China Can’t Save Face

China is a Shame based society.

Mind Control:
They were schooled to believe that it was impossible to change their destiny.
The population believed in fate,  a person could not escape their fate.
Now they have “influencers”


The CCP has  lost control of their image and the narrative.

China CCP will try to bribe every country on earth with sending tons of PPE deliverables IF they promise great press for the Help given.

The CCP knew about Covid-19 first. The CCP knew in October 2019.
The report, in the South China Morning Post, said Chinese authorities had identified at least 266 people who contracted the virus last year and who came under medical surveillance, and the earliest case was 17 November – weeks before authorities announced the emergence of the new virus. The first case of someone suffering from Covid-19 can be traced back to 17 November, according to media reports on unpublished Chinese government data. First Covid-19 case happened in November, China government records show – report

The CCP was and is always responsible for censoring the information that their population and the world needed.

They are still making money – tax money off of the billion dollar wildlife/wet market / Asian and African wildlife/wet market trade.

The disgusting communist party can not govern anything. They’re the biggest pandemic spreaders on earth. Covid-19 isn’t the first and won’t be the last. There is too much tax money for them to make. The CCP members are the biggest killers on earth just like Mao Tse Tung.

Surveil them, nail them, jail them” and use the military to suppress, arrest and kill – that is how the CCP controls the Chinese population. They do not “Govern” The Police notify, and the neighborhood spies on it’s own residents. The Great Chinese Fire Wall tries to stop the Western Devils from being informed and stop their own from learning what is happening to them.

From Mao Tse Tung to the CCP this how it was always done.

The CCP  can’t Save Face they are killers.

We did it to ourselves’: scientist says intrusion into nature led to pandemic

Supply Chain

#CHINA Chain of Danger

Meth and Fentanyl come to the U.S. from Wuhan China

US Supply chain vs China’s Export Restrictions Strand Medical Goods

COVID-19 Impacts on Trade, Export Controls, and Supply Chain

China-linked ‘Electric Panda’ hackers seek U.S. targets, intel agency warns

Australia calls for independent CCP virus probe

@Jack allows Chinese CCP tweet trolls to spread their message

Rare earths projects under development in U.S.

Donald Trump owes Bank of China tens of millions due 2022

Alert: China uses Academics and Students as Spies in the US

China arrests users behind GitHub coronavirus memories page

Yujing Zhang is not the first spy, before her there was Anna Chennault: the ‘Steel butterfly’

Soong sisters
The Soong sisters were three Shanghainese Chinese women who were, along with their husbands, amongst China’s most significant political figures of the early 20th century.
Ai-ling Soong married wealthy banker H.H. Kung;
Ching-Ling Soong became the wife of Dr. Sun Yat-sen (Yat-sen Sun),
Mei-ling married Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek (‘Kai-shek Chiang’) in 1927.
H. H. Kung  graduated from Oberlin in 1906, then proceeded to take a master’s degree in economics from Yale University. Kung was an early supporter of Sun Yat-sen and the Kuomintang (KMT or Nationalist Party), including early leaders such as Wang Jingwei. He developed close family ties. His wife was a sister of Soong Tse-ven. Soong Ching-ling, another sister, married Sun Yat-sen in 1915 and Chiang Kai-shek became Kung’s brother-in-law in 1927 when he married Soong Mei-ling.[4] The Soong sisters and their husbands had the reputation of being one of the Four Big Families of the time.[4]
Kung began his career in the Nationalist government of the Republic of China as Minister of Industry, holding this position from 1927-1928[6] in the Wuhan Nationalist Government, led by Wang Jingwei during the Northern Expedition as a leftist rival to Chiang’s faction.

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One thought on “China Can’t Save Face”

  1. Timeline: The early days of China’s coronavirus outbreak and cover-up
    Axios has compiled a timeline of the earliest weeks of the coronavirus outbreak in China, highlighting when the cover-up started and ended — and showing how, during that time, the virus already started spreading around the world, including to the United States.

    Why it matters: A study published in March indicated that if Chinese authorities had acted three weeks earlier than they did, the number of coronavirus cases could have been reduced by 95% and its geographic spread limited.

    This timeline, compiled from information reported by the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, the South China Morning Post and other sources, shows that China’s cover-up and the delay in serious measures to contain the virus lasted about three weeks.

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