ECP NetHappenings Headlines 8-9-24

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BTCEvery time your government prints money they are directly stealing from you to fund themselves.
Inflation = theft

President Roosevelt signing Executive Order 6102 banning gold, on April 5, 1933, exactly 91 years ago.
For 40 years, US citizens couldn’t defend their money from inflation. This is why we #Bitcoin.

6/2/24 JPMorgan estimates Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway owns 3% of the entire T-Bill market. Of course this guy is bearish #Bitcoin bc he has a huge long position on the U.S. Dollar and he is going to sink with the fiat ship.

Many people here need to read this article “Who Owns the US National Debt?’
TLDR: It’s us the American people.

Get Ready Now: Republicans Will Refuse to Certify a Harris Win

Carlise P
As I told @GovernorShapiro Butler County, PA. must be watched. This is where much of the 2020 lawsuits to throw out votes originated.
ACLU of Pennsylvania @aclupa
If a voter forgets the secrecy envelope with their mail ballot, they should have a chance to cast a provisional ballot. Butler County disagrees. So we’re in court with @PubIntLawCtr

Trumpist county election officials are preparing to throw the process into chaos. 5 alarm fire for democracy in Georgia: MAGA majority on state election board laying groundwork not to certify election if Trump loses again. They’re telegraphing exactly how they’re planning to try to steal the election this time

Has the reality set in yet that when Trump loses in 2024 that’s it?
He won’t run again? It’ll be over forever? Your orange hero will have failed you twice? Have you prepared yourself for that kind of pain?

CBS News @CBSNews
The nation’s oldest and largest Latino civil rights group, LULAC, will endorse a presidential candidate for the first time, CBS News has learned. It will back Kamala Harris.

Trump and the RNC have no field offices. Also a cursory check through social media specifically Facebook the Trump ads are down to a trickle and in many places non-existent. The media should be asking the Trump family what they did with the money.

Musk isn’t just the owner of Twitter. He is also one of the biggest suppliers of disinformation on the platform, new report shows.

After Musk lawsuit, tiny staff anti-hate advertising group closes down
Musk is demanding that advertisers buy ads on X.

Meta and Google secretly targeted minors on YouTube with Instagram ads

Peter Thiel expressed excitement over Richard Hanania’s DEI takedown. “Hanania shows we need the sticks & stones of government violence to exorcize the diversity demon,” Thiel wrote. HuffPost later found that Hanania had “used a pseudonym for yrs to write for white supremacist sites” By Chris Mathias, 8/4/23 “In a ‘How to Fund the Alt-Right’ guide posted online in 2016 under an alias Giesea used, donors were encouraged to give money to white nationalist and neo-Nazi organizations.” As a student, Giesea had “edited Thiel’s libertarian newspaper, The Stanford Review.

Conservatives view women and children as property of white males.
Either their parents or husbands or brothers. Once you understand that everything else clicks into place and why conservatives enjoy assaulting people based on their reproductive choices or their sexual identity choices. Since they not them are making that choice which they are not allowed to do since they are property not people.
To conservatives, they see that as theft of property when said property disagrees with them. They think someone else is controlling them not their rightful owners.

Tim Walz signed a bill that requires schools to “provide students with access to menstrual products at no charge” for grades 4 to 12.

Powerful former North Dakota lawmaker pleads guilty to traveling to Europe to pay for sex with minor
Ray Holmberg, 80, of Grand Forks, admitted in court that he had paid young male masseuses, with some of whom he had sexual contact, during multiple visits to the Czech Republic, though he said he did not know for certain how old they were.
Holmberg was indicted in October 2023 for travel with intent to engage in illicit sexual activity and receipt and attempted receipt of child sexual abuse material. The Republican served more than 45 years in the North Dakota Senate before resigning in 2022.
Under a plea agreement he signed in June, Holmberg agreed to plead guilty to the former charge, and prosecutors would move to dismiss the latter and recommend a sentence at the low end of the guideline range.

Oh yeah, TRUMP has presidential immunity to commit more crimes.

Tim Walz’s normal dad energy is causing MAGA to come unglued
Walz is the opposite of weird: Kamala Harris’ running mate shows masculinity can be about love and not hate


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