ECP NetHappenings News headlines SCOTUS – Google AI – Romini Gypsy Rape Culture

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ECP NetHappenings News headlines #SCOTUS – #Google AI – #Romini Gypsy Rape Culture


  • Amy Coney Barrett’s husband works for Rupert Murdoch’s Fox propaganda empire
  • Thomas’s wife works for Trump’s MAGA cult
  • Roberts’s wife made $10.3 million selling access to her husband
  • Alito’s wife is wined & dined by anti-abortion religious orgs
  • SCOTUS spouses are JUST AS BAD


One the greatest acts of disinformation that the media even our trusted @MSNBC buy into is that there are no ethical laws that apply to SCOTUS. That is false. 28 USC 455 makes clear that justices are covered by the mandatory recusal law. What the law lacks is a mechanism.

It’d be really cool if cable channels invited @EllenLWeintraub to explain how the FEC has absolutely refused to hold Trump accountable for any of his campaign finance violations. It seems Republicans are woefully unaware of that fact.
Republican FEC Commissioners Block Investigation into Trump Campaign for 59th Time (29th Rejecting Staff Recommendations)

DC attorney discipline board recommends Rudy Giuliani be disbarred for bogus 2020 election fraud claim

Google’s AI

Google’s A.I. Search Leaves Publishers Scrambling
Increasing calls for government intervention. This may be necessary
since Google appears uninterested in the damage they’re doing. -L

Google’s AI Overviews Will Always Be Broken. That’s How AI Works

Google Rolls Back A.I. Search Feature After Flubs and Flaws

I strongly recommend OPTING OUT of Google’s new “Find My Device” Location
Networking feature. I no longer have enough faith in Google’s decisions
and policies to trust that this feature will work as they describe either
now or in the future.
Before your devices are automatically opted in, you should receive a
warning email and a few days later a notification on the devices, at
which point it can be managed on the devices themselves. Until then,
you can supposedly opt out by using the link below when logged into
the associated Google account that received the warning email. Opting
out supposedly opts you out on ALL devices logged in to that Google
account, but it’s not clear to me at this time whether you need to go
through this procedure multiple times for devices logged into multiple
Google accounts.

Sorry Google. I know you’ve put a lot of work into this. But you’ve
been making too many unforced errors lately. I don’t want to be part
of another one. -L


VIDEO MS Satoshi – The Floating Crypto Bro Catastrophe


  • Human rights and dignity: Folklorists acknowledge that some cultural practices may violate human rights and dignity. They recognize the importance of protecting individuals from harm and promoting their well-being.
  • Folklorists may work with local communities to address harmful practices, promoting positive change and social justice. This can involve education, advocacy, and community-based initiatives.

Some examples of folklorists’ approaches to dealing with horrible cultural practices include:

    • Scarification: Folklorists have documented the practice of scarification, which involves cutting or piercing the skin as a cultural or religious ritual. While recognizing the cultural significance, they also highlight the potential health risks and human rights concerns associated with this practice.
    • Child marriage: Folklorists have studied the practice of child marriage, which is often arranged without the child’s consent. They have documented the cultural and social factors that contribute to this practice, while also advocating for the rights and well-being of the children involved.
    • Female genital mutilation: Folklorists have researched the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM), which is a harmful and painful procedure that can cause physical and emotional trauma. They have worked with local communities to raise awareness about the risks and consequences of FGM, promoting alternative practices that prioritize the well-being and dignity of women and girls.


SPAIN: Gypsy Man Who Raped And Impregnated 12-Year-Old Girl Is Acquitted After Arguing That Adult-Child Sex Is Part Of His Culture

A 20-year-old man who raped and impregnated a child has walked free from a Spanish courtroom after the judge decided that their “relationship” was justified by Romani culture.

Earlier this week, the court of Ciudad Real in central Spain decided that the “socio-cultural context” of the Gypsy ethnic group was a factor to be considered in the case of the man charged with the assault and abuse of a minor. The “socio-cultural context” resulted in the perpetrator, who also impregnated his 12-year-old victim with twins, being fully acquitted.

In the ruling, the court stated that the adult-child sexual activity was “always consensual” and “within the framework of a romantic relationship.” Bizarrely, it also declared that the 12-year-old victim was “close in age and maturity” to her abuser.

The man was first arrested after the child attended a doctor’s visit and was found to be pregnant. While prosecutors had fought for a sentence of 11 years, the court ruled to acquit despite the fact that the age of consent in Spain is 16.

Despite the law, the court decided that the Gypsy man should benefit from a legal exception.

This is not the first case of child sexual assault where the court took into consideration customs followed by some of Spain’s Romani population.

On May 27, just one day before the Ciudad Real ruling, the Provincial Court of Leon reduced a sentence for a 24-year-old Gypsy man who was found guilty of sexually assaulting his child bride.

Although the unnamed man impregnated the girl three times when she was between the ages of 12 and 15, the court concluded that in Gypsy culture “couple unions occur at very early ages,” a circumstance that acted as a mitigating factor.

Though he was originally sentenced to 37 years in prison, the man’s term was reduced to just 8 years and nine months.

The cases have prompted outrage in Spain, with some politicians coming forward to condemn the courts.

Beatriz Micaela Carrillo, a member of the Congress of Deputies representing Seville, called the ruling an “absolute shame,” adding: “The Criminal Code does not exclude the protection of Roma minors, otherwise it would be defending that abusing, assaulting or raping Roma girls has few legal consequences.”

La sentencia es una absoluta vergüenza. Y mucho más aludir a una supuesta ‘costumbre’ inexistente para atenuar la pena.

El Código Penala no excluye el amparo y la protección a los menores gitanos, de lo contrario se estaría defendiendo que abusar, agredir o violar a las niñas…
— Beatriz Micaela Carrillo de los Reyes (@BeaMCarrillo) May 25, 2024

Carillo also argued that the rulings would spur racism against Gypsies in Spain.

“The law cannot make exceptions with Gypsy girls, or rely on the child’s ‘consent’ to reduce the penalty of a rapist. In this nonsense, another issue will be added: the emergence of anti-Gypsy sentiment [that will come from] declaring that raping an 11-year-old girl after impregnating her is something normal among Gypsies.”

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