ECP NetHappenings Refuse to vote for any Republican. Not one Republican.

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Refuse to vote for any Republican

Not one Republican.

BREAKING: Under Kamala Harris’ leadership, Alan Dershowitz has left the Democratic Party.



Kamala Harris has more experience than any other presidential candidate in modern times.

BREAKING: In a heartwarming moment, supporters of Kamala Harris in Pittsburgh are overwhelmed with joy and emotion when Kamala walks in.

Voter: I’m a Republican Reporter: Why are you voting (for Kamala Harris?) Voter: Because she behaves more like a human.

“Against Harris, he looks old (because he is), confused (because he is), far less intelligent than she (because he is), and less genuinely patriotic (because he is).”

Harris endorsed by:
Biden sitting POTUS
Obama former POTUS
Clinton former POTUS
Carter former POTUS
Al Gore former VP
Dick Cheney former VP

MI & NC are investigating Elon Musk’s political action committee, America PAC, for defrauding voters, after a CNBC report showed the PAC collected data from people in “swing states”, pretending to register them to vote. Marketing ploy to fund Trump?!

Justin Caporale. Named as one of the assaulters of the woman at Arlington Cemetery by NPR. Was also Jan 6 organizer.

Russia is waging a “reckless campaign of sabotage” across Europe, the heads of MI6 and the CIA have warned in their first-ever joint remarks.

Ever notice how Trump never defends himself by saying he would never assault women, he just says he would never do it to those women because they aren’t his type.

Just a reminder: The Russians didn’t funnel millions to LEFT-WING American media voices to spew Russia’s divisive disinformation & propaganda. They funneled millions to RIGHT-WING American media voices. There’s a reason for that.

#DickCheney endorsing Harris NEVER MADE IT TO THE #FrontPage NEWS!
Editors at the @nytimes @washingtonpost @wsj are failing democracy, deceiving Americans about the fitness of Trump – & deprioritizing critical information.

The shift of veterans away from Donald Trump is being shamefully unreported by the US news media.

Feels like it should be a bigger deal that Nate Silver is employed by Polymarket, a site that allows you to bet on political outcomes, and also runs a “prediction model” that has the ability to directly affect betting behavior.

Morgan Stanley is fined $2 million for failing to stop insider trading at First Republic Bank before its collapse. Unusual Whales was first to notice the trades. Insiders sold millions before. James Herbert, FRC founder, sold $4.5 million before the collapse.

One month after The Washington Post revealed that the Egyptian government may have illegally given Donald Trump $10 million in 2017, Democrats have announced they will be investigating the allegations.

BREAKING NEWS: Podcaster Tim Pool is currently cooperating with authorities from the Department of Justice. Officials say that Pool has been extraordinarily forthcoming and helpful in his provision of evidence against several other of his co-conspirators. Indictments expected.

“At the end of the day, Clarence Thomas is just the Tim Pool of the Supreme Court.”  @chrislhayes
“These billionaires and interest groups need Justice Thomas to stay where he is and are lavishing gifts on him to ensure that he will remain on the Court—it’s just not that different from the Russians paying online right-wing personalities huge sums of money to keep doing what they were doing.”
Laurence Tribe Sadly true. @chrislhayes has taken Thomas’s measure and rendered the only verdict possible: This justice has flunked the “during good behavior” standard for remaining an Article III judge. He remains in power only because the politics protects him from impeachment and conviction.

Unsealed FBI Doc Exposes Terrifying Depth of Russian Disinfo Scheme. 2.800 influencers associated with Russian propaganda

THIS IS HUGE! Researchers at The University of Texas at Austin have discovered and isolated a broadly neutralizing plasma antibody, known as SC27, which has been shown to neutralize ALL known variants of SARS-CoV-2. The study has been published in Cell Reports Medicine. Researchers say a newly discovered antibody could pave the way for vaccines or treatments that provide universal protection against all SARS-CoV-2 variants, along with other related viruses.

