ECP NetHappenings SEC just moved liability standard for financial fraud “from recklessness to negligence.”


Kamala Harris raised an unprecedented
in the first month of her candidacy, smashing all previous fundraising records.

One of the very first things that Kamala Harris should do when she’s president is dismantle Fox News and reinstate the Fairness Doctrine.

“Real America” is like “True Christian.”
Donald Trump “has all the votes we need.”
No need to bother. From the boss himself, the focus is now on “cheating.”

Kellye SoRelle, the lawyer for the Oath Keepers and girlfriend of Stewart Rhodes, has officially pleaded guilty to breaching Capitol grounds on Jan. 6 and urging members of the group to delete evidence from their phones. She’ll be sentenced in January. Tell Oath Keepers Stewart Rhodes girlfriend Kellye SoRelle, that the prison meatloaf is very tasty according to Proud Boys Leader Enrique Tarrio. Who plans on eating it for say the next 25 years.

In response to this bizarre decision which the Republicans on the Supreme Court have forced on the American people, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has introduced the No Kings Act.


Trump has been accused of potentially violating federal law by allegedly calling Netanyahu to discuss a U.S.-brokered ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas.

#TrumpPedoFiles ‘I understand that Mr Trump and Mr Epstein knew that I was 13 years old.’
‘Defendant Trump had sexual contact with me at 4 different parties in the summer of 1994. On the fourth and final encounter Defendant Trump tied me to a bed and forcibly raped me.’ ‘Immediately following this rape, just like defendant Trump, Defendant Epstein threatened me to not ever reveal any of the details of Defendant Epstein’s sexual and physical abuse of me or else me and my family and I would be physically harmed if not killed.’ In any country where the MSM wasn’t propping up a candidate for their own financial gain, this would be the end of Trump’s political career.
The Katie Johnson testimonial video.

One more reminder that every major presidential candidate, and every president, over the past four decades has made their tax returns public, except Donald Trump. The press and the public should be demanding this information, which is important to evaluate potential conflicts.

David French, an Opinion columnist, is an evangelical, pro-life conservative. For the first time in his life, he plans to vote for a Democratic presidential candidate: Kamala Harris.

Georgia GOP district chair Kandiss Taylor says that non-Christians are not entitled to religious freedom in America because “freedom of religion is there for us to worship Jesus: “Don’t come into my government and bring any of that trash in there.”

Leonard Leo— credited with engineering SCOTUS’ conservative supermajority— is helping bankroll the RNC push to suppress voters in swing states.
They just filed to have 40 THOUSAND names removed from AZ voter rolls
A team of Leonard Leo-linked lawyers is spearheading GOP court cases aiming to purge thousands of people from voter rolls in swing states that could tip the 2024 election. Conservative judges installed by Leo’s network will decide the cases.

Trump’s tax law cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%.
What did corporations do with the money saved?
They didn’t invest it or raise wages.
They spent a record $1 trillion on stock buybacks the year after the law went into effect.
Nothing trickled down to workers.

SEC just moved liability standard for financial fraud “from recklessness to negligence.”
Look the other way on money laundering? You’re liable.
Today the SEC approved new and updated PCAOB audit standards and an amendment to the PCAOB’s contributory liability rule.
“The SEC adopted the PCAOB’s amendments to “Rule 3502, Responsibility Not to Knowingly or Recklessly Contribute to Violations,” which governs the liability of an individual of a registered public accounting firm who contributes to the firm’s violations of the laws, rules and standards that the board enforces. The amendments revise from recklessness to negligence the standard for an associated person’s contributory liability. They also maintain the requirement that to be held liable, an associated person must have contributed to the firm’s violation “directly and substantially,”

Isaac M. Singer  invented the sewing machine.
Isabella Eugénie Boyer Born In 1863 in New York City, she married Isaac Merritt Singer, the founder of the Singer sewing machine company, when Singer was 52 and Isabella was only 22. Singer had a previous common-law wife, Mary Ann Sponsler, who had Isaac arrested for bigamy. Isaac Singer is reported to have had a total of 22 children with his many paramours. Singer died in 1875 and left an estate of about $14 million. His two wills created family tension and lawsuits. Isabella was declared his legal widow. Boyer, now the Duchess of Camposelice, was still a striking lady when she met the sculptor Bartholdi. It is rumoured she was his model for the Statue of Liberty, however this claim may not be correct. Isabella Eugenie Boyer and the face that gives life to the Statue of Liberty

Traitor and foreign agent Bob Menendez officially a convicted felon resigned in disgrace from the U.S. Senate.
Prison is next unless he gives up a LOT of bigger criminals. Menendez, 70, was convicted on charges that he used his influence to meddle in three different state and federal criminal investigations to protect the businessmen.

Ugh Oh….  I forgot to wipe my very old laptop before it died, what do I do? (Asking for a friend)

1) My personal fav: take it outside and shoot it.
2) Take it back to the Apple Store ask them to wipe it for you then let them dispose of it.
3) You can take your old laptop to Best Buy, which operates a robust recycling program.
Apple, Dell, Lenovo, and HP also have recycling programs, and sometimes will recycle your old laptop for free. (Along with many other types of electronics.)

King of Dirty Tricks Gets Hacked to Expose Trump Secrets
Email account of Roger Stone, the self-proclaimed GOP “agent provocateur,” was accessed by spies who used it to target the Trump campaign. The self-proclaimed GOP “agent provocateur”—whose dirty tricks can be traced back to the Nixon campaign—was duped by an espionage unit. Stone was convicted of seven felony charges in November 2019, including for lying about his attempts to obtain information from WikiLeaks about Hillary Clinton’s emails stolen by Russian hackers and released on the eve of the 2016 election. Trump then pardoned Stone just before leaving the White House in 2020.

Wanna Build a (RAT) Remote Access Trojan??
The code and techniques provided in this article are intended for educational purposes only. They are designed to help individuals understand the underlying principles of cybersecurity, ethical hacking, and software development. Under no circumstances should the information or code be used for unauthorized access, illegal hacking, or any activities that violate the law.

“Comprehensive Rust”
Free #Rust course developed by the Android team at Google:

DeSantis takeover of Florida school boards has big setback. At least 11 of his endorsed candidates appear to have lost Tuesday.

A request for an investigation has been filed with the DOJ for Trump allegedly violating the Logan Act. It was reported that he was trying to stop the ceasefire deal with Gaza through conversations with Netanyahu, afraid that the ceasefire would help Harris.

Asked if Target has ever engaged in price gouging, the CEO doesn’t say no. Instead he says “Value is in our DNA” and “It’s a penny business.” Target made $2.8 billion in profits last year.

Lazarus Group Exploits Microsoft Zero-Days CVE-2024-38193, Patch Urgently

A U.K. court ordered a worldwide freeze on assets belonging to Bulgarian fraudster Ruja Ignatova and some of her OneCoin associates, months after #DubaiUnlocked revealed the promoters of the fraudulent crypto scheme invested in luxury properties in the UAE.

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