ECP NetHappenings Trump’s Probation Officer

Crowds cheering
“lock him up”


Trump Tower
This was the reaction of New Yorkers outside of Trump Tower today after he was convicted of 34 felony charges

If you can’t join the military with a felony on your record, how can a person with multiple felonies become Commander in Chief?

Mandatory drug test on day one.

Justice Merchan told Todd Blanche that the clerk of court would instruct him on how to go about scheduling Trump’s probation interview.

Trump skipped his visit to the probation officer. Why? Possibly because it involves a drug test. He will try to let some days pass to get whatever cocktail he has out of his system. Expect Felon McGasbag to show evident signs of withdrawal in the next days.

Trump’s conditions of release prohibit him from associating with convicted felons.

“The 45th President of the United States will sit down with Probation & Parole and he will be interviewed by a probation officer. That probation officer will make a recommendation of sentencing.”

Trump has to take a drug test as a part of his meeting with his probation officer. He also is not allowed to be with any known felons. There goes his whole campaign staff.

Trump can’t leave the state of NY unless his Probation Officer approves it!

Following his felony convictions. Donald Trump was required to report to probation services to prepare a post conviction pre sentencing report for Judge Merchan. Trump blew off the requirement and left the courthouse before he visited with his new probation officers. That may have been a big mistake Judge Merchan depends on the probation report to determine Trump’s sentence. If he cannot follow the rules of probation. Prison may be the necessary sentence.
Whether Trump is sentenced to prison, probation or a ‘split sentence’ of prison and probation. Probation services are about to be a big part of Donald Trump’s life. Criminals on probation are supposed to accept their guilt and show some signs of remorse and retribution for their crimes. Trump is not likley to do that. If Trump doesn‘t follow the rules. He can and will be violated and sentenced to prison.
As a convicted felon,Trump no longer has the freedoms that are afforded to those of us without a felony conviction. One restriction will be on Trump’s travel. As a convicted felon Trump will need permission to leave his state of residence. His passport will be seized and any foreign travel will be prohibited or greatly restricted by his rules of probation. Not only that but many countries do not allow felons to enter their county. This conviction will drastically change Trump‘s life. I do not see Trump successfully completing a sentence of probation if that is his sentence.

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