died when I was 12.  Mom struggled. We received dad’s social security survivor benefits. They helped make ends meet… barely. But just a few years later, Reagan happened.

In 1981, to pay for his massive tax cuts for the rich, he cut social security benefits while increasing payroll taxes on working people. But it wasn’t just me and mom. Millions were hurt.

He swept over 300,000 people off disability rolls. Tens of thousands died or committed suicide. He promised that benefits from cutting taxes on those that didn’t need it would “trickle down” only to see deficits skyrocket, which Republicans use to blame Democrats and as an excuse to cut programs that helped the vulnerable.

But that was the plan. “Starve the Beast” they said.

Republicans continue to fight to cut Social Security, Medicare, public education, head start, food stamps, and other programs average working Americans need.

Cruelty is always @GOP’s point.

Profits over people.

Party over country.


Europe’s foremost #Bitcoin city, Lugano, Switzerland

CyberPlayGround NetHappenings Newsletter Ripple, XRP, Coinbase, Etherium

©1998*Educational CyberPlayGround®
©ECP Blog  Email List NetHappenings News Headlines
* @CyberPlayGround ₿ ∞/21M Twitter

Leave your comments below. All comments will be seen before approved.

ECP NETHAPPENINGS NEWSLETER 7/15/23 #Ripple, #XRP, #Coinbase, #Etherium

Gary Gensler SEC just lost the Ripple suit.

The SEC will now have to cover Ripple’s legal fees as a result.
July 2022 CEO of Ripple legal battle will cost upward of $100 Million
The US Tax payer will now need to fork over the legal fee to Ripple, cause GARY IS A FOOL.
Will this com out of the SEC Budget?

Gary’s strategy is to sue everyone into compliance. Gary said something like if you aren’t losing you aren’t suing enough.

Yet, The SEC is suing on our behalf  the American citizen who never elected the guy. And Gary isn’t even a lawyer. Why would Biden, Elizabeth Warren or any other Democrat want this guy in charge of our world changing economy.

Ripple Wins

“XRP, as a digital token, is not in and of itself a ‘contract, transaction, or scheme’ that embodies the Howey requirements of an investment contract.” –Judge Torres
Link to decision

Don’t be misled that Judge Torres ruled that sometimes XRP is a security and sometimes it isn’t. That’s exactly the opposite of what she ruled:  XRP itself is NEVER a security. “ Page 15:  “XRP, as a digital token, is not in and of itself a ‘contract, transaction[,] or scheme’ that embodies the Howey requirements of an investment contract.”


VIDEO Ripple vs SEC: Congratulations XRP Holders!
From, Jeremy & Thien-Vu Hogan. And, GoodBye!  13:55



This WSJ  article  reflects two entrenched trends:
1) confusing the Ripple legal analysis by insisting “sometimes tokens are securities because of how they are sold and sometimes they are not”

WRONG, Dave and Paul

2) if the outcome is unworkable as a matter of policy then the law must have been wrongfully interpreted or applied, and the decision will be overturned.

WRONG, law professors.

“The outcome must deliver the correct policy or the decision is wrong” is precisely how courts go way off the rails – making up the law as they go to reach preferred ends.  (Which law professors generally prefer them to do, and some even think they SHOULD do always.)
One of the incentive problems is that the SEC is an agency of lawyers who want to go lawyer things and measure themselves on lawyer metrics.
This is producing horribly broken outcomes and protecting nobody. Clearly the court focused on whether the transactions represented sale of securities. Whether the underlying asset is a security or a commodity seems irrelevant.
Ripple argued it is exempt from registration as XRP is not a security, but a commodity. The Court disagreed with Ripple by saying it doesn’t matter what XRP is. Rather, the conclusion would depend on the “totality of circumstances” surrounding a transaction.
The fact that Howey requires transaction level analysis and can’t be used to establish that an underlying asset is once and forever a security is itself sufficient for nuking the SEC’s entire regulation by enforcement strategy. They were just embarrassingly wrong about this.

@CGasparino Hate to break it to the XRP pumpers:
@Ripple will be paying money on the part of the case it lost; plus there isn’t a securities lawyer I’ve interviewed who thinks the part they won stands on appeal.


Just banks worried about losing out in deposits.
There was a law that required taxis automobiles in New York to carry pooper scoopers for horses for decades. This is more of the same.

This country in contrast arbitrarily punishes people to signal the legal lesson of the day.

People still can’t grok that the asset is independent of the transaction.
Howey determines if a *transaction* was a *securities transaction* not if the asset in a transaction was a security. The asset is irrelevant.
2) @jchervinsky that’s not news at all. It’s always been the case, and the SEC has always acknowledged, that in a primary distribution you have to look beyond the token to the totality of circumstances and the economic reality. Crypto bros celebrating just proves their ignorance.
3) Clearly the court focused on whether the transactions represented sale of securities. Whether the underlying asset is a security or a commodity seems irrelevant.
4) Ripple argued it is exempt from registration as XRP is not a security, but a commodity. The Court disagreed with Ripple by saying it doesn’t matter what XRP is. Rather, the conclusion would depend on the “totality of circumstances” surrounding a transaction.

