ECP NetHappenings Prediction Markets, Vote, Privacy, Politics, Hunting Scammers


People are finally waking up to how Prediction Markets will be used. I started talking about it again a month ago when they started getting coverage.
They want to control markets and what happens before it happens by manipulating Prediction Markets to manipulate what people think.

CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA private intelligence company and self-described “global election management agency” proved how they could spread influence to get what they wanted, and made it happen – they get caught and nobody goes to jail. —

#GOP Voter Suppression

Cyril Mychalejko @cmychalejko
How much does it cost taxpayers to defend GOP voter suppression in Washington County, Pennsylvania?
A $5,000 retainer & $475/hr to attorney David Berardinelli, $325/hr for associate attorney Oscar Heanue, & $150/hr for paralegal work, reports @hsuniontown
Washington County paying special counsel $475 per hour to defend ballot-curing lawsuit

Trump may have voted illegally when he cast early primary ballot in Palm Beach County
Convicted RAPIST AND FELON Donald J. Trump apparently did not have the necessary grant of clemency to vote in Florida’s Republican primary, public records indicate – but he voted anyway. Florida law only denies voting if the other state denies voting for that crime. NY only denies voting for incarcerated people. He’s not incarcerated, so it’s legal.


Use Signal.
“A Ruling That Eliminates Important Privacy Rights in Many Stored Internet Contents—And The Legal Challenge to It,” new from me at Volokh, about a very important privacy case. (As the post indicates, I am representing one of the petitioners.)
The reasoning by the CCA would seem to equally apply to Gmail, right? After all, Google scans those emails to better target its ads.

‘Nostr was created…by the pseudonymous Brazilian programmer fiatjaf… it as “the simplest open protocol that is able to create a censorship-resistant global ‘social’ network once and for all.”‘ Must-read by @gladstein at @reason
Alex Gladstein explains how Nostr fulfills the original vision of Twitter. Don’t sleep on Nostr.
“Nostr is only necessary because our existing internet is so broken.”

“By providing a legal basis for repressive regimes to cooperate in collecting & sharing evidence for the investigation of crimes that are dubiously ‘serious,’ this treaty risks being exploited for repression rather than justice,” @txitua told @NextgovFCW

The TikTok Case Will Be Determined by What’s Behind the Government’s Black Lines

In the high-stakes legal battle over TikTok’s fate in America, the government just played its hand. And it’s largely hidden from view.
The government asserts that China aims to become a preeminent global power by undercutting U.S. influence and fostering authoritarian norms. Within this context, the government portrays TikTok as a potential tool for Chinese espionage and influence operations, highlighting TikTok’s extensive data collection practices, its ability to manipulate its recommendation algorithm, and instances of censorship at the behest of the Chinese government. The government contends that these factors create significant risks to U.S. national security. But in this section of the government’s brief, nearly half the content is redacted. Sometimes multiple pages in a row are blacked out. And one critical subsection, discussing China’s incentives to incorporate TikTok into its offensive cyber strategy, is almost entirely classified, except for three short paragraphs.


Scam survivor turned 2D investigator
Recently a team reached out to me for assistance after $1.3M was stolen from the treasury after malicious code had been pushed.
Unbeknownst to the team they had hired multiple DPRK IT workers as devs who were using fake identities.
I then uncovered 25+ crypto projects with related devs that have been active since June 2024.
1/ Recently a team reached out to me for assistance after $1.3M was stolen from the treasury after malicious code had been pushed.
Unbeknownst to the team they had hired multiple DPRK IT workers as devs who were using fake identities.
I then uncovered 25+ crypto projects with related devs that have been active since June 2024.

How Lazarus Group laundered $200M from 25+ crypto hacks to fiat from 2020–2023

Wang Dongfeng (汪东风):
I hired Paleking to launder money for Cambodian drug cartel.

Bulgarian National Extradited for Scheme to Illegally Export U.S.-Origin Sensitive Microelectronics to Russia
Defendant and His Co-Conspirators Used Bulgarian Company to Transship Radiation-Hardened Integrated Circuits to Russia


Alex Thorn @intangiblecoins her advisor choices suggest she will keep biden’s hostile attitude to crypto
harris is working w/ brian deese & bharat ramamurti, 2 key anti-crypto officials from biden admin..
Harris plans to unveil elements of her economic policy agenda in a mid-August speech.
She’s hired a top Treasury Department official, Brian Nelson, as an adviser while also relying on longtime allies, such as former policy chief Rohini Kosoglu. And a trio of outsiders—Mike Pyle, her first economic adviser as VP, and Brian Deese and Bharat Ramamurti, two former Biden economic aides—is helping polish a refreshed economic pitch drawing on the Biden and Harris records, people familiar with the planning say.
W got some intel on the harris campaign’s current posture on economic policy, and who they are working with, from some bloomberg @business reporting this morning deese and ramamurti are two key architects of the biden admin’s anti-crypto crusade, including chokepoint 2.0

Kamala Harris Hints At Pro-Crypto Pivot With Key Adviser Picks
Harris has an opportunity to attract the crucial swing vote demographic by signaling a balanced and inclusive approach to digital assets.
Three Campaign Advisers With Crypto Connections
– Gene Sperling’s link to Ripple Labs
– Brian Nelson, who  left his role as Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence. He serves as Senior Economic Adviser to Harris’ policy team. Nelson’s experience includes regulating cryptocurrencies to prevent their use in illicit activities. Brian Nelson has been involved in the crypto space as an investor, founder, startup advisor, and surety bond expert for various companies, including Coinbase, Circle, and others.
– David Plouffe’s involvement in the cryptocurrency sector includes roles on the Binance Global Advisory Board and as a global strategic advisor for Alchemy Pay. He has publicly advocated for creating tailored regulations that protect consumers without stifling innovation. His pro-crypto stance could play a crucial role in shaping Harris’s policies.