The Powell Memo Helped Create Project 2025
Powell joined the Supreme Court in 1972 after a long career as one of the nation’s top corporate lawyers, known particularly for his long association with the tobacco company Philip Morris.”
A new investigative podcast shows the toxic legacy of the founding father of modern American plutocracy. “ (His) memo was a call to arms for corporate America to use its economic power to push back against the left, with particular emphasis on the importance of gaining sway over the courts, the academy, and the media.”

Chinese agent and GOP finance chair Steve Wynn admits to international money laundering through his casinos
Wynn Las Vegas Forfeits $130 Million for Illegally Conspiring with Unlicensed Money Transmitting Businesses Wynn Las Vegas, the Las Vegas casino and subsidiary of Wynn Resorts, Limited, agreed today to forfeit $130,131,645 to settle criminal allegations that it conspired with unlicensed money transmitting businesses worldwide to transfer funds for the financial benefit of the casino.
Today’s settlement is believed to be the largest forfeiture by a casino based on admissions of criminal wrongdoing.
“Casinos, like all businesses, will be held to account when they allow customers to evade U.S. laws for the sake of profit,” said U.S. Attorney Tara McGrath. “Federal oversight seeks to prevent illegal funds from tainting legitimate businesses, ensuring that casinos offer a clean, thriving, and safe entertainment option.” The investigation of international money laundering by GOP Finance Chair Steve Wynn went all the way back to 2014.


When the Fraternal Order of Police supports a felon, we have a police problem.
After DOJ indictment, it’s clear: years and years of Russian propaganda made the Republicans weird. Shame on you. This should be the end of your organization. No former Presidents support Trump. Almost everyone who worked with him, including his own Vice President, refuse to support him. Even Dick Cheney supports Harris. He’s a felon. You’ve brought shame on the Order. “Fuck you!” The moral outrage over the Fraternal Order of Police endorsing the loathsome piece of shit is not going away.
The Fraternal Order of Police supports Trump despite his 34 felony charges and convictions. Is this about upholding law & order, or just playing politics?
This is the biggest insult to the rule of law I’ve ever seen. The Fraternal Order of Police has lost every shred of credibility by endorsing a felon. What a joke.
Our presidential endorsement process is thorough and inclusive, involving over 377,000 members across the nation. Today, it’s a privilege to announce that the collective will of our members has led us to endorse Donald J. Trump for President. We’re committed to supporting leadership that upholds the safety and effectiveness of law enforcement.

@sandibachom My first Trump rally was at was Minneapolis. Trump refused to pay the $500,000 in advance for the venue. The mayor said the show couldn’t go on but Trump did it anyway and called the head of the cops for Trump up on stage and they mocked the mayor all night, PS he never paid. He still owes $500k this was 2019.
The head of the cops for trump was the head of the minneapolis police federation union. Bob KROLL. He organized the cops for trump, look him up on wicopedia. He defended what Chauvin did, and said he would get him his job back. After 1/6 he abruptly resigned from the force.
Trump still hasn’t paid the damages he’s owed the victims of his Trump University fraud since 2017.

When Andrea Mitchell
uses your air time trying to clean up JD Vance’s “fact of life” quote, and run damage control for the Trump Campaign, then the time has come to show her the door!

Epoch times is also named in DOJ and Nsicop report.
Another pro Russian, anti democratic outlet engaged in foreign money laundering.
Epoch Times CFO Charged In $67M Money Laundering Scandal Shaking Conservative “Media” In Canada: Here’s How It Works

The end of surveillance capitalism begins on Monday, when the third Google antitrust trial opens. It could soon be three antitrust losses for the search giant, at which point their business model is over. There are also state and federal cases in California about Google making network transfers of data to itself by stealing/converting Android user’s cell data plans without consent that may force Google to pay hundreds of millions or more and end that surveillance practice.

Russia is the only entity that has ever counted Donald Trump as an asset.

