F-ck former lifespring cult member Ginny Thomas and the Clarence she rode in on

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As former Moonie-turned-cult-expert Steven Hassan watched the Capitol Riots unfolding last January, there was a familiar face among the thousands of MAGA supporters clamouring to overturn the 2020 election result.

Hyung Jin ‘Sean’ Moon, head of the far-right, AR-15-worshiping Rod of Iron Ministries and son of Moonie founder Sun Myung Moon, had joined Proud Boys and Oath Keepers to protest in front of the US Capitol. The group has been widely described as a cult.

The Rod of Iron Ministries posted a clip to its Instagram page showing Sean Moon wiping tear gas from his eyes while blaming the violence on Antifa.

The clip had particular resonance for Dr Hassan: he was among a group of 350 Moonies who, on the orders of Sun Myung Moon, prayed and fasted for 72 hours on the steps of the US Capitol to protest Richard Nixon’s Watergate impeachment in 1972.

“I thought ‘if I wasn’t de-programmed I could have been there, I could have been arrested for this’,” Dr Hassan told The Independent.

“That’s how far gone I was.”



In the 1980s, while a congressional aide, Thomas took training with the self-awareness program Lifespring.[56] In 1987, she related to The Washington Post that, during her training several years earlier, she had been “confused and troubled” by lessons such as one where trainees were told to disrobe to bikinis and bathing suits then “made fun of fat people’s bodies and ridiculed one another with sexual questions”.[56] After realizing that membership in her Lifespring group was separating her from her family, friends, and co-workers, Thomas began what proved to be a difficult and months-long process of breaking away.[56] At one point, she hid in another part of the U.S. to avoid a constant barrage of high-pressure phone calls from Lifespring members, who felt they had a duty to keep her in the organization.[8][57][58]

Thomas came to believe that Lifespring was a cult.[8] After leaving the group in 1985, she sought counseling and joined the Cult Awareness Network.[8][59] She became a critic of controversial religious groups, speaking on panels and organizing anti-cult workshops for congressional staffers in 1986 and 1988.[8]

In a 1991 interview, Thomas remarked, “I was once in a group that used mind control techniques”, and she called its members “pretty scary people”.[60]


One thought on “F-ck former lifespring cult member Ginny Thomas and the Clarence she rode in on”

  1. Hyung Jin “Sean” Moon — the youngest son of Moonie cult founder Sun Myung Moon — stormed the US Capitol with more than 50 of his followers. Sean Moon is the founder of the Moonie cult called the Rod of Iron Ministries.https://freedomofmind.com/moon-insurrection/
    Last October, Bannon spoke at a Rod of Iron Ministries rally in Greeley, Pennsylvania. Bannon warned attendees of a left-wing conspiracy to “steal the presidency” from Trump. He encouraged the “tough people” in the crowd to show up at polling places to protect against voter fraud.

    Sean Moon also has strong ties to politicians from his home state of Pennsylvania. Days before the insurrection, Congressional candidate from Pennsylvania Teddy Daniels delivered a speech at Tommy Gun Warehouse, a gun store owned by Sean’s brother Kook-jin “Justin” Moon. Daniels even asked Sean Moon to give the blessing before Daniels announced his 2022 run for Congress.

    Images of Proud Boys in Pennsylvania

    The original Moon founded the Unification Church in Korea in the 1950s, years after he’d escaped from a labor camp in North Korea, where he’d been imprisoned for preaching a “messianic message.” He claimed he was the returning messiah, on a mission to fulfill Jesus Christ’s original mission of restoring Earth to the Garden of Eden.

    Proud Boys‘ v̶a̶l̶u̶e̶s̶ center on the following tenets:

    Minimal Government
    Maximum Freedom
    Anti-Political Correctness
    Anti-Drug War
    Closed Borders
    Anti-Racial Guilt
    Pro-Free Speech (1st Amendment)
    Pro-Gun Rights (2nd Amendment)
    Glorifying the Entrepreneur
    Venerating the Housewife
    Reinstating a Spirit of Western Chauvinism

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