Joe Carlasare Let’s examine the logic of the SEC v Ripple decision and the finding that a token in and of itself cannot be an investment contract. If true, tomorrow, I can legally launch JoeCoin with the following characteristics. I will not promote JoeCoin or sell it initially (I’ll wait for “programmatic sales” later to make money).I’ll release it for free on the internet so that anyone can mine it with GPUs, but I’ll give myself a massive pre-mine (70% of supply).

Joe, one thing that hasn’t been discussed much yet (I think) is that with the ruling that the big initial institutional investment in XRP IS in fact a security investment, doesn’t that mean that other projects (Eth, cough) are also? Isn’t that how ethereum operates?
O, that’s right, it was a funded and promoted ICO where institutional buyers were suggested to use multiple wallets to go around the security label…

Just remember it’s not a security if you dump on retail. The one thing I like about alt coins is that it keeps the regulators distracted while the Trojan horse gets built. Unless something goes terribly wrong, they will all fail to take market share from btc because not only do they compete against btc but each other.

Judges are going to follow their interpretation of the laws as they see fit. The likely end result is SEC will compel congress to pass laws that clean all this up.

Speculation Rises for Potential IPO Following SEC Victory

This is is a huge win for Larsen, Garlinghouse and the XRP community.

1. While the court rules that some of Ripple’s “Institutional Sales” of XRP were investment contracts and thus, the sale of unregistered securities,

2. Ripple’s sales of XRP to “Programmatic Buyers” through Exchanges to anonymous buyers were NOT investment contracts.

3. Ripple’s other distributions of XRP to employees as compensation or to 3rd parties to develop applications for XRP or XRP Ledger are NOT investment contracts.

4. Larsen and Garlinghouse’s sales of XRP are NOT investment contracts.

2023 -2-22   The live price of XRP is $0.6070797 with a market cap of $31.90B USD.
2023-07-13 XRP, the world’s seventh-largest cryptocurrency IS NOW NOT A SECURITY


SEC v. @Coinbase update

We now have the transcript of the pre-motion conference held on Thursday.
Things went worse for the SEC than was initially reported.
The Judge explicitly aligned herself with Coinbase on a key argument.
That is unusual for a first appearance.

This must be so devastating to be in for an initial hearing and off-the-bat the judge is jumping in on Coinbase’s argument to further expound upon how ridiculous the SEC sounds.

In the interest of transparency, here is the transcript from our hearing yesterday in the SDNY case brought against us by the SEC. We appreciate the Court’s careful consideration.
60 0F 66  THE IDEA THAT THE COMMISSION COULD AUTHORIZE THE OFFER AND SALE OF Coinbases’s securities to millions of retail investors and then turn around and flip-flop and say, oh, sorry, you are running a completely illegal business —
THE COURT: But not merely that. An S-1 registration statement for Coinbase to provide the very platform that apparently I’m being told today violates the securities laws. That’s what you’re really saying. Sourthern District Reporters, P.C. 212-805-0300


LongLing Capital = Original funder of OKX 2
Remember, Longling Capital = Fembushi = Wanxiang = ETH Foundation = Vitalik Buterin = Promethius = CCP
Etherium 0x236F9F97e0E62388479bf9E5BA4889e46B0273C3
Blockchains / Ethereum Mainnet ? Address 0x236F9F97e0

Dr. Feng, who is head of Hashkey, setup/funded Longling Capital, Wanxiang Blockchain, and was the original funder of some of Huobi’s exchange wallets doesn’t believe the Crypto they issue needs to be backed by “any underlying assets, and the credibility of the Chinese Government alone is enough to compete with, and even outcomplete, any stable digital currency issuer in the current market”.

He goes on to say that the “ISSUANCE of RMB legal digital currency WILL NOT require any underlying assets.” If you followed VC money 6 months ago, you’d know that fintech Mortgage refinancing companies is one of the area’s they went in big on.

In March 2019, Dr. Feng, head of CCP controlled Wanxiang Blockchain stated:
“First of all, RMB legal digital currency linked the digital currency world will have first-mover advantage and seize the initiative of rule making in shaping the rules of blockchain digital currency.”


ECP Newsletter Headlines Elon, Power, Actors, Credit Suisse

©1998*Educational CyberPlayGround®
©ECP Blog  Email List NetHappenings News Headlines
* @CyberPlayGround ₿ ∞/21M Twitter

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Why don’t people ask why in the world does the Senate continue to operate under rules that give each and every US Senator so much unilateral power to fu-k up the entire nation?????????
How can this sicko get a following among anti-Trumpers?

Republicans against Trump
RFK Jr. says COVID was ‘ethnically targeted’ to spare Jews and Chinese people.
I’m starting to think there’s something really really wrong with this guy…
(Love to see the uncomfortable reaction around him.)

