ECP NetHappenings The Politics of Bitcoin and Crypto need to be Bipartisan.

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The Politics of Bitcoin and Crypto need to be Bipartisan. Bitcoin is for everyone.
Both parties have to get their people to be positive and take stand that show they understand are for the technology that will power this century.
Digital Energy is the source of security and finance, for people, companies, States, and Nations. It isn’t fiat that is on the way out.
There will be Bots on the net deployed to get data and pay for it with Bitcoin without humans  doing anything. The change is already here.
Gold is last century, of course lots of folks and countries regard it as wealth and still chase it. Because the Republicans are afraid that Kamala Harris is going to win, gold spiked, but in comparison to Bitcoin it hasn’t increased in value very much, if compared to what Bitcoin has done. Gold won’t  remain a standard of wealth into future  years. If you are still thinking about leaving it to your children and grands then you better seek the Bitcoin ETF, or buy it and personally hold it, for  a balanced savings and or retirement.

Hal Finney’s most bullish #Bitcoin quotes: A thread


Just in from Nielsen: The final night of the DNC drew an average of 26.2 million viewers across 15 networks — roughly 6 million more than the three nights prior.
Viewership surged during Kamala Harris’ speech with 28.9 million viewers tuning in from 10:31pm to 11:11pm ET. Averaged over 28 million people watching over the course of her speech. That would approximate to like 28,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 gazillion trillion viewers on Twitter according to Elon and Trump mathematics.

Quantum phenomena have long been my theory for the origin of consciousness and the perception (right or wrong) of free will.


A convicted felon, a guy who humps couches, and someone who had a worm in their brain walk into a bar.

Trump is the kind of man who would sacrifice one of his supporters without blinking an eye and everything about his initial photo-op reaction to his ‘assassination attempt’ and the way he has used the images and story since tells me that is exactly what he did. Flynn is the sort who could pull it off and Donald sought out sympathetic Secret Service agents since day one. That part is NO secret (pardon the pun) hence the deleted agents texts after J6 and the transfers to Tampa. Nothing about it feels legit.

Some news out of Montgomery County – I’ve received word that the # of mail-in ballots being processed for the 2024 general election is going to exceed 2022’s by a decent chunk. This is a moving target, but turnout is likely going to track close to 2020 (~84%). Good news for D’s.

Harris-Walz campaign “Just before Vice President #Harris’ acceptance speech Thursday night, we officially crossed the $500 million mark. Immediately after her speech, we saw our best fundraising hour since launch day. Donations came from:
•A third of this week’s donations originated from first-time contributors. •Almost one-fifth of those first-time contributors were young voters and two-thirds of which were women — both of which are poised to be deciding constituencies in November.
•Teachers and nurses also continue to be among the most common donor occupations.

Donald Trump Jailed a Critic During His First Term.
Does the Supreme Court Care?
“Despite all the coverage of Cohen, his unlawful imprisonment is an overlooked episode of the first Trump administration. A federal judge found that Cohen had been incarcerated in ‘retaliation’ for his choice to speak critically of the president and ordered him to be released. But when Cohen filed a damages lawsuit against the individual officials responsible, two federal courts dismissed it, effectively ruling that there is no consequence for officials who imprison critics of the president.”

Trump is going to replace Vance with JFK Jr.
RFK Jr. Was My Drug Dealer
Kennedy’s endorsement of Donald Trump raises an awkward question.
My Bobby Kennedy story involves pharmaceuticals—not the legal, lifesaving kind, such as the vaccines he’s made a career of lying about, but the recreational kind.


Let’s be clear: Kamala Harris isn’t advocating for price controls.
She’s advocating for federal laws to stop price gouging and make markets competitive.
Prices are already being controlled in America by big corporations that have gobbled up markets and don’t have to compete.

Billionaires don’t make money the way most of us do—they live off low-interest, tax-free loans borrowed against their wealth.
Our tax code isn’t built to tax that kind of income.
That’s how they can pay lower tax rates than teachers and nurses.
Tax billionaire wealth gains.

TikTok investor Jeff Yass avoided paying $1 billion in taxes while largely escaping public scrutiny. He’s then poured that money into campaigns to cut taxes and support election deniers.

As everyone is now well aware, Durov was taken into custody on a French arrest warrant when he stepped off his private jet after arriving from Azerbaijan. He is charged with a number of offenses such as:
Drug trafficking;
Money laundering.
Pavel Durov is singing like a canary to French authorities. Hundreds of operatives of the russian terrorist state may be exposed. Telegram is in disarray and with it the russian military.
Moscow is tapping all its Useful Idiots, from Elon Musk on down, to come to its defense.

