Educational CyberPlayGround NetHappenings News BTC Money

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2018 was decentralized enough

NFTs are Bribes. Bitcoin Tech Talk #229

NFTs are doomed. Bitcoin Tech Talk #230 – by Jimmy Song

Repossessing used cars is one thing, but a lender may find it hard to know the right jurisdiction to lay claim to a Bored Ape owned by “MoonBoiBallz99.”

“I am once again reminding you that big tech oligopolies are instruments of state power, and more often than not, hostile foreign states

Number (of Users) Go Up: Bitcoin Is for the People – The Lightning Lab

New industry PAC to back pro-crypto candidates

New York regulator could set world standard for crypto

A fraud suit brought by New York state is “baseless,”
@CelsiusNetwork founder Mashinsky has said in a new legal filing. @jackschickler reports.

Alex Mashinsky has finally given his side of the story on the collapse of Celsius, the crypto exchange that held $40 billion at its peak … and he is blaming SBF and FTX.

#Bitcoin is Maintenance Free, Indestructible, and Immortal – Michael @saylor

Banks Failing/ Crypto labeled Securities/ Off Ramps Eliminated
Saylor’s Outlook:

One in 5 young people in Chinese cities are out of work. Beijing wants them to work in the fields

Bill Pascrell, Jr. 🇺🇸🇺🇦 @BillPascrell
Let’s be clear what’ll happen if republicans blow up the economy:
Social Security stops
Medicare freezes
Veterans lose their health care
Small businesses die
Bank runs
Homebuyers locked out
Americans lose their life savings
Millions lose their jobs
A second Great Depression

According to Moody’s Analytics, the Republican debt ceiling bill, if passed into law, would lead to 780,000 FEWER jobs by the end of 2024 and would meaningfully INCREASE the risk of recession.
So whether the GOP hurls us off the cliff into default or passes their plan for massive cuts, their goal is clearly to kneecap the economy and then blame it on Biden in 2024.
They’re willing to make us all suffer just so they can get back into power.
Not a surprise, but worth saying out loud as much as possible.

Democrats unveil plan to bypass McCarthy on debt ceiling increase

“Our economic sanctions on other countries risk the dollar’s dominance as nations seek out an alternative.”

The dollar is losing its reserve status at a faster pace than generally accepted as many analysts have failed to account for last year’s wild exchange rate moves, according to Stephen Jen in Bloomberg.

Foreign nations choose to mine Bitcoin and stockpile gold instead of buying dollars confirms a growing distrust of the US dollar.

“Powell is crashing the plane”

₿e your own ₿ank.

He Was a Quant at Citadel. Now He Agitates for GameStop Investors.

The 14th largest US Bank First Republic $FRC is expected to be seized today. Yet there’s minimal msm coverage

What Is Hyperbitconization?
Samson Mow breaks down the meaning of hyperbitcoinization live on 🇲🇽 Mexico’s Milenio TV network

Vice is preparing to file for bankruptcy — NYT

The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston revealed that fentanyl and other opioids account for as much as 43% in the decline in male work force participation.

Mastercard said to expand crypto card program with more tie-ups

One thought on “Educational CyberPlayGround NetHappenings News BTC Money”

  1. Florida governor vows to outlaw CBDC if the US authorizes one.
    The Florida Legislature has approved an anti-immigrant bill that forces healthcare providers to ask the immigration status of patients and creates felony charges for driving with an undocumented person into Florida, even if they are family members of U.S. Citizens.

    FTX co-CEO Ryan Salame’s girlfriend (Michelle Bond) was a NY Republican House candidate and advisor to Senate Banking Committee, helped SEC implement the Dodd-Frank Act, adviser to @Securrency, former Global Head of Govt Relations at @Ripple, CEO of @DigAssetMarkets

    “The FBI carried out a search on Thursday morning at the home of Ryan Salame, a former FTX executive who was a major campaign contributor to Republican political candidates, two people with knowledge of the matter said.

    Florida governor vows to outlaw CBDC if the US authorizes one.
    The Florida Legislature has approved an anti-immigrant bill that forces healthcare providers to ask the immigration status of patients and creates felony charges for driving with an undocumented person into Florida, even if they are family members of U.S. Citizens.

    FTX co-CEO Ryan Salame’s girlfriend (Michelle Bond) was a NY Republican House candidate and advisor to Senate Banking Committee, helped SEC implement the Dodd-Frank Act, adviser to @Securrency, former Global Head of Govt Relations at @Ripple, CEO of @DigAssetMarkets

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