It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas




The January 6 Committee says it will release its list of criminal referrals alongside its final report on December 21.

Dec.21 – December Solstice.
Dec. 21 – best time to view mercury
December 21 – Ursids Meteor Shower

December 21, 2022
Here’s to hoping the MAGA criminal referral Christmas list is lengthy.

1. Trump indicted
2.Trump gets a visit from Krampus.
It will be a list… and we will be checking it at least twice.
We all know who’s been criminally naughty.
3. Jared Kushner is now under Congressional investigation by two committees for “improperly influencing U.S. tax, trade and national security policies” to bail out his family’s real estate business.
4. Peace on Earth

Maybe instead of making up a million excuses as to why they lost so many midterm elections the GOP should admit that their misogyny, racism, bigotry, criminality, fearmongering and complete lack of any coherent platform are wildly unpopular amongst the majority of Americans.

Why does Clarence Thomas get to sit on cases that involve his wife, Ginni Thomas? Because the Supreme Court has no ethics rules that say he can’t.
Clarence Thomas’ Own Ruling Used Against Him in High-Stakes Election Case

Justice Department seeking to hold Trump in contempt over classified documents
The Justice Department is asking a federal judge to hold Donald Trump in contempt of court for failing to comply with a subpoena issued this summer ordering the former president to turn over records marked classified.

For those who celebrate Festivus, on 23 December, the Airing of Grievances will be especially meaningful this year.
“I got a lotta problems with you people, and now you’re going to hear about it!”

Let’s send this Government a message! #RightToStrike

House Passes Same-Sex Marriage Bill with Support of 39 Republicans

John Fetterman @JohnFetterman
If you’re able to afford a super yacht + pay a lower tax rate than the average working family, then you’re probably not paying your fair share. We need tax cuts for working families, not for corporation$. It’s really that simple.
The Senate stays 🔵. And thanks to your support I will officially be your 51st vote in the U.S. Senate 😊🙏
I will proudly cast that 51st vote to:
✅ Scrap the filibuster
✅ Codify Roe v Wade
✅ Raise the minimum wage
+ a lot more
I don’t know who needs to hear this but there’s literally no reason why companies that doubled their profits during the pandemic can’t afford to give paid sick leave to the workers who make it all possible.

Amazing how the media suddenly stopped obsessing about inflation since the midterms, isn’t it?  Barely 36 hours after the end of the midterms and gas prices drop below where they were at the same point last year. Funny how that works.

The House just passed an $858,000,000,000 defense bill.
This is an absolute disgrace. Food banks are not part of our social safety net, they are a sign that our social safety net is not working.

If President Biden can release an American from a Russian prison, he can release a Native American (Leonard Peltier) — from an American prison. Agree?

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