ECP NetHappenings Science

ECP NetHappenings Science


Smartphones can be 10 times dirtier than a toilet seat, microbial infection is so bad that robust public health and biosecurity protocols are needed to minimize the risks. Various types of wearable straps and discovered that nearly 95% of them were contaminated with various forms of bacteria. Rubber- and plastic-based materials were found to harbor the highest degree of contamination, while metal-based bands with gold and silver metal showed the lowest bacterial activity. The highest concentration of pathogen was found on straps made of rubber and fabric. Staphylococci, Pseudomonads, and Enterobacteriaceae to be the most common pathogens living on straps and bands. Pseudomonas aeuginosa, which is known to cause urinary tract infections (UTIs). The most worrying finding was the discovery of Enterobacteria — specifically Escherichia Coli, which is related to fecal-oral infections and was found predominantly on plastic and rubber bands.

Complete Human Y Chromosome Sequence Assembled for the First Time

Human Embryos Have a Mysterious Yolk Sac, And We Finally Know Why

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Teens Who Smoke Show Reduced Brain Matter, Scientists Discover

This Incredible Color-Changing Fish Can ‘See’ With Its Skin

Plant-Based Filter Removes Up to 99.9% of Microplastics from Water

The new program utilizes GPS-based “geo-targeting” to show readers the books that have been banned in their area, with e-book versions available to borrow digitally.

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