Column: I know what Trump was really talking about in his child care rant, and it’s more troubling than you thought. “Parents who took four 12-week leaves, according to this analysis, would lose 10% of their retirement benefits, for life.

Russia and the Saudi Wealth Fund are propping up Trump Media stock today
Money laundering It’s the only plausible explanation @FEC
Who buys stock in a company that has no revenue and has been bleeding money for over a year?
This is how Russia and the Saudis are paying Trump

The FEC works for Trump. If they didn’t, they would have never allowed a company with no income, no collateral and losing half a billion a year to create $10 billion worth of stock out of thin air…it’s the same criminal FEC who allowed Elon & Russia to buy Twitter
Now that we know it’s a Russian Mafia hub engaged in election attacks, Trump’s trip to Nashville for a “Crypto conference” a couple weeks back makes more sense.

Telegram changes policy, saying it will moderate group chats and private chats. This gives us a better idea of what the French case is all about:

After more than 3 decades of dedication, 81-year-old Queensland gardener, Lorna Spackman has created a new variety of Avocado. The new “Jala” variety has massive fruit, a firm buttery flesh and is resistant to oxidation after being cut. The avocados from grafted Jala trees average between 1-1.2 kilograms. For context, an average Hass avocado weighs around 250 grams.
The first release has already landed in Australian fruit stores.

Seems like a good time to remind people that the Republican candidate for president has a strategy for his speeches called “The Weave.” This is a long way to say “I have dementia and I have no idea what I’m saying”—so I set it to bluegrass.

Mark Zuckerberg—who recently purchased a $300 million, 387-foot megayacht, powered by four gigantic diesel engines—tells us about the importance of “stopping climate change before we destroy the planet”. #WeirdZuckererg

Language Expert: Donald Trump’s Way Of Speaking Is ‘Oddly Adolescent’

Four hedge fund managers make more than 120,000 U.S. kindergarten teachers combined.
94% of teachers have to dip into their own pockets to buy school supplies while the average Wall
Street employee got a bonus of $176,500 last year. Something has gone terribly wrong. Trump’s plan to cut the corporate tax rate to 15% would give the 100 largest corporations a tax cut larger than the entire US Department of Education K-12 budget.

Bitcoin’s Ascendance: The BlackRock Effect – Larry Fink Never Loses.

Rumours that $100 billion Michael Dell is buying the #Bitcoin dip

-Bitcoin bottomed 547 days prior to the 2016 Halving but topped in its Bull Market 518 days after the 2016 Halving
– Bitcoin bottomed 517 days prior to the 2020 Halving but topped in its Bull Market 549 days after the 2020 Halving
– Bitcoin bottomed 517 days before the 2024 Halving but may very well top in its Bull Market ~549 days after the 2024 Halving
That’s October 2025
History suggests two takeaways:
1. The Halving acts like a mirror. Bitcoin Bear Market Bottoms occur a similar amount of days prior to the Halving compared to the amount of days its takes for Bitcoin to form Bull Market Tops after the Halving
2. This Bull Market is not over yet

Master Plan, an investigative podcast series by The Lever, reveals how extremists and tycoons orchestrated a system of legalized corruption in America. The first season traces the untold history from the 1970s to today, showing how a small group of operatives and oligarchs used vast wealth to manipulate key U.S. government policies for personal gain at the expense of everyone else — a plan that’s coming to fruition in the 2024 election.

RIP Sergio Menendez
Sergio Mendes & Brasil 66
Sergio Mendes & Brasil ’66 Greatest hits

Overheard at a grocery store by someone waiting in line behind a woman speaking on her cellphone in another language. Ahead of her was a white man. After the woman hangs up, he speaks up.
Man: “l didn’t want to say anything while you were on the phone, but you’re in America now.
You need to speak English.”
Woman: “Excuse me?”
Man: *very slow* “If you want to speak Mexican, go back to Mexico. In America, we speak English.”
Woman: “Sir, I was speaking Navajo. If you want to speak English, go back to England.”


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