BoringSleuth the Financial network of the ‘Deep State’

TruthLabs @BoringSleuth

Over the course of the last few years, A man from Kansas, and his small Team of Patriots, have single handedly released the most in-depth, entirely evidence driven, look at the Financial network of the ‘Deep State’.

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All of our research exists, unchallenged, on our X page, and while the above may seem like a “impossible” sentence. Don’t dare say so without taking the time to review it… No one post can show a network of financial evil on a Global scale as large as this. The ‘Deep State’s’ financial network has no mercy, as they not only launder, they steal. From PPP fraud, to inter-agency fraud, to the theft of hundreds of Billions of Dollars from Global citizens.

If you haven’t taken the time to read thru our profile, do so, and start from our start here on X just a couple of years ago. If you have the resources and/or bandwith to help, please DM. To this day, we’ve asked for nothing financial, and we have zero plans to do so. Not one penny has been raised to help us through the thousands of hours of forensics analysis we’ve undertaken, and we’ve done this in the face of immense infiltration, threats, and attempts on our life.

We have been threatened and intimidated digitally and in-person, doxed, a drive by done at our home, survived an assassination attempt exactly at Mile 3 while running in the Kansas City Marathon, were on the Plan that happened to be the one that flew closest to the Spy Balloon in January of 2023. They got so close to home one time, my children’s school went in to lockdown, not because of what I said or saw, but because of what my neighbors saw them do to my home. And despite all of this, there is so much more…. Infiltration on every level of our lives. I say these things, because it’s critical to show you the powerful people behind this corrupt network. The evil, and level of intelligence they have and are willing to unleash, yet they are arrogant, and ignorant at the same time.

Over the last few weeks, we’ve been busy getting deeper into comparing “Fake News” Press Releases and their details to Blockchain forensics. The Revelation’s behind this analysis have us rounding third base, and running full speed towards home. We won’t be sliding.

And while these few weeks were quiet, we still managed to show you:

1. Wikileaks’ own Developer and current (non-Assange Team) are tied to Millions of Dollars in Crypto Theft.

2. The corrupt, Mt. Gox Special Agent from the Baltimore Silk Road Task Force is directly tied to this Deep State Network, and the biggest Whale behind Ethereum.

3. Layer 2 Blockchains on Ethereum are at risk of being rugged for Billions of dollars of Locked up user Funds.

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Continue to help us with our reach. We face a daunting task on this platform, gaining users and connections as our account’s reach and our posts are constantly manipulated daily.

Bookmark our Posts, Print them, Share the ones you find relevant. Humanity needs all of us. Most importantly, continue to Stay curious my friends.

ECP NetHappenings @BoringSleuth #EthGate

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