Truth vs Trust


“Truth wears rags while deception travels on a private jet.” ~ @tedgioia

Ted Gioia is author of 12 books, including The History of Jazz and Music: A Subversive History. His Substack newsletter is The Honest Broker.

“Trust-based communities aren’t some impossible dream. They existed long before the digital age. You might even say that they provided the basis for human societies. And they could exist today too—both online and in the real world. The technocrats taught us not to trust what we find on the web. Now we need to teach them why this matters.”

30 Signs You Are Living in an Information Crap-pocalypse, by @tedgioia The Age of Information has come to a brutal end—here’s how it happened

Professors are using ChatGPT detector tools to accuse students of cheating. But what if the software is wrong?

The New Numbers on Music Consumption Are Very Ugly
And it’s not just the dominance of old songs—the whole creative culture is losing its ability to innovate. But why?

Bitcoin is Truth vs. Trust

For the first time in 25,000 years you are Sovereign. The nation state does not control/produce the money. Now you are your own bank. You are free from the limitations of nation-bound, state-administered legacy currencies. When you use a non-custodial wallet, you are the only person who has access to the funds, which are protected by a private key.

Use a wallet instead of a bank account and you can send money across the world at much cheaper rates than traditional payments. If it’s stored in a non-custodial wallet, there’s no chance of a bank run. Indeed, there’s a much lower chance of any external force exercising compulsion over the owner of one of these wallets. If they want to withdraw their money, they can simply take it out without asking permission.

Every piece of transaction data that is stored on the blockchain is first verified by consensus before it becomes the absolute Truth. So if it is recorded on an automobile blockchain that I own a Subaru Forester VIN # 1234, then this can be treated as the “Truth and nothing but the Truth”.
There are already several companies active in Identity and Assets on the blockchain.

@krakenfx is about to hand over sensitive personal and transaction info on nearly every user to the feds. Your own Bank also hands over the same information when the IRS asks for it.
Court Orders Kraken to Turn Over History Transaction and Account Information to IRS

Kraken must turn over information for users who transacted with more than $20,000 over the course of a calendar year for that year, including the user’s name (and any pseudonyms), birthdate, taxpayer identification number, address, phone number, email address and a host of other documents. Kraken will also have to provide blockchain addresses and transaction hashes that’s already part of transaction data it can share, and it may produce raw data for the IRS.