ECP NetHappenings On Labor Day, we honor workers, unions, and the entire labor movement


Kamala ,la

On Labor Day, we honor workers, unions, and the entire labor movement fighting for fair wages, good benefits, and safer working conditions for all.

~Kamala Harris


Your Labor Day reminder that Project 2025 would essentially ban unions for public service workers (pg. 82), let bosses avoid overtime pay (pg. 592), make it easier for private companies to decertify unions (pg. 603) and allow states to opt out of federal labor laws (pg. 605).

AFL-CIO Highlights the Anti-Worker Foundation of Trump’s Second-Term Agenda

Brazil’s Supreme Court votes to uphold Justice Moraes’ decision to ban Twitter/X. If Henry Ford and Heinrich Himmler had Twitter.

Greg Olear @gregolear
If only someone could have foreseen this. Oh, wait, I did. I wrote this the day he showed up with that stupid sink.
And to the fascists and fools who invested in this disaster,
I say: womp womp.

The question isn’t will he sabotage Twitter, but how?
Laying off three-quarters of the workforce, as he’s said he’d do, would be a fine way to start the destruction (he began last night by pink-slipping the legal staff, including the executive primarily responsible for eighty-sixing Trump). Charging for the service would drive away many users and blow up engagement like an exploding Tesla. Re-platforming the likes of Trump, Mike Flynn, and other noxious disinformation peddlers, trolls, and chaos agents would gin up the rage—and scare off more normies. So would amplifying fascist accounts (or, to be more accurate, amplifying them more). He could verify bad actors—as the old administration used to do—and take away blue checks from those who don’t toe the Muskovite party line. He could tweak the algorithm so that we don’t see the accounts we want to, and are force-fed others. He could sell our data and our DMs on the dark web. Or he could simply sack the entire support staff and play his virtual-reality fiddle while Twitter burns.

Elon Musk accidently doxed the identities of the 7 right wing accounts he refused to ban in Brazil and opted to lose one of the biggest markets for Twitter (x). So he ended up banning over 8 million users, plus the 7 he was refusing to ban and then exposed them too. Incredible.

Wendy Siegelman
This story estimates that Prince Alwaleed bin Talal (and Kingdom Holding Co.) had an investment of $1.89 billion at time of sale to Musk, and 2024 value is $529.2 million, a loss of -$1.36 billion
WP WALL My recent story shows loss was likely larger

Catalin Cimpanu @campuscodi
-US charges swatters who terrorized government officials
-City of Columbus sues security researcher
-APT28 suspected of hack of Germany air traffic control agency
-Poland charges official in Pegasus spyware

When President @nayibbukele gave every citizen $30 worth of BTC almost 3 years ago you could buy 120 pupusas.
Due to inflation those $30 saved in USD can now only get you 60 pupusas. Those $30 saved in BTC has grown 36% in USD terms and can buy you 82 Pupusas.
Bitcoin is a savings tool, Bitcoin is medium of exchange.


The National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB) issued a data-rich “Primer on Attendance and Chronic Absenteeism on the Nation’s Report Card and Beyond.”

Department announced more than $80 million in grant awards to 26 recipients (states and partnerships) to improve access to higher education for students from low-income backgrounds, under the Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP).

A new Institute of Education Sciences (IES) report highlights how federal grants help train and support the educators of English Learners, and new data from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of IES, offers up data on postsecondary institutions’ student enrollment, cost of attendance, and degrees and awards conferred.

Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Know2Protect campaign helps parents and other trusted adults keep children safe online.

The 9/11 National Day of Service is one of just two federal days of service on the U.S. calendar, along with Martin Luther King, Jr., Day in January.  To honor those lost and the heroes who helped us persevere, join AmeriCorps and in service on 9/11.  Americans, of all ages and backgrounds, are invited to join and inspire a new generation of civic-minded leaders.  (Note: To download the 9/11 Day Teachers Guide and access a full suite of educator tools, visit 9/11 Day’s Teachers resource page).

On September 12, at 1 p.m. Eastern Time, join the second webinar in the Correctional Education Professional Learning Series, titled “How Mountain West Congressional Earmark Programs are Removing Barriers to Correctional Education.”

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