RFK Jr. might as well be a KKK Nazi for all the difference it’d make in his lunatic ideas and their terrifying implications.
The coverage of that Bobby Kennedy Jr. press dinner in NYC this week buried the awful lede: he actually said that “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.”
He is a menace.

When confronted with incriminating recordings:
“My anti-Semitism was OFF-THE-RECORD!”
—Robert F. Kennedy, Jr

“My espionage was OFF-THE-RECORD!”
—Donald J. Trump

More than $200 billion in Covid aid disbursed by the Small Business Administration may have been stolen by fraudsters, according a federal watchdog. This would represent 17% of the $1.2 trillion disbursed.

@elonmusk  talked about xAI, his new AI company, on Twitter Spaces this afternoon. Here’s everything you need to know:
xAI is in competition with both Google and OpenAI
Every company has used Twitter data for training, in all cases, illegally.
Scraping brought Twitter’s system to its knees; hence rate limiting was needed. Public tweets will be used for training: text, images, and videos.

Elon / Twitter has limited the amount of accounts you can view on profiles under the “Following” tab to the most recent 100 accounts.
What does that mean?
Throw a few hundred more follows toward each bot – suddenly it becomes impossible to see who originally funded them.
By design.

There is a reason religious movements are seeking power now. Who funds religious movements? Well, many shady actors – but a lot comes from fossil fuel corporations. There is an end-date for these types to gain control of the climate change narrative. They’re accelerationists.


What’s interesting about this film is it was made because the administration at the time wanted it produced.
#JamesStewart #VeraMiles #MurrayHamilton
#MervynLeRoy 10:45 AM PT
An FBI agent thinks back on the Bureau’s battles against the Klan, organized crime, and Communist spies. h 29m | Crime | TV-PG

Striking actor Ron Perlman responds to studio executive who said, “The endgame is to allow things to drag on until union members start losing their houses”
“There’s a lot of ways to lose your house. One of them is figuring out who the fuck said that. And where he fucking lives.”

Hi, all. I write jokes for TV, but not long ago I was a financial analyst. I had my Series 7.
For those who say Fran Drescher or any SAG-AFTRA member should stop whining and appreciate what they have, let me give you a lesson in capitalism.
The WGA and SAG-AFTRA are dealing mainly with publicly traded companies, companies that have a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders.
Netflix, for example, has 88.21% of their shares held by institutional investors – banks, hedge funds, insurance companies, etc.
This morning, Netflix stock hit a 52-week high. They made institutional investors alone $106+ billion dollars this year.
Fran Drescher, for her entire life, is worth $25 million. It’s easy to get mad at Ted Sarandos or David Zaslav or Bob Iger, but they get paid so much because their only job is to make rich people richer.
The WGA and SAG-AFTRA aren’t fighting against rich CEOs. They’re fighting against an entire system incentivized to exploit workers.
A-list actors get paid so much because they’re worth it. Someone has done the math. You don’t have a poster of Bob Iger hanging up in your room. You don’t binge watch a show with David Zaslav. You don’t go to Comic Con to meet faceless billionaires. You pay to see stars.
Not to mention that, in reality, 87% of SAG-AFTRA union members don’t quality for health insurance. How much do they have to make to qualify? $26,000 a year. These are working class people, just like you.
The wealthiest 1% hold 53% of ALL stocks. The top 10% hold 88.6% of ALL stocks.
Every dollar these media companies don’t give to a writer or actor, they hand to millionaires and billionaires.
When you say actors and writers are spoiled, you’re on the wrong side of history.

NEW: Results from parliamentary  Credit Suisse bankruptcy investigation won’t be disclosed for the next 50 years

  • Allowing the bankruptcy of troubled lender Credit Suisse would have crippled Switzerland’s economy and financial center and likely resulted in deposit runs at other banks, Swiss regulator FINMA said Wednesday.
  • FINMA and the Swiss central bank brokered UBS’ takeover for embattled Zurich rival Credit Suisse for 3 billion Swiss francs ($3.3 billion), in a deal announced on March 19.
  • The bankruptcy plan, FINMA CEO Urban Angehrn said in a statement, was “de-prioritised early on due to its high tangible and intangible costs.”

Senator Elizabeth Warren Slams Treasury Secretary Yellen and Bank Regulator Hsu for “Courting Disaster” on Bank Mergers
Senator Elizabeth Warren is the Chair of the Senate Banking Committee’s
Subcommittee on Economic Policy. She is also the most knowledgeable member of Congress when it comes to the mega banks on Wall Street

JPMorgan Chase Files a Notice of Appeal in Jeffrey Epstein Victim Case It
“Settled” for $290 Million
Unless you have been living off the grid for the past month, chances are you have seen a barrage of headlines blaring that the largest bank in the United States, JPMorgan Chase, agreed to settle a class action lawsuit for $290 million that was filed by sexual ….