In case you hadn’t heard…RFK Jr. has been officially removed from the ballot in New York.

Mike Flynn is Q.
Q is a psyop.
“QAnon” is a cult.

The following is a complaint submitted to the NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct, drafted and submitted by the Veri Community.
Alleged Breaches of Model Code of Conduct by Judge Jennifer Schecter in…

New poll from youth voting org NextGen America, shows that VP Harris has vastly improved performance among voters under 35, beating Trump in a multi-way survey, 53% to 36%.

Trump’s weird ‘Freedom Cities’ and the Network State cult by @gilduran76
“Why do Trump, Thiel and Andreessen want to build new cities?”

Trump is weird not presidential.
The election is rigged…unless I win.
The news is fake…unless it’s flattering.
Everything is a hoax…unless I tweet it.
Nepotism is bad…unless it’s my family.
I’m rich…but you can’t see my taxes.
I’m smart..but you cant see my grades.
I’m a patriot…but I dodged the draft.
I’m successful…but my businesses fail.
My staff is the best…until I fire them.
I’m innocent…but I refuse to testify.
Trump Suggests He’ll Flee The Country If Kamala Harris Wins
Judge Chutkan should seize Trump’s passport after his threat to flee to Venezuela.

2016 #Trump & #Epstein rape lawsuit

“It’s fun to fly on the Jeffrey Epstein Plane!” Trump is now using the Lolita Express to campaign!
When is enough, enough? When are the MSM going to report on Trump’s name being mentioned 147 times in the Epstein documents? Trump is literally flying on sex slave 1.
He needs to update his brag from “I could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose any votes” to “I could be on Jeffrey Epstein’s flight logs, put my name on his private jet, and fly around in it, and not lose any votes.”

Former Colorado clerk Tina Peters was found guilty  by a jury. She gave someone affiliated with Mike Lindell a security badge to access to the Mesa County election system. Peters came in last place in a GOP primary, but of course it was “rigged.”

Trump Settlements for 10 Child Rapes

This is an intel leak of the documents showing Donald Trump paying upwards of 30 million dollars to the families of boys & girls 10-13, who he orally and/or anally raped. This information is being blocked by social media & news organizations everywhere.

Trump is a convicted rapist and felon. It’s time to investigate his ties to Epstein’s child sex trafficking.

All scrubbed from latest reports. #Epstein ” was placed on suicide watch after he was found sprawled on the floor of his cell, nearly unconscious and with injuries to his neck” (from NT)

So let’s check in on “Newsguard,” one of the Orwellian groups (e.g., The Atlantic Council) that totally reliable sites like @voxdotcom and @axios use to decide what is “Unreliable” and “fight disinformation.”


MONKEY POX Since the beginning of this year, more than 17,000 cases and more than 500 deaths have been reported in 13 countries in Africa, according to the Africa CDC, which classifies the outbreak as a “very high risk event.” W.H.O. Declares Global Emergency Over New Mpox Outbreak. The threat this time is deadlier. Since the beginning of this year, the Democratic Republic of Congo alone has reported more than 14,000 mpox cases and 524 deaths. Those most at risk include women and children under 15. The outbreak has spread through 13 countries in Africa, including a few that had never reported mpox cases before.
Mpox, formerly known as monkeypox, is a viral disease that can spread easily between people and from infected animals. It can spread through close contact such as touching, kissing or sex, as well as through contaminated materials like sheets, clothing and needles, according to WHO. Symptoms include a fever, a painful rash, headache, muscle and back pain, low energy and enlarged lymph nodes.

The first human case of Powassan virus, a tick borne disease, has been detected in Allegheny County.
Powassan virus (POWV) is a Flavivirus transmitted by ticks, found in North America and in the Russian Far East. It is named after the town of Powassan, Ontario, where it was identified in a young boy who eventually died from it. It can cause encephalitis, inflammation of the brain. No approved vaccine or antiviral drug exists. Prevention of tick bites is the best precaution.

Candy giant Mars, Inc. is buying Kellanova, maker of Pop Tarts, Pringles, and Eggo, for $36 billion. It’s the largest merger of the year. The new snack conglomerate will be large enough to “resist any push from supermarkets for lower prices,” Bloomberg reports.

2 thoughts on “ECP NetHappenings Prediction Markets, Vote, Privacy, Politics, Hunting Scammers”

  1. Christian Montessori @chrmontessori Director of Open-source Intelligence for APS.
    I’ve been testing the implications of the Grok AI model. So far: 1. It has given me instructions on how to make a fertilizer bomb with exact measurements of contents as well as how to make a detonator. 2. It has allowed me to generate imagery of Elon Musk carrying out mass shootings. 3. It has given me clear instructions on how to carry out a mass shooting and a political assassination (including helpful tips on how to conceal a 11.5” barreled AR15 into a secured venue.)
    I just want to be clear. This AI model has zero filter or oversight measures in place. If you want an image of Elon Musk wearing a bomb vest in Paris with ISIS markings on it, it will make it for you. If you are planning on orchestrating a mass shooting towards a school, it will go over the specifics on how to go about it. All without filter or precautionary measures.

  2. CBS: West Va Republican state senator Mike Maroney was arrested for indecent exposure and disorderly conduct in a convenience store (whacking off inside the store). A prominent Christian, he wants to end the rape and incest exceptions to the abortion ban, and stop feeding kids.

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