ECP NetHappenings Solidarity to all of our Union Brothers and Sisters!

Solidarity to all of our Union Brothers and Sisters!

Happy Labor Day! Today we honor the power of collective action that built the middle class and won critical worker protections. But threats like Project 2025 aim to roll back those gains.

The road to fascism is lined with people telling you to stop overreacting.

A book Burning I Would Support – Burn Project 2025
Russ Vought the MAGA consultant that says no one should serve in Trump’s administration if they’re no willing to “spend a night in jail”. He’s also one of the planners of Project 2025.

Trump’s #Project2025 envisions a stark shift for American workers:
❌ Cutting overtime pay
❌ Undermining the right to organize
❌ Facilitating employer discrimination
❌ Weakening child labor laws
It is the enemy of working-class progress and prosperity.

Do you sense a pattern?
Reagan — Recession
Bush Sr. — Recession
Clinton — Balanced budget, Surplus
Bush W. — The Great Recession
Obama — Rescued economy, Growth
Trump — Adds $7 Trillion to Deficit, Unemployment at 14.7%
Biden — Rescued economy, Fastest Economic Growth in History

Unions create freedom.
– You may not be a union member, but thank unions for the five-day workweek.
– You may not be a union member, but thank unions for the eight-hour workday.
– You may not be a union member, but thank unions for sick leave, paid family leave, and vacation time.

‍♀️Workers are profit creators.
Pensions are earned.

Unions are actually agents of freedom— freedom from corporate servitude and wage slavery.
Without unions, employees have to individually take what is offered, usually far less than they would get with a union: not just pay but worker safety, health care benefits, pensions, reasonable working conditions and hours, reasonable vacation time. What is “reasonable”? What the union members can negotiate.
~George Lakoff — Moral Politics: How Liberals and Conservatives Think

These Greedy Low-Wage Corporations Prioritize Inflated CEO Pay Over Workers
CEOs of leading U.S. corporations focus on short-term windfalls for themselves & wealthy shareholders rather than long-term prosperity for workers—or their companies. #LaborDay

Dump the Trump 2024 The face of Hate in America.
As a convicted felon,… Trump is legally banned from visiting his golf course in Scotland.
Convicted felons are banned from traveling to,…
the United Kingdom, China, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Iran, India, Russia, South Africa, Israel and Argentina.


The Constitution was not “divinely inspired.”
It was written by a bunch of white guys who were tired of being jerked around by the Church of England and wanted a secular democracy free of this exact sort of theocratic bullshit.
The Pilgrims came to America in search of religious freedom, to escape the king’s requirement for all citizens to belong to the Church of England. Project 2025 will make America a solely “Christian” society. Protect your right to worship or not.

Republicans endorsing Kamala Harris
– 200 former GOP staffers
– 16 former GOP Members of Congress
– 12 former GOP White House attorneys
– 4 former GOP Governors
– Countless former GOP officials
“Democrats” endorsing Donald Trump:
– Tulsi Gabbard
– RFKJr.

Never forget that Ronald Reagan
– tripled the national debt
from $738 billion to $2.1 trillion,
– dropped the income tax rate on the top 1% from 70% to 28%,
– sold 500 missiles to Iran, let 90,000 Americans die of ADS, and
– set into motion the end of mental institutions, creating a massive homelessness crisis that continues to this day.
Trickle-down economics has never gotten giant corporations to share their price-gouging profits and corporate tax breaks with their workers.
That’s what unions are for.
Happy Labor Day!

Convicted fraudsters launch AI lobbying firm using fake names
A D.C. startup to integrate AI into lobbying is covertly run by a pair of well-known conspiracy theorists, Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman, who are using the fake names “Jay Klein” and “Bill Sanders” in their new business, four former employees told me.

Space X and Elon’s alarming ties to the Darkest Money in the East
SpaceX is sending Satofishi (Chun Wang) to Space, a Chinese Born, early Chinese Mining Pool founder, Maltese citizen who has some of the darkest Crypto ties to money, and money laundering, that I’ve ever seen. SpaceX, and Elon’s ties to Dark crypto money don’t start, nor stop there.

Elon Musk and his investors lost $24 billion since buying Twitter.
Billionaires can write off their investment losses on their taxes, but we can’t write off student loan debt for the college degrees required to work at their companies.
This is what a rigged system looks like.

So what is the History Channel’s relationship with Qanon propaganda?
The parent company Hearst Communications has Nazi ties and featured the writings of Hermann Göring and Alfred Rosenberg.
Michael Jaco, former Navy Seal, currently pushes Qanon propaganda on Rumble. Jaco works with CCC Publisher run by Brad Olsen.
Brad Olsen was featured on a few episodes of the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens.

The last name is Lawless
Certainly one of the most fun last names, Lawless comes from the Old-English “laghles”, meaning – you guessed it – “outlaw”. The name, introduced into Ireland after the Anglo-Norman invasion, is found in Counties Dublin and Galway. It was one of the “Tribes of Kilkenny.” Even the former Xena, Warrior Princess Lucy Lawless has Irish roots – in Quilty, Co Clare.

The Coming Civil War

Oh yea, and 1 more thing….
of course there is going to be another civil war when Kamala wins, it’s going to crack up the “Rethuglican party” and get rid of all those trumpers who will  be going to prison with donald. The only ones that will survive this civil war will be the ones who didn’t  back up loser Drumph.


Republicans endorsing Kamala Harris
– 200 former GOP staffers
– 16 former GOP Members of Congress
– 12 former GOP White House attorneys
– 4 former GOP Governors
– Countless former GOP officials

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