Arrest Mike Flynn

Who pleads the 5th in the Jan 6 hearings? Mike Flynn
On December 8, 2020, President Donald Trump pardoned Michael T. Flynn, his former national security adviser. And he’s still getting a military pension.
How much of a traitor do you need to be to get court-martialed around here? The military should conscript Flynn and then try him for treason/sedition.
Why @SecDef has not recalled #MikeFlynn to be court martial for potential treason. Why is he still, like Trump, seemingly, untouchable by laws everyone else is held accountable?
Is #MerrickGarland lack of using justice same for @DeptofDefense

Jim Stewartson
Mike Flynn and the Kremlin have been waging a destructive psychological warfare campaign on American citizens since he left Moscow in Dec 2015, including “Q.”
“There is no plan. Q, QAnon, whatever it is, it’s a damn good psyop and it’s been directed at the American people.”…

The level of confusion out there about QAnon and Q is 100% intentional. I have spent two and a half years shoveling through the disinformation. It’s actually very simple. Mike Flynn is Q — and the worst traitor in American history.
Let’s review the record.

Mike Flynn and the Kremlin know that they can’t win the 2024 election so they are going to manufacture “black swan” events so “the 2024 election doesn’t occur.” QAnon is elated about it. This man is a grave national security threat. He must be stopped.

Mike Flynn’s call to war the night before the insurrection
@SecDef @POTUS @DirectorWray @TheJusticeDept @January6thCmte @AdamKinzinger @RepAdamSchiff
This speech by Ret. Lt. @GenFlynn should have landed him in military prison. Why is he free?

Here is Mike Flynn disgracing his uniform, disgracing his family and disgracing his nation by comparing people who died in America’s wars to people he is manipulating into believing that the 2020 election was stolen.
He made himself into a cult leader using military PSYOP.

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