!!!! Every fascist tech douchebro realizing that this guy is a billionaire with a private jet and he’s still going to prison!!!! Alongside his Russian citizenship, Durov also holds French nationality. He is accused of complicity in drug trafficking, crimes against children, and fraud due to lack of moderation on Telegram. Would you be surprised if the majority financiers of Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter are Russian Oligarchs with ties to Putin?

Russia demanding France give them access to Pavel Durov tells us everything we need to know… Russia’s embassy in France has demanded consular access to the 39-year-old Franco-Russian billionaire Pavel Durov, owner of Telegram. I thought he presented himself as a dissident. Strange that when the s..t hits the fan, the Kremlin intervenes

Putin seizes $100m from Google to fund Russia’s war machine

According to Politico, Sec of Transportation Elaine Chao had her father, James, sit in on official meetings. Not a single congressional hearing was convened to investigate his ties to the CCP. Elaine Chao’s father, James Chao, has a close relationship with Communist Party of China’s former top leader Jiang Zemin. They were classmates when they were students at Shanghai Jiaotong University.

This week, in a genuinely stunning series of events, a bill that was written to save local journalism from big tech was gutted in a backroom deal—and wound up bailing out Google and *boosting AI* instead. You can’t make this stuff up. Here’s how it happened.

NC Supreme Court Justice Phil Berger Jr. will not be recused from two major cases involving his father, the Republican Senate leader.
The court’s Republican majority ruled that Berger won’t have to recuse, with the 2 Democrats dissenting

Nebraska Is the Latest State to Add Abortion to November Ballots. What Would the Measures Do? | Voters in all seven states that have had abortion questions before voters since 2022 have sided with abortion rights supporters.


Elon Musk Is The New Republic’s 2023 Scoundrel of the Year
He proved this year that he’s not just evil, but deeply stupid, too.

NEW: public filings show that Saudi Prince Alwaleed’s company Kingdom Holdings’ investment in Elon Musk’s X may have fallen from $1.9 billion to a valuation of $262 million, but Kingdom Holding recently invested $400 million in Musk’s xAI.

Twitter is being sued for $120 million in unpaid hardware bills. Since November 2022 when Mushbrain took over, Twitter “abruptly stopped” making payments and ignored all attempts to reach out.

MUSK got canceled by the WORLD BANK?
Play Nazi games, win Nazi prizes
CBS News: World Bank halts paid advertising on X after CBS News finds its promoted ad under racist content

Elon is the immigrant who threatens America. The Pentagon and other federal departments and agencies need to begin working with other providers to replace Musk’s SpaceX and StarLink systems. @elonmusk has become a dangerous national security threat and must be treated as such.

An unsealed court document confirms that Sean Combs, Jack Dorsey, and a handful of Silicon Valley elites helped fund the $44 billion takeover of Twitter.

America needs to learn the terrifying lesson of the British riots. This was Musk’s trial balloon for the US election. The prospect of political violence is real. And Musk’s behaviour is a warning shot of what’s to come. My piece for @ObserverUK


They will always find way to find more gold.
Can’t find ways to get more Bitcoin.
It is impossible to verify the real supply of Gold especially when China is a large producer and they value their privacy. In crypto terms we’d call this a privacy centric asset with a potential for a hidden inflation bug. BTC looks insanely primed against GOLD and SILVER too. Gold’s consolidation phase might end soon, but Bitcoin’s unique inelasticity remains a key differentiator. As we see technology push gold production higher, Bitcoin’s scarcity will likely become an even more attractive feature for investors.


Coinbase customers can now send up to $10k instantly via #Bitcoin Lightning. Coinbase has over 100 MILLION users.

Willy Woo Back of the envelope calculation of how much capital needs to go into #Bitcoin in order for it to hit $1m per coin.
Answer: $5T or about 1% of global wealth assets.
So far only $620b has been invested.

Today, the Federal Court for the Northern District of California ruled, as matter of law, that none of the tokens trading on Kraken are securities.
This is a significant win for Kraken, for the principle of clarity and for crypto users everywhere. It also confirms Kraken’s long-standing position that it does not list securities.

Bitcoin and Digital Asset Companies become the single largest corporate PAC donors in the entire nation – Accounting for nearly 50% of all donations across every industry in 2024
Massive donations are pouring in to defeat Democrats who are openly hostile to Bitcoin and crypto. We’ll talk about bipartisan solutions once they’ve been defeated and are forced to negotiate from a position of weakness.
Wrong again. The vast majority was donated to fairshake which has spent money to support democrats and republicans. Spending is mostly based on the ability to get pro-crypto candidates elected which tends to be republicans in this cycle but is not exclusive in any way.


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