Makes Sense If My Goal Was To Destroy Public Education in America

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Makes Sense If My Goal Was To Destroy Public Education in America

Walker Bragman @WalkerBragman

If my goal was undermining and destroying public education in America, I would probably work hard to prevent the country from doing anything about school shootings and COVID spread.

If my goal was to create a compliant, disempowered workforce, I’d probably work to undermine and destroy public education.

If my goal was extracting the maximum amount of wealth from labor, I’d probably work to create a compliant, disempowered workforce.

And of course, if my goal was paying the least amount in taxes I possibly could on that wealth, I’d work to undermine and destroy the public sector — especially public education.

Hell, I’d probably work to scare parents about what their kids are learning in schools. Maybe, if I truly had no scruples, play to their deepest fears/prejudices.

Of course, nobody else would ever think to do any of this, I’m sure..

The end of school mask mandates across the country represents the latest victory of a two-year campaign against public health measures by business-aligned, right wing dark money groups — including the Koch network

A new Heritage Foundation fundraising email boasts of state-level pandemic policy victories.
Also boasts that it helped pick the Supreme Court.

COVID shouldn’t be politicized.
It’s a novel, deadly virus that’s rapidly mutating and linked to some significant long-term health consequences.
Long-haul symptoms are not rare and the best protection is not getting infected.
It poses a significant danger in every workplace.

Here is a short list of publications I’ve compiled from TOP medical and scientific journals, all FREE to the public. They *ALL* provide evidence that masking controls the spread of COVID19. Please share/use in responses (1/9)

“Compliant, disempowered workforce”. Didn’t realize how true this was until COVID. Executives exerting just the right amount of pressure to get employees to risk their health for the sake of company ‘culture’. I see it every day.

If I wanted to do away with the structures of a liberal democracy, the structures of public health would be on my list, along with public education and others.

It’s absolutely an overarching rightwinger goal to destroy public education and replace it with godbothering indoctrination factories that aren’t regulated and don’t teach things like “racism exists”

I would make college unaffordable by federally backing student loans making it risk free for middleman banks to profit. Then I would virtue signal by giving a small group of people a small amount of forgiveness to make it look like I cared.

One thought on “Makes Sense If My Goal Was To Destroy Public Education in America”

  1. 18-34 year olds! “What Young Voters are Missing About the Democratic Party.”
    Teen Vogue teamed up with @ChangePolls to study young people ahead of the 2022 midterms. To put it bluntly: Young voters think the United States’s economic and political institutions aren’t working and don’t trust the powers that be to correct the course.

    So @TeenVogue Hope you take some responsibility for not informing your readers. Every 18 months you conduct a survey asking them about things you didn’t tell them about.

    The poll found that recent Democratic achievements are popular on paper with young voters, but that many of them remain unaware of the legislation that’s been passed or wish the Democrats would do more.

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